May 9, 2024

Relief from Pregnancy Discomfort by Tatum Rebelle

Pregnancy is often accompanied with many unpleasant side effects. Stretching can help to boost energy, decrease stress, and relieve pain. Remember that your body knows best! Listen to your body’s cues. And always, obtain physician clearance before performing exercises.

Breathe slowly, and deeply into each stretch. Never force your body to go farther than it wants to on a given day. Hold each stretch 20-60 seconds. Repeat 1-3 times depending on how much time you have and how you are feeling.

These are a few of the best stretches for alleviating discomfort:

Cat/Cow: Stretches back and strengthens core muscles.
• Start on hands and knees with a flat back from head to tailbone.
• Keep your back straight, without movement, while tightening your abs.
• Draw in your abs, slowly exhaling, and rounding your spine toward the ceiling.
• Keep abs tight during a slow exhale and then relax while you deeply inhale.
• Repeat with each breath.

Twisting Back Stretch: Stretches core and lower back.
• Sit with good posture and your shoulders relaxed.
• Straighten the right leg out on the mat and bend your left.
• Cross the left foot over the right leg, and place it by your knee on the mat.
• Place your right palm behind you on the floor, and press the left arm into your left knee.
• Inhale and sit tall. Exhale and relax further into the twist. Do not force into the twist by pressing hard.
• Then slowly untwist and straighten both legs. Repeat pose on the other side.
• Typically this pose is done with your abs pressed to your thigh.

(During pregnancy twisting the opposite way does not compress your belly.)

Child’s Pose: Stretches back, shoulders, chest, and core muscles.
• Kneel on the mat with your knees wider than hip-width, and hands under your shoulders.
• Lower your rear back towards your heels
• Reach your arms forward to feel more of a stretch while keeping your palms flat on the mat
• Rest forehead on mat and take several slow, deep breaths.

The Fit Pregnancy Plan includes a full body stretching program as well as workouts for your entire pregnancy and recovery. To learn more visit

Tatum Rebelle is a pregnancy and new mom fitness and nutrition expert. She founded of Total Mommy Fitness in 2005 after seeing an unnecessary trend of women opting out of exercise once they became pregnant and had young children. Learn more at and

Beginners Guide to Weight Training by Tera Busker

Recently decide to start strength or weight-lifting program, but don’t know where to start? Do you walk in to the gym and you’re not sure what machines do what? Everyone has been in this position at least once before; we were all once new at the gym, and you didn’t know where to go or what to lift or how to use the machines. Well, have no fear – your beginners guide to lifting is here! (As always, consult your physician before beginning every exercise program. The following exercises are for those without injury.) A basic understand of neutral posture and stabilization mechanics should be mastered before beginning a weight training program. If you’re unsure, ask a Fitness Professional for guidance.

First off – you have to get your body warmed up before you start working your muscles. Doing a short, low to moderate intensity warm up on any cardio machine for 5-10 will increase the blood flow and warm up the muscles preparing them for the workout.Now that you are warmed up and ready to go, it’s time to do work.

Leg Press - Sit on the machine, feet shoulder width apart and heels flat on the platform. Release the safety handle(s) and lower the knees towards the chest, keeping your low back and hips flat on the pad. Once your legs are at a 90 degree angle, return to the starting position. Repeat for 12-15 reps, 2-3 sets.

Assisted Pull up Machine - This machine will allow you to do a perfect pullup by helping you pull up your own body weight. Grasp the handles slightly wider that shoulder width, pull yourself up to the bar and slowly lower yourself down until your arms are straight. Repeat for 12-15 reps, 2-3 sets.

Chest Press Machine - This machine is a great way to help beginners perfect the chest press/bench press movement. Set the machine so the handles are right at chest level. Push the weight out, keeping your back on the pad, and as you bring the handles back towards your body, stop before your hands are in line with the chest. Repeat for 12-15 reps, 2-3 sets.

Dumbbell Curl and Press - This exercise is great for the biceps and shoulders. Hold a pair of dumbbells at arm’s length and sit on a bench. Without moving your upper arms, curl the dumbbells up to your shoulders. Rotate your palms so they face away from your body, and press the weights above your head. Return to the starting position and repeat. Repeat for 12-15 reps, 2-3 sets.

Tricep Pressdown - This exercise strengthen the back of your arms and posture muscles. Attach a straight bar to the high pulley of a cable station. Bend your arms and grab the bar with each hand, your palms facing the floor. Keep your elbows locked to your sides and bend your elbows so your arms are in a 90 degree angle. This is your starting point. Keep abs tight and without moving your upper arms or leaning forward or back, push the bar down until the arms are fully extended. Slowly return to the starting position. Repeat for 12-15 reps, 2-3 sets.

Plank – The best exercise for the core! To get into the plank position, start on elbows and knees, locking hands together. Straighten legs and raise your body so that you’re supported by the balls of your feet, with feet hip-distance apart. Face the ground, being careful not to arch your back or raise your hips up. Hold for 15-60 seconds, 2-3 sets.

Tera Busker is an ACE Certified Personal Trainer and owner of Fitness To Go, an exclusive In Home & Private Studio Personal Training Service based out of Roberts, WI.