January 13, 2025

Should you skip the warm-up?

Get Fit Quick Tip:

Always warm-up for your workout!

A warm-up is an essential component of your workout and should NOT be skipped, or even abbreviated. Prepare your body for exercise with 8-10 minutes of dynamic (moving your body continuously) exercise. You’ll prepare your muscles and your cardiovascular system for the increased work load of exercise. A proper warm-up is any movement of your major muscle groups aerobically. For example:

Walking. Walking outside or on the treadmill makes a great warm up for just about every activity. Start slow and build up speed.

Calisthenics. Jogging, jumping jacks, hopping are all great warm up activities that move many muscles and increase our core temperature.

No load exercises. Perform your weight exercises, without weight. No load exercises are great to develop muscle memory patterns as well.

Range of motion exercises. Move each joint through it’s natural range of motion. For example, wrist circles, ankle circles or knee bending and extending. Do 5-8 reps.

*Consult your physician before beginning exercise.



Ask for Accountability in your Fitness

Get Fit Quick Tip:

Ask for Accountability!

Find a workout partner or exercise group to hold you accountable to your fitness. Simply knowing you have to report your progress, means you’re less likely to skip a workout. Here’s how to start:


Talk to your friends, coworkers or family. Ask if they have fitness goals. If so, ask how they stay on track.

Ask for what you need. What exactly are you asking of them? Be specific.

Define your terms. Be clear how you’ll communicate progress, how often and what the ramifications are for falling short.

Follow through. Stick to your agreed upon plan.


Set a Healthy Tone to your Week

Set a healthy tone to your week with #HealthyWayMag Fitness Chat every Monday 5pmP/8pmE! Pick up exercise ideas and inspiration. Chat with others, get motivated and excited about your fitness journey.


Here’s how to join:
Log onto your Twitter account and follow @HealthyWayMag to see the chat questions. Questions for discussion will be posted as Question 1, “Q1″, Question 2, “Q2″ and so on. Contribute your answer and experience via answers to Question 1 noted as “A1″, designating your answer to Question 2 as “A2″ and so on. Interact with others, chat, exchange ideas, training tips and have fun!

Monday February 22, 2016 #HealthyWayMag Fitness Chat is Sponsored by StrideBox.com:

StrideBox.com delivers fuel, nutrition and monthly motivation in a box right to your front door. As a monthly subscription service, their mission is simple, “perform better, be healthier, and have more fun.” The box also makes a great gift for the runner in your life. It’s suitable for all ages and is packed with products to sample designed specifically to boost your training and your fitness. Products vary from month to month. Inside the box you’ll discover bars, gels, food, apparel, and gadgets just to name a few. Rest assured, knowing you’re sampling the best of the best products on the market. Order your box TODAY at www.stridebox.com! Follow them on Twitter @StrideBox.

Start your fitness journey TODAY with walking

Get Fit Quick Tip:

Get a pedometer.

How do you know how to improve if you don’t know where you are? Head to your local sporting good store and check out the options. There are many! Basic pedometers display total steps only. However, if you enjoy technology and data, the sky is the limit on functions of advanced pedometers. Sophisticated pedometers track not only total steps, but other aspects of healthy living as well. Both categories of pedometers are reliable and effective.

Wear the pedometer for a solid week, then average your steps.  Taking the average offers a great starting point to building your fitness. Remember, it’s the overall volume of your physical activity that’s important when beginning to prevent physical injury and mental burnout. The Surgeon General recommends logging 10,000 steps each day. Your goal is to increase steps gradually to 10,000 steps a day. As always consult your physician before beginning an exercise program.

Pedometers offer motivation to be active throughout your day. Instant feedback takes the guess workout out of your fitness. Simply put on your pedometer and GO!


PUSH! Find workout motivation with #HealthyWayMag Fitness Chat

PUSH! When was the last time you really pushed through your workout? Fitness takes effort, dedication and consistency. It is also these 3 factors that lead to results! Find others who share your journey, your challenges and your success at #HealthyWayMag Fitness Chat.

Join #HealthyWayMag Fitness Chat this Monday 5pm(Pacific)/8pm(Eastern) on Twitter and pick up healthy eating tips, nutritious snacking ideas and on-the-go best food choices!


Here’s how to join:

Log onto your Twitter account and follow @HealthyWayMag to see the chat questions. Questions for discussion will be posted as Question 1, “Q1″, Question 2, “Q2″ and so on. Contribute your answer and experience via answers to Question 1 noted as “A1″, designating your answer to Question 2 as “A2″ and so on. Interact with others, chat, exchange ideas, training tips and have fun!



Monday October 5, 2015 #HealthyWayMag Fitness Chat is Sponsored by StrideBox.com:

StrideBox.com delivers fuel, nutrition and monthly motivation in a box right to your front door. As a monthly subscription service, their mission is simple, “perform better, be healthier, and have more fun.” The box also makes a great gift for the runner in your life. It’s suitable for all ages and is packed with products to sample designed specifically to boost your training and your fitness. Products vary from month to month. Inside the box you’ll discover bars, gels, food, apparel, and gadgets just to name a few. Rest assured, knowing you’re sampling the best of the best products on the market. Order your box TODAY! Follow them on Twitter @StrideBox.

Be a Beginner…Again by Nicole Bryan

In a workout slump? One of the best ways to increase motivation is to try a new activity. For many, merely the thought of being the new kid in class conjures up uncomfortable feelings and images of being lost or not performing correctly. However, as adults, we are in charge of how we can approach a new activity with confidence, humility and yes, even a sense of humor.

If you’ve been in the fitness world for a while, you may have forgotten what it feels like to be a beginner. Consider it! You may even find a new sport, workout or physical activity to love. If you’ve been thinking of trying a new exercise, make TODAY the day you become a beginner, yet again. Go ahead, get comfortable with being uncomfortable. I dare you!

Here’s how to make being a beginner a little less scary:

Talk to friends. Actually, talk to everyone and anyone you know who has participated in the activity you are considering. As them what they like and don’t like about the activity. Ask them what location, instructor, gear and technique they recommend. Also, ask what initial fitness capabilities are required.

Google it. Let’s face it, we’re no longer in a not-knowing age of technology. Simply do a search online. Play connect-the-dots with the information you find, and see where it leads you.

Request a guest pass. If you’re unsure if you’ll like the activity, save some money up front by asking for a guest pass. Many facilities and even instructors allow a first-visit-free opportunity. You’ll never know if there are discounts or free trials available unless you ask!

Try and try again. Instead of discounting the new activity right off the bat after a unpleasant experience, give it at least three attempts on three different days. Sometimes it’s a matter of finding a the right fit of location, instructor personality or class participants.

Learning takes time! You didn’t just walk on to the tennis court the first time and score an ace, so why would you expect to instantly master the skills needed during your first try? Learning is half the fun after all! Cut yourself a break, and remind yourself that learning a new activity takes time.

Why weight training could change how you workout forever! By Kaitlin Cofer

In years past, weight training has been viewed as a bodybuilder’s activity, a thing that “meat heads” do. But, thanks to the growing popularity of weight lifting and circuit training, iron isn’t just something you consume anymore.

You may be asking, how can weight training change how you workout forever? Here are 3 key reasons that weight training is effective and will keep you interested in working out for years to come. Always consult your physician before beginning exercise.


1. Involving weights in your workout causes your muscles to work harder which in return increases your metabolism and burns more calories as well as increases bone health. 


Example: Add in some dumbbell work to your normal circuit and you will feel your muscles burning faster than if you did the exercise with body weight alone.


2. There are countless exercises that involve weights! Back squats with a straight bar, squats with dumbbells, squats with plated weights…the number of exercises that you can do with weights and the exercises that can be changed up by adding different types of weights is countless.


Example workout using Dumbbells: 


5 Rounds of 50 seconds work and 10 seconds rest: (Always consult your physician before beginning exercise.)


1. Dumbbell push press: hold dumbbells with palms facing out and slightly dip your body down with a slight knee bend and use that momentum to drive the dumbbells up to the sky and back down, repeat this movement for 50 seconds.


2. Renegade rows with dumbbells: place dumbbells on the ground and get into a push up position while holding the dumbbells. Push up and bring up one dumbbell at a time, repeat for 50 seconds. *modification=push ups from knees.


3. Single arm row with dumbbells: stand up with one dumbbell in hand. Stagger your legs into a lunge like position. Place the hand without the dumbbell on your thigh and keep your core engaged and back straight. Row the dumbbell back with your elbow bent and jabbing the air behind you. Repeat on opposite side.


All four of these workouts incorporate weights, causing each move to be a total body exercise.


3. Three words: Strong is SEXY!

A male or female with muscles is sexy. There is nothing more attractive than a person who looks and feels strong. A healthy body is a healthy mind.


No matter if you belong to a large gym, a circuit training center or you have your own set of weights at home, it is easy, fun, and effective to add weights to your routine! Start light and work your way up!


Kaitlin earned a B.S. Nutrition from Cal Poly SLO and is a CPT. Kaitlin’s extremely passionate about inspiring people to find/fuel their inner athlete.

*Disclaimer: Result may vary from person to person.


Are you having FUN?

YES, your fitness should be FUN!

Laugh, run, play, act silly. Why? Because it’s FUN and having fun is motivating! If you’re not enjoying your workout (at least most of the time), change it!

Put the FUN back in your workouts: Join #HealthyWayMag Fitness Chat on Twitter every Monday at 5pm(Pacific)/8pm(Eastern)!

Simply log onto your Twitter account and follow @HealthyWayMag to participate. Questions for discussion will be posted as Question 1, “Q1″, Question 2, “Q2″ and so on. Contribute your answer and experience via answers to Question 1 noted as “A1″, answer to Question 2 as “A2″ and so on.

Interact with others, chat, exchange ideas, training tips and have fun!


Monday August 17, 2015 #HealthyWayMag Fitness Chat Sponsored by Swagtastic Virtual Race:

A virtual race is an organized event held online. The benefits? Participants can join in from all over the country, and you race on your own time and schedule. Join Swagtastic Virtual Race and run or walk to benefit Medals4Mettle, and you’ll receive a swag bag filled with over 20 health, fitness and endurance products! Choose from 5K, 10K, half marathon or marathon and complete your miles between October 9, 2015 and October 12, 2015. Self-track your time and your miles. Virtual races are a great way to connect with fellow fitness enthusiasts, put a goal to your workouts and support a non-profit group all at the same time. Join in the fun on Twitter, @SwagtasticRace. Registration is OPEN!

So you’re ready to start an exercise program? By Jennifer Austin

So you want to start an exercise program? Making the decision to get fit doesn’t have to happen on January 1st, and it doesn’t have to happen on a Monday either, you can decide to get fit…today! So, where do you start? Here are your first five 5 steps to getting fit:

Medical clearance to exercise. If it’s been over a year since you’ve done blood work, do it. If it’s been awhile since you’ve been cleared from all your age-appropriate tests, do them. Blood pressure should be checked, as well as reviewing family history with your doctor.

Start moving daily/take breaks. Any kind of moving is good for your mind and healthy for your body. Start carving out scheduled breaks during your day. Walk out to the mail box, walk around the block, play with the kids.

Get a pedometer to find a starting point. How do you know where to begin if you don’t know your base? Wear your pedometer for one week consistently.

Find a professional. Be sure you’re making every minute count by building structure into your workout. Seek direction from a Fitness Professional to for proper instruction as to how the different systems of your body function. He or she can outline exact steps to safe and effective exercise.

Set goals. Grab a pen and paper. Write down a 3-week goal, 6-week goal, and 3-month goal to start. Beside your first goal, write down your action step to take immediately. Build momentum!

Are you on the right track to fitness? By Nicole Bryan

The complex and multi-faceted experience of living a long-term healthy lifestyle is ongoing. In the journey to wellness there will be accomplishments, setbacks, days of confidence, as well as days of uncertainty. And that’s the way it should be! If we’re not experiencing all of those, maybe all within one week even, then the regime needs reevaluating. Just as other life experiences are all emotionally and physically encompassing, the path to wellness is no different. However, somewhere along the line many of us got the impression that getting healthy is easy. The truth is, making the choice to get fit is easy. The “getting fit” part of getting fit takes sacrifice, effort, and often the daily renewal of commitment to the goal.

Here’s how to know if we’re on the right track with our fitness regime.

Are you experiencing results and progress? Results will most likely not be ongoing in a dramatic capacity in a long term fitness program. The body adapts in stages, and that’s often how we’ll experience results. So if results have temporarily slowed, try some unaccustomed exercise to ramp up results again. If progress has taken a back seat, change your regime entirely.

Do you experience feelings of being unsure and doubt that you’ll be able to stick with it? Uncertainty is part of setting goals that force us to stretch our comfort level to reach them. The goals should be big and far out enough to inspire a feeling of “is this really possible.”

Does your regime require effort? If you’re day dreaming through your workout, or cruising through class on auto-pilot, time to mix it up. Your regime should require taking day in and out action steps.

Do you have to build a strategy and think about how you are going to approach your goal? If you walk into the gym and do the same thing, in the same order, with the same weights, reps and sets without a thought as to how you’re going to approach or complete your regime, time to change approach. Your regime should make it necessary to develop a plan of attack regarding how you are going to get to your goal.

Do you miss your routine when you’re away from it? If you miss how your exercise makes you feel better, miss the energy it brings and satisfaction you experience from completing each workout you’re definitely on the right track.

Is it fun, does it bring you joy? It won’t be all laughs all the time, but more often than not it should be an enjoyable, fun, happy experience. If you’re not smiling even once during the workout, change it!