November 11, 2024

Once a week for workout motivation

Get Fit Quick Tip:

Commit to a Standing Meet-Up!

Find one person who can commit to meeting you once a week for a regular workout together! The workout type can rotate or be the same type of exercise each week. The standing meet-up will:

Force you to re-commit to fitness every week.

Build momentum toward your health goal.

Set a fun tone to exercise.

Provide accountability.

Give you a workout to look forward to each week.

Challenge you to workout harder.

Encourage exercise consistency.

Keep healthy living a priority in your schedule.

Push you to try new exercises or a new workout.




Ask for Accountability in your Fitness

Get Fit Quick Tip:

Ask for Accountability!

Find a workout partner or exercise group to hold you accountable to your fitness. Simply knowing you have to report your progress, means you’re less likely to skip a workout. Here’s how to start:


Talk to your friends, coworkers or family. Ask if they have fitness goals. If so, ask how they stay on track.

Ask for what you need. What exactly are you asking of them? Be specific.

Define your terms. Be clear how you’ll communicate progress, how often and what the ramifications are for falling short.

Follow through. Stick to your agreed upon plan.