January 13, 2025

Buddy Up for Core

Fit Body:

Buddy Up for Core

Strengthen your core and have fun with your workout buddy with this dynamic exercise. The medicine ball pass will challenge your coordination, and your muscles. Grab a 2-4lb medicine ball or small stability ball. Stand back to back with your partner. Turn to your side and pass the ball to your partner. Continue passing the ball in one circular direction by rotating your torso for ten reps. Rest for 10-30 seconds, and then reverse the direction.


Can you touch your toes?

Fit Body:

Toe Touches for Core

Toe touches work your entire core, hips, legs and arms all in one challenging move. Begin by lying on your back on the floor. Raise both legs up off the floor, with your knees slightly bent. Next, exhale and reach both arms up to touch your shoes. Inhale and lower your upper body only half way down to the floor to complete one rep. Do ten times. For more of a challenge, lift and lower your legs and upper body simultaneously.


*Consult your physician before performing exercise.


Total Body Exercise

Fit Body:

Posterior Leg Raise

The posterior leg raise should really be called the total body exercise because it strengthens your entire body in one move. You’ll be strengthening all the muscles of the leg you’re lifting. You’ll be building muscle endurance and balance on the stationary leg, and you’re working core too. Stand on your right leg only. Lift your left leg straight up behind your body about 6 inches. Pause for one second, and then slowly lower. Do 10 reps in a slow and controlled manner. The key is to keep your shoulders down and back, and keep your torso completely still. Repeat the move standing on your left leg, and lift and lower your right leg.


Crunch-less Abs

Fit Body:

V Sit Abdominal Exercise

Strengthen your abs and core with this crunch-less ab exercise. Begin sitting on the floor, with both legs out straight in front of you. Bend both knees, lean back slightly and place both hands on the floor for support. Pull your belly button in and keep your torso in proper alignment. In one motion, lift both feet up off the floor. Hold for a count of 20 seconds, and then release. Begin with 5 reps.


*Consult your physician before performing exercise.



Strong Shoulders and Core

Fit Body:

Kneeling Arm Raise for Strong Shoulders and Core

Do this all in one exercise to strengthen your shoulders and core. Here are your form pointers for the Kneeling Arm Raise exercise: Begin on your hands and knees on the floor. Hold a weight in each hand. Make sure each hand and weight is securely placed on the floor. Keeping your torso still, lift your right arm straight out the side of your body about six inches. Do 10 reps, then release. Next, lift your left arm straight up out to the side of your body. Do 10 reps. Be sure to keep your shoulders pulled down into your body and your back straight during the entire range of motion.


*Consult your physician before performing exercise.

Squat and Reach Exercise

Fit Body:

Squat and Reach Exercise

The squat is a functional exercise. A functional exercise means you perform the squat-motion many times throughout the day. This is the exact motion used to pick something up off the floor. Practice this motion with a Squat and Reach Exercise. Begin with your feet slightly wider than your hips. Bend your knees and hips, and sit back and down into a squat. Lower your body about six inches. Pause and reach your right hand forward and toward the floor, then return to standing to complete one rep. Repeat your squat and reach forward with your left hand, then return to standing. Do 10 reps total.


*Consult your physician before performing exercise.

Develop a Strong Back and Core

Fit Body:

Develop a Strong Back and Core

The Opposite Arm Raise exercise requires a strong and stable core. Begin with only one arm completing one motion to learn the exercise. When you’re confident in your form, add the other arm and move simultaneously. Begin without weights. Once you master form, hold a light weight in each hand. Stand with both feet together and your knees slightly bent. Bend forward from your hips, keeping your torso aligned. Bend both arms tucking your elbows into your waist. In one motion, extend your right arm forward and up, and your left arm back and up. Slowly return to your tucked-elbow position to complete one rep. Next, extend your right arm back and up, and your let arm forward and up. Begin with 10 reps total.


*Consult your physician before performing exercise.

Your Essential Exercise

Fit Body:

Squats with Dumbbells

Squats are an essential exercise. You sit down and stand up many times during the day, so adding a squat exercise into your weight routine is functional. A functional exercise helps us gain strength to perform a daily activity. Here’s how to start: Begin holding one weight in each hand. Bending from your knees and hips, sit back and lower down about six inches. Pause for one second. Return to standing to complete one rep.


*Consult your doctor before performing exercise.



Small-Space Cardio

Fit Body:

Small-Space or Stationary Cardio!

Not all cardio has to cover miles, use expensive equipment and take up lots of time, to contribute towards a healthier cardiovascular system. Stack stationary moves to power up your heart and lungs, burn calories and even reduce stress and muscle tension. For example:

Jumping Jacks.

Jump Rope.

Jog in place.

Plyometrics or hopping in various patterns.

Body Weight moves performed at a faster pace and in succession without a rest period.


*Consult your physician before performing exercise.

Power Up your Pushups

Get Fit Quick Tip:

Power Up your Pushups!

Think of pushups as a moving Plank exercise. This exercise is as much about your core, as it is your upper body muscles. Keep your abs tight and body straight. Pull your shoulders down into your body and tuck your chin in. If you’re up for a challenge: Only push up half-way. Pause for one or two seconds, then immediately lower your body down into the next rep. For even more muscle work, do one set to fatigue (in good form) at the end of your workout.


*Consult your physician before performing exercise.