July 26, 2024

Power Up Your Plank

Fit Body:

Power up your plank by adding a side leg lift

Challenge your core with this move. Begin in a high plank, on your hands and toes, body straight. Then, lift your right foot off the ground about 2 inches. Keeping your torso and shoulders still, lift your right foot up toward your right hand, and then return to your starting position. Next, lift your left foot up off the floor. In a smooth, controlled motion move your left foot toward your left hand, and then return to your starting position. Do 6 total reps.


*Consult your physician before performing exercise.

Strong Shoulders and Core

Fit Body:

Kneeling Arm Raise for Strong Shoulders and Core

Do this all in one exercise to strengthen your shoulders and core. Here are your form pointers for the Kneeling Arm Raise exercise: Begin on your hands and knees on the floor. Hold a weight in each hand. Make sure each hand and weight is securely placed on the floor. Keeping your torso still, lift your right arm straight out the side of your body about six inches. Do 10 reps, then release. Next, lift your left arm straight up out to the side of your body. Do 10 reps. Be sure to keep your shoulders pulled down into your body and your back straight during the entire range of motion.


*Consult your physician before performing exercise.

Strong Shoulders =Better Posture!

Get Fit Quick Tip:

Strengthen your Shoulders!

Strong shoulders improves posture. Start with this Kneeling Reverse Fly exercise:

Begin on your hands and knees. Without weight, lift your right arm straight up to the side of your body. Keep your torso stable and don’t rotate your shoulders or hips. Do 10 reps, then release your right hand back to the floor. Next, lift and lower your left arm. Do 10 reps. When you have mastered correct form without weight, try lifting a small weight. This is an exercise where proper technique and form is paramount, not the amount of weight or even reps. Take your time, go slow and learn the proper movement pattern before progressing.


*Consult your physician before performing exercise.


All-in-One Shoulder Stretch

Get Fit Quick Tip:

Shoulder Stretch!

Stretch your shoulders to alleviate upper body muscle tension. Extend your right arm straight up overhead, and then bend your elbow and place your hand behind your head. Next, reach your left hand down and around your body to your low back. Walk both hands toward the center of your back. Keep your torso upright and your shoulders down and back. Hold for 10-30 seconds, then release. Repeat the stretch with your left arm overhead, and your right arm by your low back. Hold for 10-30 seconds, then release. Never stretch into pain.


*Consult your physician before performing exercise.


Build Upper Body Strength

Get Fit Quick Tip:

Build Upper Body Strength with the Standing Shoulder Press

The Standing Shoulder Press strengthens your lifting muscles of your upper body, as well as your core. So if you’re having to lift and carry heavy items during the day, this exercise is for you. Choose a weight that allows a controlled 8-12 reps.

Begin standing in neutral posture with your knees slightly bent. Bend your elbows so the weights are in front of your shoulders, with your palms facing in. Pull your shoulders down and back. This is your starting position. Keeping your forearms vertical, push the weights straight up overhead so the weights are level with the top of your head, keeping your torso stable. Pause for a second to break momentum, and then slowly lower the weights to your starting position. As you build strength, lift the weights all the way overhead stopping just short of straight arm.


*Consult your physician before beginning exercise. This exercise is for those without injury concerns.