September 10, 2024

Keep an open mind to fitness

Fit Mind:

Keep an open mind.

Instead of being locked in to one fitness routine, at one time, at one place, be open to where your fitness leads you. More importantly, be open to different types of fitness available right in front of you. If you’re finding an obstacle like scheduling, continues to get in your way to consistent fitness, sit quietly and think about a solution. Simply sitting in silence often allows the answer to come to you. There may be a new opportunity here, or a chance to change your approach for the better. For example, you may not always make your cardio class on time, but your daughters tennis practice is held right next to the school track. Any ideas? Another example may be, your lunch time seems to be shorter and shorter because of work pressure, but perhaps your morning walk with your dog can be filled with jogging intervals. Instead of becoming frustrated at what life throws your way, become open at how you can make it work. There’s always a way. Sit quietly, think about your fitness and healthy lifestyle, and see what ideas float in and out of your mind.

Core and Legs Combo

Fit Body:

Core and Legs Combo

Work your core and legs together with this super-effective exercise. Begin without weight and master form first. Here’s how: Lie on your back, with both knees bent and your feet flat on the floor. Next straighten your right leg and lift it up so your heel is facing the ceiling. Next, raise your right arm straight up so it is also perpendicular to the floor. In one motion, lower your right leg so it’s parallel to the floor, and your right arm straight overhead. Exhale and return to your starting position. Begin with 10 reps, then release. Keep your belly button in tight and your torso still. Repeat with your left leg and left arm.


*This exercise is for intermediate exercisers without injury concerns.

Strong Arms

Fit Body:

Lying Tricep Press for Strong Arms

Build strong arm muscles, shoulders and abs with the Lying Tricep Press exercise. Begin lying down. Hold one weight in each hand. Lift the weight over your head, keeping your elbows directly over your shoulders. Next, keeping your upper arms straight up and down, lower the weight to the side of your head about 3-4 inches.  Then keeping your upper arms still, push your arms to straight to complete one rep. Start with 10 reps.


*Consult your physician before performing exercise.

What fitness example do you set?

Get Fit Quick Tip:

Encourage fitness by setting a healthy example!

Youngsters hear and see everything. Even when you think they aren’t paying attention, they are! If you pull on your jeans and grimace. If you complain how much you ate and now you “feel so fat”. If you are on the tennis court and whine how bad you are, can’t do anything right, or are so out of shape, you are setting an example. They look up to you, they think you are strong and capable. You’re the grown ups, after all. Set a strong, balanced, and empowered example of healthy living and smart fitness choices by using positive words and taking positive actions.



Little Bits of Fitness

Get Fit Quick Tip:

Lots of little bits of fitness add up to big health benefits.

You may not have a full 30 minute or an hour to devote to fitness, that’s understandable sometimes. So, do you have 5 minutes? 10 minutes here are there? Did an appointment or meeting cancel? Fitness is cumulative, so every little bit adds up to a stronger heart, lungs and muscles. Look around you during the day, do you notice ways to be active, more active? Take the stairs, park farther away from where you’re going, do balance exercises while standing in line, walk while waiting for an appointment, do range of motion when waiting, practice deep breathing, bike your errands, kick the soccer ball with your kids, romp with your dog. Every minute during the day of incorporating physical activity adds to your level of fitness. Keep moving!

Power Up your Pushups

Get Fit Quick Tip:

Power Up your Pushups!

Think of pushups as a moving Plank exercise. This exercise is as much about your core, as it is your upper body muscles. Keep your abs tight and body straight. Pull your shoulders down into your body and tuck your chin in. If you’re up for a challenge: Only push up half-way. Pause for one or two seconds, then immediately lower your body down into the next rep. For even more muscle work, do one set to fatigue (in good form) at the end of your workout.


*Consult your physician before performing exercise.

Make Jump Rope Your Go-To Exercise

Get Fit Quick Tip:

Jump Rope for your heart and your muscles!

Jump ropes are not just for kids! Jumping rope is not only a challenging cardio workout, but will challenge your muscles, agility and balance as well. Complete a 8-10 minute walking warm up. Start with 3-5 intervals of 10 jumps and build from there. Finish your workout with a 5 minute cool-down. Vary speed, change from one leg to both legs, from one jump to two with each spin of the rope.


*Consult your physician before performing exercise.


Take Your Planks Up a Level

Get Fit Quick Tip:

Planks… Plus!

Take your planks up a level by adding in 2 additional moves:

Begin in a plank, on your toes and hands. Keep your body straight. Next, lift up your right leg, bend your knee and pull your knee up toward your chest. Straighten your knee to complete 1 rep. Do 10 reps, then release. Repeat with your left knee. Do 10 reps.

Begin in a plank, on your toes and hands. Lift your right leg up off the floor about 6 inches. Keeping your knee straight, slide your leg out to the side about 10-12 inches, then return to the center to complete 1 rep. Do 10 times, then release. Repeat with your left leg. Do 10 reps.


*Consult your physician before performing exercise.


Add an Exercise Band

Get Fit Quick Tip:

Add an Exercise Band to your Lunge!

Hold both ends of the exercise band securely with each hand. Place your right foot on top of the band, so the band is securely under your arch. Step back with your left foot about 3 feet, so your right knee is directly over your right ankle. Bend both arms and hold the band into your body. Next, bend both knees and lower your body down toward the floor 10-12 inches. Straighten both knees to complete one rep. Do 10-12 reps with your right leg forward. To release, straight both arms and bend forward to put slack on the band, then carefully step off of the band. Repeat placing your left foot on the band.

*This exercise is for intermediate/advanced exercisers without injury considerations.

**Consult your physician before performing exercise.

Up for an Ab Challenge?

Get Fit Quick Tip:

Plank with Knee Ups!

Up for an ab challenge? Take your planks up a notch by adding this simple move. Begin in a regular front plank. Next, bend your right knee and bring your knee toward your chest. Maintain neutral spine and pull your belly button up. Then, extend your right knee, kicking your leg straight out behind you. Repeat 10 times, then release to your front plank. Next, repeat the same motion bending your left knee toward your chest. Do 10 times. Control your entire range of motion and maintain proper form.


*Consult your physician before performing exercise.