July 27, 2024

Keep an open mind to fitness

Fit Mind:

Keep an open mind.

Instead of being locked in to one fitness routine, at one time, at one place, be open to where your fitness leads you. More importantly, be open to different types of fitness available right in front of you. If you’re finding an obstacle like scheduling, continues to get in your way to consistent fitness, sit quietly and think about a solution. Simply sitting in silence often allows the answer to come to you. There may be a new opportunity here, or a chance to change your approach for the better. For example, you may not always make your cardio class on time, but your daughters tennis practice is held right next to the school track. Any ideas? Another example may be, your lunch time seems to be shorter and shorter because of work pressure, but perhaps your morning walk with your dog can be filled with jogging intervals. Instead of becoming frustrated at what life throws your way, become open at how you can make it work. There’s always a way. Sit quietly, think about your fitness and healthy lifestyle, and see what ideas float in and out of your mind.

WHY you’re not working out

Get Fit Quick Tip:

Why are you not working out?

Often skipping a workout comes from 3 areas that you’re lacking: interest, focus or time. Here are a few ideas how to get motivated again.


No interest?

Revisit childhood. What activities did you enjoy? Remember, not all exercise has to be structured to count toward your fitness. Run, jump, hop, play, bike, walk, swim, play basketball, soccer, dance…


No focus?

Do circuit training. Perform 1 minute of cardio, then perform 1 strength exercise. Repeat alternating until all sets are complete. Time will zoom by, keeping your mind and your body busy.


No time?

Split up your cardio and strength training into 5-20 minute sessions. For example, do a 20 minute walk in the morning followed by a 5 minute body weight strength routine in the evening. Find little bits of fitness to add into free moments during the day.