January 13, 2025

Get Moving While You Wait

Fit Body:

Stop wasting time! Get moving while stuck in line.

Stuck waiting in line or waiting for an appointment? Do a few exercises to make use of the time.

Toe Raises. Lift your toes, then lower. Do 10 reps.

Heel Raises. Lift your heels, then lower. Do 10 reps.

Stand on one leg. Hold for 10 seconds.

Standing weight shifting. Stand with your feet hip-width apart. Lean to the left and then the right. Do 10 total reps.

Standing Knee Raises. Alternate lifting your knees as if climbing stairs.


Get Exercise Form Right First

Fit Body:

Master Form First!

Adding a new exercise into your workout? Get exercise form right first, and then add load to challenge your muscles. Ask your training partner or gym buddy to watch a few reps. Even using mirrors as form feedback may miss important elements of the exercise. Your partner can watch a few reps from behind you, on the right side, left side and in front, and then offer feedback as to your alignment and stability. Proper form means a more effective exercise, and that’s where results happen!

Get Social!

Get Fit Quick Tip:

Socialize AND Exercise!

Get social! Including friends into your fitness makes living fit FUN! With a quick email or group text, you’ll coordinate a meet up time and activity. Here are just a few ideas to get you started:


Race! Sign up for a team event or race together. (Costumes optional!)

Softball game.

Ping Pong Tournament.

Soccer game.

Volleyball game.

Scavenger hunt.

Group bike ride to a fun destination.

Basketball game.

Walk or hike.




Learn a new exercise= Results?

Get Fit Quick Tip:

Learn a new exercise!

Set a goal to master one new exercise a month. Learning a new exercise means your muscles will have to adapt to a new working angle. You’ll keep your workout fresh, your mind interested and your body getting stronger.


Get Some Rest!

Get Fit Quick Tip:

Get Some Rest!

Respect your rest day. Rest IS part of an exercise program. Allowing sufficient time to properly absorb your workout is appropriate to insure maximum results. Program in a rest/recovery day a minimum of one day each week. If you’re exhausted during workouts or have constant achy muscles, consider increasing your rest/recovery period in between workouts.

*Consult a Fitness Professional to determine the appropriate workout for you.


Cross-Train for Consistency

Get Fit Quick Tip:

Cross-Train for Consistency.

Consistent workouts is what leads to results. How do you stay motivated enough to be consistent? Cross-Train!

Do an entirely different workout anywhere from once a week to once a month. This means you’ll be working your muscles in a different mode or angle than during regular workouts. Changing the angle your working your muscles most days allows you to still log a workout but also decrease risk of injury from overworking or doing the same thing for days and weeks. Try a class. Join friends. Go outdoors. Doing something completely different will keep your mind interested, your motivation up, and your body changing.

Is Range of Motion Exercise for You?

Get Fit Quick Tip:

Do Range of Motion!

Range of motion exercise is moving a joint through it’s pain-free rage of motion to increase circulation and mobility. Ankle range of motion serves as a great pre-exercise to high-impact and low-impact exercise. Here are 3 ankle range of motion exercises to get started. Do each 5-8 times.

Lift toes/Lower toes.

Circle your ankle in both directions.

Rotate the bottom of your foot in and then out.



*Consult your physician before beginning exercise.

Cross-Train for Motivation

Get Fit Quick Tip:

Cross-Train once a week!

In a workout slump? Mix up your workout to keep motivation high and interest fresh. Take your favorite workout and tweak it slightly for a new challenge. Cross-training doesn’t have to be complicated. Change the angle at which you’re working muscles, and the result is your body (and your mind) has to learn something new. A slight adjustment will do. For example, love to run? Try the elliptical machine. Love to cycle? Try water jogging. Love to swim? Try running. Love the stationary bike, try walking on the treadmill.

WHY you’re not working out

Get Fit Quick Tip:

Why are you not working out?

Often skipping a workout comes from 3 areas that you’re lacking: interest, focus or time. Here are a few ideas how to get motivated again.


No interest?

Revisit childhood. What activities did you enjoy? Remember, not all exercise has to be structured to count toward your fitness. Run, jump, hop, play, bike, walk, swim, play basketball, soccer, dance…


No focus?

Do circuit training. Perform 1 minute of cardio, then perform 1 strength exercise. Repeat alternating until all sets are complete. Time will zoom by, keeping your mind and your body busy.


No time?

Split up your cardio and strength training into 5-20 minute sessions. For example, do a 20 minute walk in the morning followed by a 5 minute body weight strength routine in the evening. Find little bits of fitness to add into free moments during the day.

Fitness Opportunities are Everywhere!

Get Fit Quick Tip:

Fitness opportunities are everywhere!

LOOK around you, there are fitness opportunities everywhere! Not all exercise has to be structured to count toward your fitness. With creativity and imagination, fitness opportunities can be found in a park, school yard, soccer field, housing complex, and so on. Here are a few to get started:

Wall: Wall Squat- Stand with your back against a wall and your feet about 12 inches from the wall. Keeping your torso on the wall, slide down the wall about 12 inches. Hold for ten to thirty seconds.

Stairs: Stair Intervals- Jog up 10-20 stairs. Turn around and immediately walk down the stairs. After ten seconds rest, repeat the stair interval.

Bench: Pushups- Place your hands on a bench about shoulder-width apart. Extend your legs out straight so only your toes are on the ground. Keeping your torso straight, lower your chest toward the bench, and then return to your starting position.


*Consult your physician before beginning exercise.