July 27, 2024

Get Exercise Form Right First

Fit Body:

Master Form First!

Adding a new exercise into your workout? Get exercise form right first, and then add load to challenge your muscles. Ask your training partner or gym buddy to watch a few reps. Even using mirrors as form feedback may miss important elements of the exercise. Your partner can watch a few reps from behind you, on the right side, left side and in front, and then offer feedback as to your alignment and stability. Proper form means a more effective exercise, and that’s where results happen!

Master Exercise Form

Get Fit Quick Tip:

Form matters!

Master proper exercise form for an effective workout. Learning how to execute an exercise safely is paramount, and that means learning proper form. This means you should know what muscles you’re working with the exercise and why it’s important to your fitness program.  Here’s how to begin:

Maintain proper spinal alignment during the entire set.

Stabilize your core throughout the range of motion.

Master the exercise without weight first.

Control the entire range of motion on each rep.