February 6, 2025

Do Jumping Jacks!

Get Fit Quick Tip:

Do Jumping Jacks!

Jumping jacks are a great high intensity cardio option if you’re short on time, short on equipment and short on space. Perform your desired number of jumping jacks, followed by jogging or walking in place for recovery. Repeat until your desired workout time is complete.

Vary the motion by adding a squat, moving only one arm at a time, moving forward, crossing your legs during the in-step, lowering your arms only half way, just to name a few. This workout is limited only by your creativity.


*Always consult your physician before beginning exercise.

Get Functional with Your Fitness

Get Fit Quick Tip:

Get Functional with Squats!

If your fitness goal is to complete your activities of daily living with greater ease and less effort, consider adding functional exercises like Squats into your workout routine.

Squats: An effective exercise that strengthens the entire muscle chain of your body. Although you’ll feel the lower body working the most, your internal stabilizing muscles are also working to maintain proper form, posture and control.

Here’s how to get started:

Consult a Fit Pro to learn proper form based on your ability. Every body is different, and therefore approach to a specific exercise may slightly differ as well.

Maintaining posture is paramount. Maintaining proper alignment is a prerequisite to performing an effective squat.

Master form before adding the load of weights. Adding load without controlling the motion increases risk of injury. Technique matters!

Choose free-weights if appropriate. Free weights require stabilization, instead of relying on the tracking of machine.

Progressions are endless. Varying the mode of the load creates an increased challenge for intermediate and advanced exercisers. For example utilize an exercise band, hold one or two dumbbells, incorporate a stability ball, stand on a balance disk, add a simultaneous upper body exercise, vary pace or vary the range of motion.


*Consult your doctor before beginning exercise.


High Intensity Jump Rope for Fitness

Get Fit Quick Tip:

Jump Rope!

Jumping rope has total body fitness benefits all in one workout. You’ll strengthen your heart and your muscles. Jump ropes are economical and portable. Jumping rope is also useful for coordination and agility. Begin with ten to twenty seconds of jumping, followed by twenty seconds of rest, and build from there by adding ten seconds.

A few reminders:

Every workout should begin with an 8-10 minute warm up and conclude with a 10 minute cool down.

Wear proper athletic footwear.

Be mindful of jumping on a suitable surface.

Choose a jump rope length based on your height.

Proper postural alignment is important when performing high impact activity.

Adjust your jumping style and rhythm based on sustainable intensity. For higher intensity, jump the rope on every hop and turn of the rope. For lower intensity, jump the rope on every other hop and turn the rope slower.

Requires a base level of fitness. Jumping rope is high impact and high intensity and may not be suitable for beginning exercisers.


*Always consult your physician before beginning exercise.

Need a Workout Motivation Boost?

Need a motivation boost? Join #HealthyWayMag Fitness Chat every Monday 5pmP/8pmE on Twitter! Chat with fellow fitness-enthusiasts, pick up workout motivation and fitness tips.

Here’s how to join:

Log in to your twitter account. Enter #HealthyWayMag to follow the chat. Discussions questions will be posted as Question 1, “Q1″, Question 2 as “Q2″ and so on. Simply note your answer with designation “A1″ as answer to question 1. Tag your answers with #HealthyWayMag. Chat, interact with others and have fun!


Monday February 1, 2016 Giveaway from ROLL Recovery:

All athletes know workout recovery is just as important as the workout itself. Recover well with ROLL Recovery’s award winning and revolutionary massage rollers. The R8 model adjusts for different body areas and sizes, such as the upper leg and lower leg. It’s portable weighing in at only 2.5 pounds, so logging a deep tissue massage is easy just about anywhere.  Their new R3 Orthopedic Foot Roller is ideal to decrease foot pain and discomfort by targeting the inside, outside and center of your foot. It’s compact, non-slip and easy to use on any surface. This roller also works well to target smaller muscles. Follow them via @ROLLrecovery on Twitter to learn more!




Pick It Up!

Get Fit Quick Tip:

Pick It Up!

…your exercise intensity, that is! Increase the intensity of your cardio for more of a challenge.

Here’s how to increase your exercise intensity for more of a cardiovascular challenge: (Always consult your physician before beginning exercise.)

Add in 10 second- 2 minute sprints to your cardio workout.

Add in plyometrics or full body body-weight exercises.

Vary the terrain. Hit the stairs, trails or stadiums for a high intensity challenge.

Reduce rest time in between sprint cardiovascular intervals.

Start your fitness TODAY! By Tera Busker

Fall has just started and winter is right around the corner, but is it too early to be preparing for your summer wardrobe?

Absolutely not! Shorts and swimsuit weather will be here again before you know it, so here are 4 great exercises to incorporate into your workout this winter to get you in a “shapely” shape for this summer. (Always consult your physician before beginning exercise.)



Tricep Dips
When you wave goodbye, does the underneath of your arm continue to wave even after you stop? To tone up your arms, give tricep dips a try.

Starting Position

Sit on the edge of a chair and wrap your hands over the front edge. Walk feet out slightly so your hips are out past the edge of the chair.

Lower hips toward the floor until your elbows are bent to 90 degrees. Press up until your elbows are straight, but not locked. Work up to doing 15 reps and 3 sets of this exercise.


Clock Lunges
Clock lunges are guaranteed to tighten up your booty, slim the hips and give you well defined legs.

Starting Position

Imagine you are standing in the center of a clock. Straight in front of you is 12:00, to your right is 3:00, behind you is 6:00 and to your left is 9:00.

Lunge with your right leg to each of the 12:00, 3:00 and 6:00 positions. Lunge with your left leg to each of the 6:00, 9:00 and 12:00 positions. Each time you lunge, make sure to return to the starting position before lunging to the next position.

Once you have completed each position, you have done 1 cycle. Work up to doing 5 cycles and 3 sets of this exercise.


Plank Up Downs

Plank Up Downs will tighten the entire core, strengthen the chest and give you definition in your shoulders.

Starting Position

Get into a pushup position (on knees or up on toes) with your elbows directly underneath your shoulders.

Slowly drop down into a low plank position (on elbows) one side at a time and pushup yourself back up into the high plank. That is one rep. Work up to doing 10 reps and 3 sets.


The best and most efficient way burn fat and torch calories  is through HIIT – High Intensity Interval Training. It’s a short workout that alternates between short blasts of high intensity work with bouts of lower intensity “recovery” periods in less than 30 minutes.


Warm up for 5 minutes. For the next 10 to 20 minutes alternate between 30 seconds of very intense exercise (like running) and 90 seconds of lower intensity exercise (walking or complete rest).  Follow that up with a 5 minute cool down.

HIIT training is very difficult and should not be done more that 2-3 times a week and never 2 days in a row.

Tera Busker is an ACE Certified Personal Trainer and owner of Fitness To Go, an exclusive In Home & Private Studio Personal Training Service based out of Roberts, WI. www.fitnesstogo.net

No time to workout? By Nicole Bryan

Short on time? Instead of trying to create extra time to fit exercise into your schedule, try allowing your current schedule to dictate your cardiovascular and strength training exercise. Use the time you already have! Exercise is cumulative; it all adds up to a healthier heart, leaner waistline, strong muscles, improved agility and a peaceful mind. Consult a physician before beginning or performing any exercise.

If you have 2 minutes: Change your position! If you’re sitting, stand up. If you’re standing, walk. If you’re walking, climb a flight of stairs. Move differently often to improve circulation, decrease soreness and improve energy and mood.

If you have 5 minutes: Stand up. Perform 20 posture squats: Stand with your feet hip-width apart. Extend both arms straight out in front of you with your arms straight and hold them parallel to the floor. Sit back, bend from your knees and hips and lower your body until your thighs are about parallel to the floor. Return to your starting position. Next do 10 Pushups.  Follow Pushups with a 30 second Plank interval on your forearms and toes: Place your forearms on the floor, with your elbows directly below your shoulders. Place your toes on the floor and hold the center of your body up parallel to the floor, and count to 30. Repeat 2-3 times through. Move from one exercise to the next without a rest interval.

If you have 10 minutes: Walk down the street 4 minutes. At the end of the block, do 20 Heel Raises: Stand with your feet hip-width apart, place your arms across your chest using your core muscles to balance and stabilize your body. Lift up your heels, and then lower your heels half way down the floor. Walk back to your starting point. Do a Wall Squat Hold for 30 seconds: Lean with your back against a wall and your feet about 12 inches away from the wall. Lower your body down about six inches. Hold for a count of 30. Return to your standing upright position.

If you have 15 minutes: Perform a walking warm-up for 5 minutes. Begin body-weight exercises with 20 Squats: Place your arms across your chest. Stand with your feet hip-width apart. Bend your knees and hips and sit back, lowering your body about twelve inches. Return to your starting position. Move on to 10 Wall Pushups: Place your hands shoulder width and shoulder level on the wall. Bending from your elbows, lower your chest toward the wall, then straighten your arms again to return to your starting position. Immediately from Wall Pushups, perform 10 Jump Squats: Squat down, then upon standing, jump up lifting both feet off the floor and raising both arms overhead. Land gently and lower your body down into a squat.  Repeat Squats, Wall Pushups, and Jump Squats three times through with no rest in between.


*Disclaimer: Result may vary from person to person.


Better your Fitness

Better your Fitness!

Join #HealthyWayMag Fitness Chat on Twitter and stay current on top gear, best exercise practices and keys to motivation. Interact with others who are also on their fitness journey. Together we solve challenges and share successes.

Mark your Calendar NOW: Every Monday at 5pm(Pacific)/8pm(Eastern) #HealthyWayMag Fitness Chat on Twitter.

It’s easy to join in: Simply log into your Twitter account. Enter #HealthyWayMag to follow the chat feed. Questions for discussion are posed as “Q1″ Question 1, “Q2″ Question 2 and so on. Reply to offer your tips, ideas and experiences by notating your answer as “A1″ to designated your answer to question 1,”A2″ to offer your thoughts on the second question and so on.



Monday July 13, 2015 #HealthyWayMag Fitness Chat is Sponsored by RecoFit Compression Gear.

If you don’t know about RecoFit Compression Gear, you should! Competitive athletes and fitness-enthusiasts alike have designated RecoFit as their personal training partner. Their technical-fit and uniquely designed gear helps you get more oxygen to your muscles, reduce swelling and delay fatigue. What does that mean for your fitness? Better performance and faster recovery. RecoFit is the only compression gear that cuts their fabric in a cross-grain process for effective compression and no-slip positioning! Check out their product line and experience the RecoFit difference for yourself. Proudly made in the USA! Contact your compression gear experts via Twitter at @Recofit.

Traveling? How to keep your fitness on track. By Nicole Bryan

Take your strength/stretch routine along for the ride this summer! This combo workout series is a great fit to maintain condition while traveling. The following series is for intermediate exercisers and those without injury or illness concerns. Always consult your physician before beginning exercise.

Knees to chest stretch. Lie on your back and pull both knees into your chest. Hold ten to twenty seconds.

Hamstring stretch. Lie on your back. Extend your right leg straight up, perpendicular to the floor. Hold ten to twenty seconds. Change leg position; extend your left leg straight up, perpendicular to the floor and hold.

Bicycle for Abs. Lie on your back and pull both legs up off the floor with knees bent. “Bicycle” your legs to work abdominal muscles. Do ten times total.

Figure 4 stretch. Lie on your back. Cross your right ankle onto your left thigh, pull both legs off the floor and in toward your chest. Hold ten to twenty seconds. Change leg position; place your left ankle on your right thigh, pull both legs in toward your chest.

Floor plank. Lie on your stomach on the floor. Place your forearms and toes on the floor, lift the rest of your body off the floor and maintain parallel to the floor. Hold thirty seconds.

Low back stretch. Begin on your hands and knees on the floor. Inhale, round your back up. Exhale, and arch your back. Do five times.

Standing squats. Begin standing with your feet hip width apart, hold your arms straight out in front of you. Bend from your knees and hips and sit back into a squat. Lower your body down until your thighs are parallel to the floor. Return to your starting position. Do ten repetitions.

Standing lunge stretch. Standing, step your right foot back about three feet. Keep both feet flat on the floor and pointing forward. Bend your left knee and hold ten seconds. Change leg positions; step back with your left foot back about three feet, keeping both feet flat and pointing forward, bend your right knee and hold ten seconds.

Standing front thigh stretch. Stand on your right leg. With your left hand, grab your left ankle. Keep your knees together and your torso straight. Hold ten seconds. Release and change leg positions. Stand on your left leg only, with your right hand hold your right ankle. Hold ten seconds.

Don’t let travel plans leave your strength and flexibility on the sidelines. Maintenance is not regression after all! Use this stretch and strength combo routine to take easy conditioning along during travels!


*Disclaimer: Result may vary from person to person.


How to Choose an Exercise Program by Justin Ross

According to the Physical Activity Guidelines published by the US Department of Health and Human Services, adults need to exercise for at least 150 minutes at moderate intensity during a week in order to gain health benefits. Exercise is crucial for good mental and physical health. Exercise can help to control weight, improve strength and endurance, and keep chronic illnesses such as diabetes and metabolic syndrome at bay.*

Know Your Fitness Goal

Before you decide which exercise routine to follow, you should have a clear idea of your fitness goal. If you are just starting out because you got an earful the last time you visited the doctor, then your immediate goal may be to reduce weight, or manage your diabetes. You may be one of those who already follow a healthy lifestyle, but now want to dial up the fitness part and train for a marathon or a 5K. You might have some body-building goal in mind, or want to improve your flexibility. You may want to become serious about playing a sport, rather than just going for a weekend game now and then.

Choose an exercise routine specifically to achieve your goal.

For example, if you are just starting out, you may want to start with a low-impact or non-impact aerobic activity and aim for at least 30 minutes five days a week. If its body building you are after, you will need a strength training routine that targets specific muscles, with different sets of muscles coming into play in each session. You also need to figure out if you want to work out at home, outdoors, or at a gym. You may want a full-service health club offering amenities such as a swimming pool, sports options, a sauna and a massage service.

Different Types of Exercise

1. Cardio

Cardio is physical exercise of low to high intensity that causes you to breathe harder, gets your heart beating faster than at rest, and makes you sweat. Walking, running, cycling, swimming and dancing are all examples of aerobic exercise. Start with a moderate routine, and then dial up the intensity. Popular aerobics exercise classes offered by health clubs include spinning, high intensity interval training, dancing, aqua aerobics, and so on. Exercise classes also help you to meet new people and can be more motivating than exercising solo. Remember, if you are a beginner to exercise, or have any health condition, you should always talk to a doctor before beginning any exercise routine.

2. Strength Training

This is a form of exercise designed to strengthen the muscles, either by using weights such as free weights, kettlebells, or resistance bands, or by using the body’s own weight. A strength training routine should target different sets of muscles on successive days. There are many exercise routines that combine cardio and strength training; this combination has the dual benefit of increasing your fitness and enhancing your strength. Since strength training can lead to injury if not done correctly, it is a good idea to use a personal trainer, at least in the initial days, so as to learn the correct form. Confirm your trainer is certified by the American Council on Exercise. You can then be rest assured that your trainer knows what she is doing.

3. Sports

Whether a team sport or an individual effort, sports can be a great way of building exercise into your daily schedule. Choose your sport based on your fitness level, familiarity with the sport, access to the proper facilities; don’t forget to consult your doctor.

Justin Ross is a marketing manager at New York Health & Racquet Club. With 20 years of experience in health and fitness, Justin loves to write and talk about different aspects of healthy living. For more info go to www.nyhrc.com, Facebook and follow along via Twitter.


*Disclaimer: Result may vary from person to person.