May 9, 2024

Fuel your enthusiasm!

Fuel your enthusiasm!

#HealthyWayMag Fitness Chat happens every Monday at 5pm(Pacific)/8pm(Eastern) on Twitter. You’ll find exercise friends, workout tips and healthy living ideas. Join in the conversation with others also on their journey to fitness. Exchange ideas to solve your challenges and share your success to inspire others. Fueling your fitness enthusiasm has never been so easy and accessible!

Thank You #HealthyWayMag Fitness Chat Sponsors! If you’re looking to add a little inspiration to your perspiration, give their links a click.

Shaping Her Esteem. Shaping Her Esteem (SHE) promotes the participation of girls in physical activity to increase their health and wellness. They share recipes, physical activity ideas, nutrition tips and motivational videos. They also organize and facilitate boot camps for young girls. Shaping Her Esteem is looking for girls between 8-16 who would love to write about her experiences in sport/dance, and to share positive experiences in physical activity! Follow them on Twitter for more info.

Momentum. Momentum Jewelry’s signature piece is a delightfully comfortable bracelet that blends function with purpose. Intended for active use, it is washable, lightweight, and non-tarnishing. More importantly, their motivational and inspirational sayings are personalized and become internalized. Check them out on Twitter to see all their products.

RunnerBox.  Runnerbox delivers subscription boxes full of products hand selected to enhance the training, racing and recovery of runners, cyclists or triathletes. Now you can sample top gear just like the pro’s. It’s the perfect gift for yourself or someone else! Check out their Runnerbox, Tribox and Cyclebox. Follow them on Twitter for more info.

Aspen Yoga Mats. Aspen Yoga Mats supply a non-toxic mat that is comfortable, stable and weighs only 3.3 pounds. They offer custom embroidered mats. Or choose from one of their five designs: the Laughing Buddha, the Yin/Yang, the Orchid Branch, the iconic Aspen Leaf and the word BALANCE. Mats are available in five unique colors: Pink, Turquoise, Tangerine, Aloe and Plum. Yoga mats made according to your interests and energy! Check them out on Twitter!

KIND Healthy Snacks. They are your healthy food choice with a positive mission of promoting kindness. With a variety of snacks from which to choose, you’ll rest assured you’re feeding your fitness with healthy and nutritious ingredients. Give their savory STRONG & KIND bars a try to power your workout, or try their most popular Nuts & Spices bars for a healthy mid-day snack. Follow them on Twitter to stay up to date.

Stage your Comeback! By Nicole Bryan

What’s your comeback story?

Look to those you know who’ve staged an exercise comeback after a setback for inspiration and motivation. One thing all comebacks have in common whether sports related, work related or otherwise; the comeback kid always says all the hard work was worthwhile. No one has ever regretted it.

Here are 6 steps to stage your best comeback yet!

Review. Retrace steps to determine where you strayed from your goal.

Research. Are there pieces of the puzzle that you’ve been missing? Maybe there is a new technology or method to make your goal easier to accomplish.

Be Vulnerable. Everyone makes mistakes and poor decisions. Don’t be afraid to let others know you’ve slacked off in your progress. If they know you are struggling, they may be able to help get you back on track.

Progress is Cumulative. Even if you falter on your way to your goal, exercise is cumulative. Every little bit counts. Stay out of the all or none mindset. You are not starting at zero again, simply start where you are!

Accept Responsibility. YOU ate the cookies, YOU slept in, YOU skipped your run. Take responsibility, and then move on.

Leave the Past in the Past. Focus forward. The past is the past, so leave it there. Acknowledge it, learn from it and then let it go.

So if you’ve strayed from your exercise and fitness goal, stage your comeback. A comeback takes planning, consistency, hard work and dedication…and you’ll never regret it!

Buddy Friendly Fitness by Nicole Bryan

Want to invite your friend to exercise with you? A medicine ball makes a great buddy friendly fitness equipment option. The following is for intermediate exercisers without injury concerns. Consult your physician before beginning exercise.

Begin with a 5lb or 8lb medicine ball. A few rules to remember when working with a weighted ball. Firstly, only work in a range of motion that you can control. So if you’re using momentum, risk of injury is greatly increased. Secondly, do not sacrifice form for repetitions, ever. When your form starts to fade, your set is over. Finally, start light. Choose a light weighted ball when learning a new exercise.

Rotate and Pass. Standing back to back. Turn to your right and pass the ball as fast as you can control to your friend. Your friend takes hold of the ball and passes it to you via his or her right side as well. Continue passing the medicine ball clock-wise for 15 rotations. Repeat passing the ball to your left in a counter clock-wise direction.

Squat and Toss. Stand facing one another. Perform a squat and then toss the ball under-hand to your partner. Your partner catches the ball and immediately drops into a squat, stands up straight again and tosses the ball back to you. Perform 15 squats and tosses each.

Jog and Toss. Stand facing one another about 4 feet apart. Jog to your right about 10 feet, tossing the ball back and forth as quickly as you are able. Stop, change directly and jog to your left about 10 feet tossing the ball back and forth. Repeat 5 total sets.

Online Fitness 4-1-1 by Jenna Michael

We’ve all done it. Looked in the mirror, found something we don’t like and then immediately googled how to make it smaller. It’s human nature and the beauty of the internet. We have unlimited resources at our finger tips with the quick punch of a key. One quick search for “butt toning workouts” and you have millions of links to all sorts of tips, tricks, and workouts. So how do we sift through the junk to find quality workouts online?

Is your workout coming from a reputable source?

We all have that trusty blogger that we can’t get enough of. Your blogger of choice may post amazing recipes, healthy tips, DIY tips, daily adventures, workouts and many other things but before you get too attached, check their credentials. Does he or she have a fitness certification, license, or degree that validates their advice? I can’t tell you how many times I have come across a pinterest workout of the “best kettlebell moves” or “amazing flat abs” exercises that were created by non-certified fitness enthusiasts and have been pinned hundreds of times. While I have nothing against aspiring fitness enthusiasts, I do suggest only taking the advice of qualified professionals.

Does your source have adequate information for you to execute the workout safely?

Look for proper form and ample exercise explanations from your source. You don’t have to be an expert to see major mistakes like contorted body positions, awkward moves, or exercises that make you think “that can’t be healthy”.

Does he or she clearly explain how the workout is supposed to be executed?

One of the hardest parts about using workouts from the internet is figuring out what the author wants you to do. Repetitions and sets can get mixed up, timing can be poorly explained, and don’t even get me started on weird exercise names!

The moral of the story is to do your research thoroughly, don’t trust everything you read, and don’t be afraid to ask questions.  When your health and safety are on the line don’t settle for anything but the best.

Jenna Michael is a certified personal trainer, group exercise instructor, and author of Little Green Running Shoes, a healthy living and exercise blog. She blogs about her latest exercise tips while providing a common place for active people to discover new workout trends. Her passion for active living began at an early age in the dance studio and flourished thanks to her parents. Jenna has dedicated her life to helping others reach their healthy living goals through exercise and positive thinking. Don’t settle for anything less that what you want and always keep your focus on the ultimate goal.

Add-On the Fun by Tera Busker

This is an Add-On Workout. Add on the fun by adding one exercise at a time! Super efficient and super fun.

(Consult your physician before beginning exercise.)

Begin doing #1, then #2, then #1. Then do #3, #2, #1. Repeat until you’ve completed #7- #1.


1.    10 Plank Up Downs
2.    15 Squats
3.    10 Jump Lunges
4.    10 Tricep Dips
5.    10 Pushups
6.    30 Mountain Climbers
7.    10 Burpees

Tera Busker is an ACE Certified Personal Trainer and owner of Fitness To Go, an exclusive In Home & Private Studio Personal Training Service based out of Roberts, WI.

No Excuses! By Tera Busker

The Holidays are fast approaching and no matter how much you plan, organize and think ahead, this time of year is always hectic. Family get-together’s, your kid’s activities, work parties and shopping all throw a wrench in your every day schedule. Everything gets chaotic and usually your workout is the first thing pushed aside – BUT IT DOESN’T HAVE TO BE THAT WAY!

The best way to make sure you still get your workout into the schedule, is to have one that can be done quickly and can be done anywhere! A workout that is fast and only requires your body eliminates 100% of the excuses. And that workout is called Interval Training. 20 seconds all out work, 10 seconds rest, 8 times through for a total of 4 MINUTES!!!! And one of the best things about Interval workouts is that, if done correctly, can burn calories for hours after you finish your workout.


(Always consult a physician before beginning exercise. Perform at your own risk.)

During an Interval Workout you can use any exercise you like, but the following is a list of body weight only exercises. Pick 1, 2, 4, or 8 of these to create your own workout. Mix and match to create 8 rounds. Just make sure to do them as intensely as you are able, always with good form.

Squats (regular, side to side, jump)

Lunges (regular, static, forward, backward, side to side, jump)



Mountain Climbers (regular, cross body, spiderman)

Frog Jumps (Forward/Backwards Jumps while staying low)

Jumping Jacks (regular, low or plyo)

Plank Jacks

Skater Lunges

Pushups (regular, tricep, spiderman)

Up Down Planks

Now put your exercises together to create your own circuit for a fast and efficient workout! The workout can consist of 1-5 intervals depending on how much time you have. Make sure to warm up with 5 minutes of low intensity activity beforehand to get the body ready for the intense work. Rest 1-2 minutes between sets.


Tera’s Intervals (full body and works the body in all ranges of motion)

20 seconds jump squat

10 seconds rest

20 seconds burpee

10 seconds rest

20 seconds skater lunges

10 seconds rest

20 seconds mountain climber

10 seconds rest

20 seconds plank jack

10 seconds rest

20 seconds frog jumps

10 seconds rest

20 seconds crossbody mountain climber

10 seconds rest

20 seconds plank up down

10 seconds rest

Tera Busker is an ACE Certified Personal Trainer and owner of Fitness To Go, an exclusive In Home & Private Studio Personal Training Service based out of Roberts, WI.

What NOT to say to a Beginning Exerciser by Nicole Bryan

What NOT to say to a Beginning Exerciser

When someone is beginning a new exercise program, it would seem obvious to most that they need encouragement, not judgment and criticism. However, if you’ve been a regular in the exercise world for awhile, you may have forgotten how much courage it takes to simply walk into a gym.

Here are a few things NOT to say to those you know going full steam ahead on their new exercise and healthy living program. And keep in mind- that yes in fact, your mother was right, if you can’t say something nice and supportive, its best to say nothing at all!

“Is that all you’re doing?” All fitness levels should be praised and rewarded with nice words. Be mindful of “absolute” words, like all and only. For example, “It’s only a 5K” and “All new exercisers fail” are not helpful words to say to someone, they are hurtful.

“That’s a really easy workout.” Who are you to say what’s easy or challenging for another person? A kayaking workout could be challenging for an Olympic athlete, and a karate class could come easily to a beginning exerciser. Every individual is just that, an individual.

“Have you lost any weight?” Go with the basic rule, don’t ask; let them tell you if they’d like. You’ll learn very quickly which exercisers like to share the details of their healthy lifestyle plan versus those who like to keep their progress private. A simple “You look great” is always an encouraging go-to.

“How are you going to fit that into your schedule?” Many times self-doubt is already high on the list of challenges when beginning a healthy lifestyle, so posing a question such as this isn’t productive. Try asking “how can I help you?” instead.

“You’re going to get hurt.” Not true! Not all new exercisers get hurt, and not all veteran exercisers avoid injury.

“But you’ve always quit in the past.” Maybe this time will be different. It is possible to attempt the same goal five times, only to succeed on the sixth attempt.

“You’re too old to start exercising.” There’s no such thing as too old to begin exercising in some capacity. There’s also no such thing as too short, too tall, too young, too inexperienced, too uncoordinated or too busy.

“Why do you want to do that?” It’s not up to you to ask why. It’s their goal, their undertaking, their decision.

“You’re not doing it right.” Let’s face it, we live in an information is everywhere world. If a new exerciser is being unsafe, the best thing to do is to mention your concerns to a staff member at the gym and allow them to professionally and compassionately address the situation.

As with learning any new skill, beginning an exercise program can be overwhelming and scary. Venturing into the fitness world can be intimating, so consider extending a little kindness and encouragement to new exercisers around you.

Getting Started by Brett Klika C.S.C.S.

Getting Started With 3 Simple Strength Exercises

Strength training helps increase the amount of lean, mean muscle you have.  Muscle burns fuel like an engine, so the more you have, the more fuel you burn. Aside from the ability to burn more calories and fat, muscle adds shape and definition to your physique. Strength training is the practice of improving your own level of strength, whatever that may be!

Bodyweight, dumbells, kettlebells, machines, resistance bands, and a number of other forms of resistance all work to provide a challenge to the body, making it stronger.  In order to continue to get stronger, you just have to find new ways to challenge your body.

Here are 3 exercises to get you started. (As always, consult your physician before performing exercises.)

1.  Lunge (Click to view YouTube video demonstration)
The lunge is a great starter exercise for strength, flexibility, and shaping of the lower body.
1. Start by standing with your feet together.
2. Step forward as far as you can with your left leg.
3. Once your left foot contacts the ground bend both your left and right knee until your right knee is as close to the ground as possible.
4.  Keep your torso upright, your left heel on the ground, and don’t allow your left knee to pass the toes on your left foot.
5. Return to the starting position and repeat on the other side!

Try 2 sets of 10 repetitions on each leg.

2.  Slow push-ups (Click to view YouTube video demonstration)
Most people have at least attempted to do a push-up sometime in their exercise life.  This intense upper body exercise, however, can prove to be a little difficult for first timers.  Here’s a way to start a little slower to build success!

1. Start in the “all 4’s” position with shoulders aligned over the hands.
2. Keeping the shoulders over the hands, bring the knees off the ground so the spine and hips are parallel to the ground.
3.  Squeezing your ab, glute, and quad muscles while attempting to “grab” the ground and slowly lower yourself to the ground, keeping your spine and hips parallel to the ground.
4.  Your chest, belly, and knees should all touch the ground at about the same time.
5.  Once you reach the ground, use your knees to get back up to the “all 4’s” starting position and repeat.

Try 2 sets of 6 repetitions.

3.  Supermans (Click to see YouTube video demonstration)
Strength training can do a lot more than improve your physique.  It can improve your posture and help get you out of chronic pain.  The superman exercise is a great movement to improve posture and strength of the upper back and shoulders.

1. Lie on your stomach with both arms straight out in front of you, thumbs up towards the ceiling.
2.  Pretend that you have a tennis ball tucked under your chin.
3.  Keeping the feet on the ground, arms straight, and chin tucked, lift the chest, arms, and head off of the ground.
4.  Hold for 2 seconds, then return to the starting position and repeat.

Try 2 sets of 10 repetitions

Here’s a quick whole-body beginner workout you can do at home without even changing your clothes!

Enjoy getting stronger, happier, and healthier!

Brett Klika, CEO of SPIDERfit Kids ( is an award winning personal trainer, author, and international motivational speaker inspiring men, women, and children around the world to create a culture of wellness in their home and live the best version of their life.  To contact Brett with questions or comments at

Jump on in!

Jump on in… to your fitness, that is! Your healthiest self awaits.

Join us every Monday at 5pm(Pacific)/8pm(Eastern) to start your week healthy and motivated. You’ll find workout ideas and healthy living inspiration with others who share your fitness journey.

Where: Find us on Twitter via #HealthyWayMag
When: Every Monday 5pm(Pacific)/8pm(Eastern)

Thank You to our Summer Fitness Chat Sponsors! Check them out to learn how they can help make your fitness better.

Sunscreen Bands. This new product allows you to be smarter in the sun. Through their patented color changing technology, their UV Sunscreen Bands will remind you to reapply sunscreen. No more worries, only sun protection through a fun and user-friendly method. Follow them on Twitter via @SunscreenBands for more product info.

Shaping Her Esteem. Shaping Her Esteem (SHE) promotes the participation of girls in physical activity to increase their health and wellness. They share nutrition tips, motivational videos and facilitate boot camps for young girls. Shaping Her Esteem is looking for girls between 8-16 who would love to write about her experiences in sport/dance, and to share positive experiences in physical activity! Follow them on Twitter for more info @ShapeHerEsteem.

ENERGYbits®. This high protein, low calorie snack gives unlimited energy as it is 100% organic spirulina algae. Spirulina contains as much gram for gram of calcium as milk, as well as containing 5 times more iron than spinach. Be sure to follow them on Twitter @ENERGYbits for more information.

SIX:02. The ultimate women’s fitness destination offering apparel, footwear, and accessories from top brands. You’ll find a wide selection for women who love to exercise, embrace personal challenges and strive to achieve their goals. A #SIX02Moment is when women are inspired to accomplish a goal, make the most of their workout or reach for new ambitions. Follow them on Twitter @SIX02 for all product information.

Mix it up!

Get Fit Quick Tip

Mix it up! Change up a component of your workout routine every 4-6 weeks to:

Keep results coming. Your fitness will improve while adapting to a new challenge.
Increase motivation. Your mind and focus is required when learning new exercises or skills.
Decrease risk of injury. Changing the angle at which you’re working your body prevents over-training.


Our Get Fit Quick tip will always be easy to remember and you’ll be able to implement it the very same day. Our tip will be so clear and concise you’ll be motivated to forward it to all your friends and family to inspire them to live healthy and fit as well.