July 26, 2024

Healthy Lifestyle Step 1: Complete ONE Action

Fit Mind:

Complete 1 Action.

Anyone can have a plan, but the plan only works when you TAKE ACTION. Don’t know where to start? Feeling anxious and overloaded? Afraid to do healthy living wrong? Use your energy, fear and anxiety to take action, do something, execute your plan. Here’s how to start RIGHT NOW:

Drink 1 glass of pure water.

Take a 10 minute walk.

Choose extra veggies at your meal.

Skip one sugary drink.

Take 3 deep breaths.




Strong Arms

Fit Body:

Lying Tricep Press for Strong Arms

Build strong arm muscles, shoulders and abs with the Lying Tricep Press exercise. Begin lying down. Hold one weight in each hand. Lift the weight over your head, keeping your elbows directly over your shoulders. Next, keeping your upper arms straight up and down, lower the weight to the side of your head about 3-4 inches.  Then keeping your upper arms still, push your arms to straight to complete one rep. Start with 10 reps.


*Consult your physician before performing exercise.

Your Fitness= Try and Try Again!

Healthy Mind:

Your Fitness= Try and Try Again, and then try again until you find what inspires and motivates you.

If you’re not finding fitness that suits you, try and try again. There is something for every one, every ability, every personality, every time constraint, financial situation, gear availability and age.


Find your Fitness Second Gear

Fit Mind:

Find Your Fitness Second Gear!

When the going get tough, the tough _______! Or do you back down and back off? Find your fitness second gear by:

Practice clearing your mind of distractions and over-thinking what you’re doing. Choose one word to repeat over and over again until your mind is clear.

Focus on your inhale and exhale by counting out load. Count your inhale to 2-3 seconds and your exhale of 3-4 seconds. Repeat.

Choose someone who inspires you and repeat their name as you move through your fitness challenge. Dedicating your effort to a loved one will give you power and focus to complete the task at hand.


Find a Fitness Mentor

Fit Mind:

Find a Fitness Mentor

Having a mentor is helpful for all walks of life, and fitness is no different. Do you know someone who has a solid fitness routine, a compatible fitness philosophy and is someone you respect and admire? Ask him or her to be your fitness mentor. All this means is if you have questions, need support or encouragement, or are looking for a resource, you can ask him or her. Everyone was a beginner at some point, and most people are more than happy to offer a hand to others also on their fitness journey.

What fitness example do you set?

Get Fit Quick Tip:

Encourage fitness by setting a healthy example!

Youngsters hear and see everything. Even when you think they aren’t paying attention, they are! If you pull on your jeans and grimace. If you complain how much you ate and now you “feel so fat”. If you are on the tennis court and whine how bad you are, can’t do anything right, or are so out of shape, you are setting an example. They look up to you, they think you are strong and capable. You’re the grown ups, after all. Set a strong, balanced, and empowered example of healthy living and smart fitness choices by using positive words and taking positive actions.



Get your mind right!

Get Fit Quick Tip:

Set your mind to reach your fitness goals!

Get your mind right in your fitness, and you’re half way there! A supportive mindset can be accomplished in spending a few minutes every day. Sit quietly and visualize accomplishing your goal- How will you feel? What will you see? What will you say? It’s important to include all your senses in your visualization and make it feel “real” to your mind. Get your mind right to reach your goals!


Listen to Your Body!

Get Fit Quick Tip:

Listen to your body!

How do you know when nagging soreness from exercise warrants a trip to the doctor? Soreness is part of working out sometimes. Discomfort is also part of working out sometimes. Pain is NOT part of working out. So here’s the bottom line: If a move, motion or exercise doesn’t “feel” right to your body, it probably isn’t. Unload the weight and stop the exercise. Revisit proper form without weight or resistance, and then try again. If it still doesn’t feel right, then adjust the range of motion, mode of exercise or consider modifications. This is a feeling you don’t want to push through. And if you have pain that results, here are few guidelines to know when to take it seriously:

When ice doesn’t make it feel better.

When you have loss of range of motion or mobility.

When pain wakes you up at night.

Any pain accompanied by swelling, change in appearance of joint or muscles, numbness or tingling.

When you’re unable to perform your usual workout because of pain or discomfort.

Choose health and fitness…

Get Fit Quick Tip:

Choose health and fitness TODAY! Getting healthy and fit takes commitment, dedication and effort. And it will be worth every minute of your time, effort and sweat. Here’s how to stop procrastinating and choose health and fitness TODAY:

Set the timer on your phone  to signal workouts.

Ask friends and family for accountability.

Set a mini-goal for each workout.

Add a social component to make your fitness fun. Fun workouts mean you’ll be less likely to skip. And when you’re consistent with workouts, you’ll see results.

Learn a new sport or skill to keep interest high.



Find YOUR Fitness

Get Fit Quick Tip:

Fitness is NOT one size fits all!

Not all workouts are for every body! Likewise, not all bodies are for all types of workouts! Just because you didn’t like a workout, or the workout didn’t work for you doesn’t mean give up on your fitness all together. Unfortunately, so many give up entirely! Fitness goals vary, capabilities vary, comfort varies, and likes and dislikes vary. Remember this! Try a workout at least 3 times, changing the format, order, load or intensity, and try different instructors if in group fitness, before eliminating the workout as a fitness option. And then choose another option, and then another option, and then another option, until you find what works for you, feels good, is challenging, and yield results. Keep at it, and never give up. Try and try again to find YOUR fitness!