January 21, 2025

Is Range of Motion Exercise for You?

Get Fit Quick Tip:

Do Range of Motion!

Range of motion exercise is moving a joint through it’s pain-free rage of motion to increase circulation and mobility. Ankle range of motion serves as a great pre-exercise to high-impact and low-impact exercise. Here are 3 ankle range of motion exercises to get started. Do each 5-8 times.

Lift toes/Lower toes.

Circle your ankle in both directions.

Rotate the bottom of your foot in and then out.



*Consult your physician before beginning exercise.

WORK for your fitness!

Get Fit Quick Tip:

WORK HARD for your fitness!

Your workout is supposed to be challenging, that’s the point! Challenging is where results happen. There are no short cuts, easy roads or lazy days when it comes to improving your health and fitness. Instead of being afraid of hard work, discomfort, sweat and burning muscles, embrace the effort! Here’s what may happen during a high-quality workout:

You may sweat.

Your muscles may burn.

You may become fatigued.

Your heart rate may increase.

Your breathing may become challenging.

You may be physically uncomfortable.

You may have to dig deep mentally.

You may struggle to complete the workout.




Perfect your PushUp

Get Fit Quick Tip:


Do traditional exercises like pushups still have value in your exercise plan? The answer is a resounding yes! Here’s why. Pushups incorporate all muscles of the body. Pushups use the core muscles how they are required to work during your daily activities, in a stabilizing capacity. Pushups build upper body strength.

Find a form of pushups that works for you. For example:

Wall Pushups. Stand facing the wall. Place your hands flat on the wall in front of you, about chest-level high and shoulder-width apart. Bend both elbows and lean into the wall. Keep your feet flat on the floor and keep your torso straight. Extend both arms and return to your starting position.

Bench Pushups. Place your hands in the center of a stable bench, with your body straight and toes on the floor. Bending both elbows, lower your chest toward the bench. Extend your arms and return to your starting position.

Floor Full Pushups. Place both hands flat on the floor with your hands slightly wider than your shoulders. Tuck your toes under and lift your body up off the floor.  Bend both arms and lower your chest toward the floor. Extend both arms to return to your starting position.

Floor Modified Pushups. Kneel on the floor. Place both hands flat on the floor in front of you about shoulder-width apart. Move your knees back slightly until your body is straight, with only your knees and hands on the floor. Bend both arms and lower your chest to the floor. Extend both arms to return to your starting position.

*Always consult your physician before beginning exercise.



Be your BEST!

You work hard for your fitness! Every workout yields a stronger, healthier and more determined you. Be your BEST fit-self with #HealthyWayMag Fitness Chat every Monday 5pm(Pacific)/8pm(Eastern) on Twitter!


Here’s how it works:
Log onto your Twitter account and follow @HealthyWayMag to view the chat questions. Questions for discussion will be posted as Question 1, “Q1″, Question 2, “Q2″ and so on. Contribute your answer and experience via answers to Question 1 noted as “A1″, designating your answer to Question 2 as “A2″ and so on. Consider our weekly fitness chat as your virtual fitness-club meeting! You’ll chat with other fitness enthusiasts, exchange workout tips and ideas, share your challenges and solutions, and offer accountability and motivation!


Monday October 26, 2015 #HealthyWayMag Fitness Chat Giveaway from Bibs2Bags:
What do you do with your race bibs? Meet Bibs2Bags! Let’s face it, throwing out old race bibs can be painful as each represents a different experience in your fitness and healthy living journey. Now you don’t have to! Commemorate your race bibs into a fun and useful bag. Check out their Custom Crafted Bags made from your running and racing memorabilia.  Upcycle, Repurpose, and Show off Your Accomplishments! Follow them on Twitter @Bibs2Bags for more info!

Start your fitness TODAY! By Tera Busker

Fall has just started and winter is right around the corner, but is it too early to be preparing for your summer wardrobe?

Absolutely not! Shorts and swimsuit weather will be here again before you know it, so here are 4 great exercises to incorporate into your workout this winter to get you in a “shapely” shape for this summer. (Always consult your physician before beginning exercise.)



Tricep Dips
When you wave goodbye, does the underneath of your arm continue to wave even after you stop? To tone up your arms, give tricep dips a try.

Starting Position

Sit on the edge of a chair and wrap your hands over the front edge. Walk feet out slightly so your hips are out past the edge of the chair.

Lower hips toward the floor until your elbows are bent to 90 degrees. Press up until your elbows are straight, but not locked. Work up to doing 15 reps and 3 sets of this exercise.


Clock Lunges
Clock lunges are guaranteed to tighten up your booty, slim the hips and give you well defined legs.

Starting Position

Imagine you are standing in the center of a clock. Straight in front of you is 12:00, to your right is 3:00, behind you is 6:00 and to your left is 9:00.

Lunge with your right leg to each of the 12:00, 3:00 and 6:00 positions. Lunge with your left leg to each of the 6:00, 9:00 and 12:00 positions. Each time you lunge, make sure to return to the starting position before lunging to the next position.

Once you have completed each position, you have done 1 cycle. Work up to doing 5 cycles and 3 sets of this exercise.


Plank Up Downs

Plank Up Downs will tighten the entire core, strengthen the chest and give you definition in your shoulders.

Starting Position

Get into a pushup position (on knees or up on toes) with your elbows directly underneath your shoulders.

Slowly drop down into a low plank position (on elbows) one side at a time and pushup yourself back up into the high plank. That is one rep. Work up to doing 10 reps and 3 sets.


The best and most efficient way burn fat and torch calories  is through HIIT – High Intensity Interval Training. It’s a short workout that alternates between short blasts of high intensity work with bouts of lower intensity “recovery” periods in less than 30 minutes.


Warm up for 5 minutes. For the next 10 to 20 minutes alternate between 30 seconds of very intense exercise (like running) and 90 seconds of lower intensity exercise (walking or complete rest).  Follow that up with a 5 minute cool down.

HIIT training is very difficult and should not be done more that 2-3 times a week and never 2 days in a row.

Tera Busker is an ACE Certified Personal Trainer and owner of Fitness To Go, an exclusive In Home & Private Studio Personal Training Service based out of Roberts, WI. www.fitnesstogo.net

Be a Beginner…Again by Nicole Bryan

In a workout slump? One of the best ways to increase motivation is to try a new activity. For many, merely the thought of being the new kid in class conjures up uncomfortable feelings and images of being lost or not performing correctly. However, as adults, we are in charge of how we can approach a new activity with confidence, humility and yes, even a sense of humor.

If you’ve been in the fitness world for a while, you may have forgotten what it feels like to be a beginner. Consider it! You may even find a new sport, workout or physical activity to love. If you’ve been thinking of trying a new exercise, make TODAY the day you become a beginner, yet again. Go ahead, get comfortable with being uncomfortable. I dare you!

Here’s how to make being a beginner a little less scary:

Talk to friends. Actually, talk to everyone and anyone you know who has participated in the activity you are considering. As them what they like and don’t like about the activity. Ask them what location, instructor, gear and technique they recommend. Also, ask what initial fitness capabilities are required.

Google it. Let’s face it, we’re no longer in a not-knowing age of technology. Simply do a search online. Play connect-the-dots with the information you find, and see where it leads you.

Request a guest pass. If you’re unsure if you’ll like the activity, save some money up front by asking for a guest pass. Many facilities and even instructors allow a first-visit-free opportunity. You’ll never know if there are discounts or free trials available unless you ask!

Try and try again. Instead of discounting the new activity right off the bat after a unpleasant experience, give it at least three attempts on three different days. Sometimes it’s a matter of finding a the right fit of location, instructor personality or class participants.

Learning takes time! You didn’t just walk on to the tennis court the first time and score an ace, so why would you expect to instantly master the skills needed during your first try? Learning is half the fun after all! Cut yourself a break, and remind yourself that learning a new activity takes time.

So you’re ready to start an exercise program? By Jennifer Austin

So you want to start an exercise program? Making the decision to get fit doesn’t have to happen on January 1st, and it doesn’t have to happen on a Monday either, you can decide to get fit…today! So, where do you start? Here are your first five 5 steps to getting fit:

Medical clearance to exercise. If it’s been over a year since you’ve done blood work, do it. If it’s been awhile since you’ve been cleared from all your age-appropriate tests, do them. Blood pressure should be checked, as well as reviewing family history with your doctor.

Start moving daily/take breaks. Any kind of moving is good for your mind and healthy for your body. Start carving out scheduled breaks during your day. Walk out to the mail box, walk around the block, play with the kids.

Get a pedometer to find a starting point. How do you know where to begin if you don’t know your base? Wear your pedometer for one week consistently.

Find a professional. Be sure you’re making every minute count by building structure into your workout. Seek direction from a Fitness Professional to for proper instruction as to how the different systems of your body function. He or she can outline exact steps to safe and effective exercise.

Set goals. Grab a pen and paper. Write down a 3-week goal, 6-week goal, and 3-month goal to start. Beside your first goal, write down your action step to take immediately. Build momentum!

How to Choose an Exercise Program by Justin Ross

According to the Physical Activity Guidelines published by the US Department of Health and Human Services, adults need to exercise for at least 150 minutes at moderate intensity during a week in order to gain health benefits. Exercise is crucial for good mental and physical health. Exercise can help to control weight, improve strength and endurance, and keep chronic illnesses such as diabetes and metabolic syndrome at bay.*

Know Your Fitness Goal

Before you decide which exercise routine to follow, you should have a clear idea of your fitness goal. If you are just starting out because you got an earful the last time you visited the doctor, then your immediate goal may be to reduce weight, or manage your diabetes. You may be one of those who already follow a healthy lifestyle, but now want to dial up the fitness part and train for a marathon or a 5K. You might have some body-building goal in mind, or want to improve your flexibility. You may want to become serious about playing a sport, rather than just going for a weekend game now and then.

Choose an exercise routine specifically to achieve your goal.

For example, if you are just starting out, you may want to start with a low-impact or non-impact aerobic activity and aim for at least 30 minutes five days a week. If its body building you are after, you will need a strength training routine that targets specific muscles, with different sets of muscles coming into play in each session. You also need to figure out if you want to work out at home, outdoors, or at a gym. You may want a full-service health club offering amenities such as a swimming pool, sports options, a sauna and a massage service.

Different Types of Exercise

1. Cardio

Cardio is physical exercise of low to high intensity that causes you to breathe harder, gets your heart beating faster than at rest, and makes you sweat. Walking, running, cycling, swimming and dancing are all examples of aerobic exercise. Start with a moderate routine, and then dial up the intensity. Popular aerobics exercise classes offered by health clubs include spinning, high intensity interval training, dancing, aqua aerobics, and so on. Exercise classes also help you to meet new people and can be more motivating than exercising solo. Remember, if you are a beginner to exercise, or have any health condition, you should always talk to a doctor before beginning any exercise routine.

2. Strength Training

This is a form of exercise designed to strengthen the muscles, either by using weights such as free weights, kettlebells, or resistance bands, or by using the body’s own weight. A strength training routine should target different sets of muscles on successive days. There are many exercise routines that combine cardio and strength training; this combination has the dual benefit of increasing your fitness and enhancing your strength. Since strength training can lead to injury if not done correctly, it is a good idea to use a personal trainer, at least in the initial days, so as to learn the correct form. Confirm your trainer is certified by the American Council on Exercise. You can then be rest assured that your trainer knows what she is doing.

3. Sports

Whether a team sport or an individual effort, sports can be a great way of building exercise into your daily schedule. Choose your sport based on your fitness level, familiarity with the sport, access to the proper facilities; don’t forget to consult your doctor.

Justin Ross is a marketing manager at New York Health & Racquet Club. With 20 years of experience in health and fitness, Justin loves to write and talk about different aspects of healthy living. For more info go to www.nyhrc.com, Facebook and follow along via Twitter.


*Disclaimer: Result may vary from person to person.


Catch the Enthusiasm!

Enthusiasm and passion for health and fitness is contagious, CATCH IT!

Join #HealthyWayMag Fitness Chat every Monday at 5pm(Pacific)/8pm(Eastern) on Twitter to find workout support, encouragement, accountability, tips, friends and FUN!

We chat about everything fitness from how to overcome obstacles on your fitness journey, how to recover after a setback, how to set goals, training tips, workout motivation and even specific exercise ideas. We also exchange ideas on gear picks, equipment faves and must-do races for runners, cyclists and triathletes.

Here’s how to join:

1. Log onto Twitter.

2. Enter #HealthyWayMag to follow the chat feed.

3. Interact, chat, have fun and exchange ideas with other participants.

4. Questions are posted as “Q1″. Participate by noting your answer as “A1″.

5. Tag your responses with #HealthyWayMag to allow other participants to see your contribution.

6. SUPER-charge your workout motivation!


Monday June 1, 2015 #HealthyWayMag Fitness Chat Giveaway from ROLL Recovery:
One lucky participant will win a R8 massage roller. Recover faster from workouts with their revolutionary R8 massage roller. Massage is a well known method to not only make your feel better and function better, but to recover from tough workouts and races faster and with greater ease. Using the R8 massage roller reduces inflammation, breaks up adhesions and increases blood circulation. It’s portable, easy to use and the benefits are instant. Join their Facebook community and follow them on Twitter to learn more about how they can help make YOUR fitness better. Bookmark www.rollrecovery.com!




Is medical clearance really important? By Nicole Bryan

Is medical clearance to exercise really necessary?

“Obtain a doctors approval before beginning an exercise program.” We’ve all read this, heard this and seen this advisory many times, does it still need to be taken seriously? Yes. Absolutely. 100 percent. Why is medical clearance to exercise or activity in general so important? It’s important for several reasons:

Firstly, things change. We change. Bodies change. Our biology and body chemistry changes. Medical conditions change. It’s important to check in with your medical professional before beginning a new activity, as well as before increasing activity because our health (internal, as well as external health) status may have changed since our last visit. For most of the general population, it’s important to re-evaluate our health status at least once a year. For example, maybe your blood pressure was never an issue in the past. However, with a more sedentary job, higher daily stress and poor nutrition choices due to long work hours your blood pressure could now be elevated. High blood pressure is an example of compromised health that often goes undetected in the early stages, but is considered a serious health risk.

Secondly, generalizations are exactly that, generalizations. For example, youth does not automatically mean healthy. Skinny doesn’t always mean healthy. Another example; competitive athlete doesn’t always mean healthy. Likewise, an avid exerciser doesn’t always mean automatically healthy. Each individual should pursue and manage his or her health as an individual.

Thirdly, underlying conditions can be swept under the rug or disregarded as a symptom of mileage, hard workouts or heavy weights. Heavy exercisers may often feel fatigue, aches and soreness, so if something new arises there is less likely the chance the new symptom will be noticed and therefore tended to. For example, heavy lifting can make us sore in our upper back, neck and chest muscles. However, chest pain, neck and/or upper back pain can also be symptoms of cardiovascular issues.

Re-evaluating our health status is an important component of managing our overall wellness program. Doing so also allows us to tend to issues before they become serious. It’s not a matter of being paranoid; it’s a matter of simply being aware. If something feels off with your body, pursue it. Next time you see, read or hear the phrase “seek medical clearance before beginning an exercise program or activity” take it seriously. In fact, there’s no argument not to. Every smart exerciser is constantly re-evaluating how they feel and how their body is working. Checking in with medical professionals is just another way of managing our wellness.