July 26, 2024

Get Some Rest!

Get Fit Quick Tip:

Get Some Rest!

Respect your rest day. Rest IS part of an exercise program. Allowing sufficient time to properly absorb your workout is appropriate to insure maximum results. Program in a rest/recovery day a minimum of one day each week. If you’re exhausted during workouts or have constant achy muscles, consider increasing your rest/recovery period in between workouts.

*Consult a Fitness Professional to determine the appropriate workout for you.


Need a Rest Day?

Get Fit Quick Tip:

Respect your rest!

Rest days are essential to all fitness programs. In fact, rest/recovery days should be programmed IN to your workout schedule to allow for muscle recovery and mental rejuvenation.

Here’s why you should respect your rest day:

Makes workouts sustainable. Sufficient rest means you’ll have renewed energy to log the next hard workout.

Reduce risk of injury. Rest days allow your body time to rebuild and recover.

Refresh mental focus. Rest days give your mind time to process your workout and the mental focus required.

Maintains interest. Taking a day off from your key activity decreases risk of burnout.