September 20, 2024

Keep an open mind to fitness

Fit Mind:

Keep an open mind.

Instead of being locked in to one fitness routine, at one time, at one place, be open to where your fitness leads you. More importantly, be open to different types of fitness available right in front of you. If you’re finding an obstacle like scheduling, continues to get in your way to consistent fitness, sit quietly and think about a solution. Simply sitting in silence often allows the answer to come to you. There may be a new opportunity here, or a chance to change your approach for the better. For example, you may not always make your cardio class on time, but your daughters tennis practice is held right next to the school track. Any ideas? Another example may be, your lunch time seems to be shorter and shorter because of work pressure, but perhaps your morning walk with your dog can be filled with jogging intervals. Instead of becoming frustrated at what life throws your way, become open at how you can make it work. There’s always a way. Sit quietly, think about your fitness and healthy lifestyle, and see what ideas float in and out of your mind.

Take Responsibility for Your Fitness!

Get Fit Quick Tip:

Take responsibility for your health and fitness!

YOU are in charge of your workout! If you want to feel better, look better and function better, log consistent workouts. You can have more energy. You don’t have to live in pain. You don’t have to settle for poor posture. You can have strong muscles. Take responsibility RIGHT NOW by:

Get up earlier and log a home workout via YouTube, DVD or App.

Exercise at lunch.

Walk as much as you can during your day.

Sit less, take more breaks during your day.

If you don’t enjoy your workout, or at least part of it, try a new type of exercise. Keep trying new exercise until you find what works for you.

Join a community sports league or exercise class.

Train for an event like running or triathlon.

Schedule workouts with friends, instead of happy hours and meals.

Download a stretching app and do it every night after work.

Commit to a daily practice of deep breathing and meditation.






Set Weekly Goals

Get Fit Quick Tip:

Set Weekly Goals!

Short term goals of 3-6 months are important, as are long term goals of 6 months or longer to keep our focus. However, setting weekly goals keeps motivation high day in and day out. Write down your weekly goals and check off your progress as you go. 

Here’s how to get started:

Break it down. Set a weekly mileage goal or weight training goal by workouts logged, or even number of exercises, sets or weight mastered.

Reward small steps. Every workout counts and should be acknowledged as important.

Adjust as soon as possible. Weekly goals allows feedback sooner than short term goals. This means less time wasted moving in a direction not supportive of our goals.

JUMP IN…and experience the POWER IN A GROUP!

JUMP IN to 2013!
So you’ve committed to a New Year’s Resolution to get healthy once and for all. One of the best ways to stay on track, for any goal really, is to find an accountability group.  In an accountability group you’ll find a mentor. A mentor is one who has already accomplished what you desire or who is simply further along the path. With this comes valuable insight and advice! You’ll enjoy empowerment and inspiration in an accountability group. For example, maybe it’s a new runner who just completed his/her first 5K race. Perhaps it’s someone who is juggling the demands of parenting and still continues to attend spin class three times each week. Or maybe it’s someone whose job requires a hefty travel schedule and yet still finds a way to eat healthy while on the road.

It is this solution that Health Your Way Online is wishing to provide YOU, and so specific New Year’s Resolution Support twitter chats have been created: Our Motivational Monday Live Chats begin TODAY and happen every Monday in January with the focus of supporting YOUR healthy living in the new year.

During our chat’s you’ll meet others with similar goals. You’ll be a mentor for some, and others will serve as a mentor for you. The camaraderie runs deep in the Healthy Living world! We know there is power in a group. If you have a specific question, there will be someone who has solved this challenge previous and can provide guidance. If you’re needing encouragement, there will be one who is having an awesome day, when you’re day has been a tough one. If you’re looking for a resource, there will be someone who has already found what you’re looking for. We’ll cover a wide variety of topics, tips and resources.

We are proud to introduce the Sponsors of our Motivational Monday Resolution Chats. Check out their products as they provide extreme value to all healthy living and fitness enthusiasts.

Surf-Her Skincare.  Created by a 30 year veteran in the self-care business, these “products repair plus protect the skin and hair from damaging effects of the sun.” Join their facebook community at https://www.facebook.comsurfherskincare

Ragnar Relay Series. A true example of the power of the group, ragnar relay is the epitome! Ragnar Relays are “overnight running relay series that makes testing your limits a team sport.” Follow them on Twitter @RagnarRelay

Sparkly Soul Inc. Effective gear is essential to creating your exercise experience. Enter Sparkly Soul Inc. unique design. They provide “Sports and fitness headbands. No slip and no headache. Entirely elastic all the way around. #1 headband that fits EVERY head shape- Guaranteed.” Check them out on Twitter at @SPARKLYSOULINC

Bia Sport. Exercise should not add stress to your day, it should eliminate it! Hence Bia Sport was born! They offer the “1st GPS watch with SOS safety alert.”  Become a follower on Twitter at @biasport

JUMP IN and join our Power-in-a-Group Motivational Monday Live Chats EVERY Monday in January! 5pm(pacific) See you there! We are here to support YOUR healthy living efforts!