February 7, 2025

At-Your-Desk Posture Check

Fit Body:

Posture Check!

Do you have a sore neck and sore shoulders at the end of your day?  Check your desk posture! Move your chin back, and sit up straight, so your ears are lined up directly over your shoulders. Lower your chin so it is parallel to the floor. Slide your chair forward so you can reach the keyboard, but still keep your shoulders back so they are over your hips. A key to reducing neck and shoulder soreness while at your desk is to keep your torso straight up and down. Think about puling your shoulders down and back. This may mean moving your monitor and keyboard closer to you on the desk to eliminate the need to lean forward. You’ll know your chair is at the proper height when your forearms are parallel to the floor when using the keyboard. A proper desk and chair position goes a long way to reducing neck and shoulder soreness.



Strong Shoulders =Better Posture!

Get Fit Quick Tip:

Strengthen your Shoulders!

Strong shoulders improves posture. Start with this Kneeling Reverse Fly exercise:

Begin on your hands and knees. Without weight, lift your right arm straight up to the side of your body. Keep your torso stable and don’t rotate your shoulders or hips. Do 10 reps, then release your right hand back to the floor. Next, lift and lower your left arm. Do 10 reps. When you have mastered correct form without weight, try lifting a small weight. This is an exercise where proper technique and form is paramount, not the amount of weight or even reps. Take your time, go slow and learn the proper movement pattern before progressing.


*Consult your physician before performing exercise.


Straighten Up Your Posture

Get Fit Quick Tip:

Straighten Up Your Posture with Wall Snow Angels!

Doing range of motion exercise is effective in reducing muscle tension. Range of motion also works to realign posture after sitting at your desk all day. Range of motion means continuous gentle pain-free movement which can be less strenuous that a stretch hold, especially when muscles are tight. Here’s how to begin:

Stand with your back against a wall. Place both arms along side your body against the wall, with your palms forward. Bend both elbows and slide both arms up the wall about six inches, feeling a gentle stretch across your chest and front shoulder. For intermediate exercises with a good comfortable stretching base, stop when your elbows are about shoulder-level. If you’re new to exercise, stop when your hands are shoulder level. Repeat this moving range of motion 5-8 times.


*Consult your physician before performing exercise.

Your Posture: Avoid the Hunch!

Get Fit Quick Tip:

Suffering from tight and sore muscles at your desk? Your posture may be to blame! Avoid the hunched over slump by doing 3 daily posture-reset exercises. Begin each by sitting up tall with your core engaged and feet flat on the floor.

Do each of the following exercises daily:

1. Pinch your shoulder blades together, then release. 5 reps.

2. Inhale/Pull your shoulders up to your ears. Exhale/Pull your shoulders down and back. 5 reps.

3. Place both hands behind your head. Pull your elbows wide and pull your shoulders down and back. 5 reps.


*Consult your physician before performing exercise.

Stand up Straight!

Get Fit Quick Tip:

Stand up straight with strong posture muscles!

Add this pulling exercise into your workout to strengthen your upper back and core muscles. This means you’ll be able to stand up straight, for longer!

Hold an exercise band about shoulder-width apart, with your arms parallel to the floor. Pull your shoulders down and back, and pull your belly button in tight. Begin with the band under slight tension. Inhale, then pull your arms straight out to the side of your body. Exhale, and slowly return to your starting position with your arms in front of your body. Perform 10 times to start.


*Consult your physician before beginning exercise. This exercise is not for those with injury or illness concerns.


Sit a desk all day? This stretch is for YOU!

Get Fit Quick Tip:

Chest and Front Shoulder Stretch!

If you sit at a computer most of the day, or are hunched over a desk for hours on end, do this stretch a few times every day:

Inhale and lace your fingers behind your head. Exhale, pull your shoulders down and back, and elbows wide. Hold for a count of 10, then release.

Not only does this stretch ease tension in your neck due to pulling your shoulders back correcting posture, but you’ll also decrease low back tension due to sitting up straight with your spine aligned and upright.



*Consult your physician before performing exercise.