January 16, 2025

At-Your-Desk Posture Check

Fit Body:

Posture Check!

Do you have a sore neck and sore shoulders at the end of your day?  Check your desk posture! Move your chin back, and sit up straight, so your ears are lined up directly over your shoulders. Lower your chin so it is parallel to the floor. Slide your chair forward so you can reach the keyboard, but still keep your shoulders back so they are over your hips. A key to reducing neck and shoulder soreness while at your desk is to keep your torso straight up and down. Think about puling your shoulders down and back. This may mean moving your monitor and keyboard closer to you on the desk to eliminate the need to lean forward. You’ll know your chair is at the proper height when your forearms are parallel to the floor when using the keyboard. A proper desk and chair position goes a long way to reducing neck and shoulder soreness.



Pushups…To Go!

Get Fit Quick Tip:

 Pushups…To Go!

Choose any solid and stable surface and crank out a set of 5-10 pushups. The sink, counter, desk top, back of a chair, hood of your car, park bench, all provide great surfaces to add fitness into your day. The key is to maintain good posture with your back straight. Here are a few progressions if you’re looking for variations:

Lift and hold one foot up off the floor.

Slow your pace to allow a 4 second count when lowering and pushing.

Add in a 10 second plank hold in between each rep.

Lift and hold one leg out to the side of your body.

Hold the pushup for 5 seconds when your arms are bent.

Extend your elbows only half way up when pushing.


*Consult your physician before beginning exercise.