September 10, 2024

Stretch Break: Shoulder Posture Stretch

Fit Body:

Shoulder Posture Stretch

Stretch Break: Stand up. Raise your right hand straight up overhead and then lower it behind your upper back. At the same time, move your left hand down and behind your back, then up to grasp your right hand. Hold for 3 deep breaths, and then release. Repeat with your left hand up and over, and your right hand down and back.



Develop a Strong Back and Core

Fit Body:

Develop a Strong Back and Core

The Opposite Arm Raise exercise requires a strong and stable core. Begin with only one arm completing one motion to learn the exercise. When you’re confident in your form, add the other arm and move simultaneously. Begin without weights. Once you master form, hold a light weight in each hand. Stand with both feet together and your knees slightly bent. Bend forward from your hips, keeping your torso aligned. Bend both arms tucking your elbows into your waist. In one motion, extend your right arm forward and up, and your left arm back and up. Slowly return to your tucked-elbow position to complete one rep. Next, extend your right arm back and up, and your let arm forward and up. Begin with 10 reps total.


*Consult your physician before performing exercise.