January 13, 2025

Start your fitness journey TODAY with walking

Get Fit Quick Tip:

Get a pedometer.

How do you know how to improve if you don’t know where you are? Head to your local sporting good store and check out the options. There are many! Basic pedometers display total steps only. However, if you enjoy technology and data, the sky is the limit on functions of advanced pedometers. Sophisticated pedometers track not only total steps, but other aspects of healthy living as well. Both categories of pedometers are reliable and effective.

Wear the pedometer for a solid week, then average your steps.  Taking the average offers a great starting point to building your fitness. Remember, it’s the overall volume of your physical activity that’s important when beginning to prevent physical injury and mental burnout. The Surgeon General recommends logging 10,000 steps each day. Your goal is to increase steps gradually to 10,000 steps a day. As always consult your physician before beginning an exercise program.

Pedometers offer motivation to be active throughout your day. Instant feedback takes the guess workout out of your fitness. Simply put on your pedometer and GO!


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