January 16, 2025

Are you GUILTY of these workout mistakes? By Gen Preece

How to get REAL RESULTS from your exercise in 2015

Come January, we start back with a vengeance, determined to shift the Christmas flab; while feeling generally depressed, out of shape and giving up after a few weeks of colder weather and darker days. And reaching for the chocolate and wine to give ourselves a boost…


So here are big fitness mistakes that you can easily AVOID making this winter:

1) Having an “All or Nothing” attitude

Adopting this attitude places an immense amount of pressure on us to be 100% ‘perfect’ 100% of the time. And we all know how easy that is. More often than not, even if one managed to adopt this way of behaving for a couple of weeks, “falling off the wagon” eventually becomes inevitable.

What you can do instead: Take it one day at a time, telling yourself it’s about progress – not perfection. Trying to maintain an unrealistic way of living, combined with such an immense amount of pressure in the first place will only set you up for a perpetual ‘binge and start over’ cycle. If you have a slip up, just say to yourself “Whoops, I lost it again” and get right back on it starting with your next meal. It doesn’t make you a failure, it makes you a human being.


2) Too much exercise too soon

Thousands of gyms and health clubs DEPEND on this behaviour, evident from the surge in sign-
ups from new members and visits from existing members trying to get their money’s worth from January 1st. Whereas I’m (funnily enough) a big fan of regular exercise, the mistake so many seem to make is trying too much too soon, without the correct guidance. This can often result in injury and an (understandable) reluctance to continue.

What you can do instead: Be honest with yourself and find something you enjoy. If you like being in nature, find some long country walks. If you dislike the idea of the gym, cancel your existing membership or don’t join one. If you need advice, chat to a few personal trainers and find one you click with. Many of our Boot Camp class attendees were looking for something they could work hard at, but at a pace they are comfortable with. And that’s pretty much why we created it!

Remember, there is no magic-bullet, just the ability to take ownership and responsibility for the choices we make. YOU and ONLY YOU are accountable, and it was not until I embraced this and changed my own lifestyle, that I started to see results. I sincerely and wholeheartedly wish the same for you this New Year and always!

Gen Preece is an Advanced Personal Trainer and weight-loss specialist. She runs a private functional training studio in Southampton and a friendly Boot Camp class, helping to get people safe and permanent results.

Website: http://www.ptgen.co.uk, Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/FasterPersonalTrainingSouthampton, Twitter: @PTGen

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