February 7, 2025

Back to School…what to know NOW by Juli Shulem

For successful integration back into the routine of school, have schedules in place a little before school starts, so for most of us that is right now. 

Start getting kids to bed earlier to be ready to wake up for the first day of school. Create a structured routine before school begins. Put in the after-school snack break as soon as they come home from school, so they can de-compress and try beginning homework right away with the goal of completing as much as possible before dinner. After dinner they can finish up and relax a little before going to sleep. 

Plan ahead! If your child has a difficult time getting up and moving in the morning, do as much as possible the night before. For example, have clothes laid-out, backpacks ready and even have lunches bagged. Make the morning time decision-less.

Here are some tips to make the weeks go smoother:

1. Designate places for everything to go before chaos ensues; backpacks in one place always.

2. Have a folder for school papers. Determine one place all papers that need attention are placed, so that they can be signed, etc. Put papers to go back to school into a special part of the child’s notebook labeled RETURN TO SCHOOL when you, the parent, are done with them

3. Set aside extra time the first couple of weeks to fill out forms and read up on all the class material that will be coming home.

4.  Write all the dates for holidays, partial days, no-school days into your family calendar or smart phone so that there are no surprises during the year. Also note when your teen has mid-terms and finals, as well as the all-school testing dates, so you can plan accordingly. 

Careful organizing now will allow for an easy transition when school begins. Gather school supplies AFTER the teachers send home their list to avoid running to the store twice. Block time out NOW for what you know will be happening in the first week or two and you will all enjoy a better first day of school.

Contributed by Juli Shulem (jshulem@gmail.com/805-964-2389), Professional Coach focused on helping people get more organized. www.julishulem.com, Organizing Expert since 1984, and author of the eBook, Order! A Logical Approach to an Organized Way of Life, www.getordernow.com

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