May 10, 2024

Ask A Pro by Maggie Ayre

Question: How and what are the best ways we can increase self esteem in girls through activities? –Melissa in Colorado.

Answer: It has never been easy to be a teenage girl and experts widely agree that it is getting harder.  Girls are expected to be slim, good looking, popular, friendly and polite – all the traditional girl things. They are also expected to be sporty, competitive and athletic – all the traditional boy things. On top of this everyone is supposed to be clever, striving for the best universities and careers. It is a tough ask and something has got to give.

All too often it is a girl’s self-esteem that gives. 

We increasingly see girls with a very low feeling of self-worth, not only do they believe they are incompetent or unworthy but they exhibit emotions such as shame, despair and a lack of pride in themselves.

One of the most successful ways of increasing self-esteem is through activity.

Activity wakes up both brain and body meaning that a girl is better able to concentrate and participate in life. Activity enables a girl to appreciate her body, how it moves and the way it feels. Activity develops spatial awareness and a girl will feel proud of her body when she has worked on it.

Studies have also shown that active girls feel happier and more content with life and are better able to get on with other people.

If a girl is suffering from low self-esteem the activity session must be carefully designed. 

By initially using activities that a girl feels capable of and is able to perform to a high standard we can build confidence. From here we can develop skills and add variety to the sessions. The sessions must be effective, with clear progression but they must also be fun.

Sessions that develop throwing, catching and movement skills can work very well with teenage girls and the use of an inflatable beach ball adds an element of fun. Skills such as Boxercise, hula-hooping and body-weight strength training allow a girl to see rapid improvements in skill, stamina and body shape which can be hugely beneficial for increasing self-esteem.

Maggie Ayre is the UKs Leading Fitness Coach for Teenage Girls.  She has recently developed the 3G Program designed to be run in schools and youth clubs with the aim to get every teen girl active.  She also offers Personal Training for Teenage Girls in person and via email, skype and video sessions.  To learn more visit:

Ask a Pro by Brett Klika

Question:  What’s the best way to burn fat fast? And is food labeled “fat free” the best way to eat? –Danielle from Ohio.

Answer: Research has found that high intensity intervals burn the same amount of calories and fat as longer sustained bouts of activity, in about half the time! Try doing a 3 minute extremely hard, 3 minute easy cardiovascular piece for 4 cycles. In 24 minutes you’ll burn more calories than your 45 minute jog. Try to add high intensity work 2-3 times per week.

Natural, whole foods exist to give us energy from their combination of protein, carbohydrate, fat, vitamins, minerals, and other essential components of nutrition. When humans start overly processing what we eat, the quality of that food is significantly decreased. Additionally our body needs various forms of fat to function optimally. Fats from nuts, fish, avocados, and other natural sources are essential to many metabolic functions. Eat real food and listen to your body.

Brett Klika C.S.C.S., Director of Athletics at Fitness Quest 10, is a world renowned human performance specialist, motivational speaker, author, and educator. For a copy of his new e-book and exercise program “The Underground Workout Manual- Exercise and Fat Loss in the Real World” visit  To contact Brett, send correspondence to

Ask a Pro by Erin McGill

Question: I’m 68 years young and new to exercise. I have no medical issues. What’s best for me, bands or free-weights?  –Judy from Idaho

Answer: Being 68 years young and new to exercise offers you plenty of options. Bands are an excellent form of exercise because they provide progressive resistance- meaning the more you pull on them, the more resistance you will place on your muscles. Another ideal component of resistance bands is that they are very mobile and can be used in a variety of ways for upper, lower, and total body exercises. Be creative when selecting your exercises and make sure that you pay close attention to correct form. Free weights will be a great choice for you as well for a number of reasons. When performing resistance training with free weights such as dumbbells, your central nervous system has to work harder to maintain its balance and understand where it is in space, in addition to coordinating the correct muscles to execute the movement. Another benefit of free weights is that you will have more opportunity to increase your resistance/weight as you progress, whereas bands typically are only available to a certain degree of resistance.
With that being said, and knowing you are new to exercise, make use of both resistance bands and free weights- they both have great benefits to serve. As with anything new, however, make sure you learn how to properly execute the movements first, without resistance in order to perfect your form. Additionally do not progress too quickly, instead focus on quality of movement over quantity of resistance. This will help prevent injury in the future and ensure consistent results.
Erin A. McGill, MA, NASM CPT, CES, PES
Training Manager
National Academy of Sports Medicine
800.460.6276 ext. 1252

Ask a Pro by Nicki Anderson

Question: What is your number one trick to break through a mental barrier when working toward a goal? –Steve from San Diego


Answer: By Nicki Anderson

Make the Goal Your Own. All too often people set goals they feel they HAVE to achieve (pressure from family, friends, spouse, etc) vs. goals they WANT to achieve. Progress begins with looking at the goal and making sure it’s one that gets your heart pumping, in other words you have to be passionate about it. For example, if you repeatedly fall short of your goal, it is likely not one that is of enough value to you. So your goal HAS to be your own, one that ignites excitement.

Take Action. When you find the goal that inspires you, the next step is setting up an action plan. Keep in mind, if you’re setting up the action plan and feel your excitement is waning, one of two things is happening. Either the plan is too aggressive, or there is a part of the goal that doesn’t excite you enough to work that hard. This means it’s time to rethink your goal. If it’s too aggressive, slow down on your arrival date of the goal. For example, if you have a wedding to attend in 4 weeks and your goal is to lose 20 lbs, that’s pretty aggressive!

Be realistic. Once you start laying out the action plan and see the work that needs to be done, you might not want it that bad. So rather than abandon the goal entirely, simply be more realistic. For example, set 12 weeks for your 20 pound weight loss goal. You’ll still feel great by the wedding but you won’t feel like you failed because you didn’t reach such an aggressive goal.

Keeping these three steps in mind is the secret necessary to get you to your goal successfully!

Nicki Anderson
Columnist, Business Owner, and NASM Certified Trainer with over 25 years in the Health and Fitness Industry. She can be contacted at or

Ask a Pro by Chanda Fetter

Question: How can I increase workout results to stay motivated? –Teri from St. Louis
Answer: By Chanda Fetter

Take small steps and slowly incorporate these methods to jump start results, stay motivated and give you a healthy life. Life is good, make the most of it and live to the fullest!

Frequency of Exercise. Our bodies were meant to move and perform physical labor. However, we have become a culture of long working hours, sedentary situations and high stress. All these things wear on our physical structure and create weaknesses all throughout the body. We stress our bodies in a negative way thus opening us up for injury, imbalances, fatigue and inefficiency.  Waking up our body with exercise provides energy and fewer aches and pains and ultimately allows us to be more efficient and effective in your daily life. Prioritize exercise, and do other physical activities in your day to get in at least 4 hours of cardio and 3 hours of strength training a week.

Variety Really is the Spice of Life. Pick an enjoyable exercise otherwise we’re not likely to stay committed to the program. Our body is smart; its goal is to become as efficient as possible in everything we do. This is good when training for a specific sport because the higher the frequency the better you get a performing the task. This is not so good, however, when applied to regular exercise. The more efficient our body gets at a particular activity, the less energy it takes to perform it, therefore spending fewer calories over time. This is why it’s so important to vary up the type of training. Every six to eight weeks it’s important to vary activity. This doesn’t have to be a major change necessarily, but it does mean shaking up the routine a bit. For example, simply changing from running flats to running rolling hills will trick our body into working differently, and therefore resulting in more calories burned.

Nutrition Matters More Than Most Admit. Redundant, I’m sure but be reminded that food should be for the purpose of fueling our body, not filling your belly. If we aren’t fueling our bodies with the nutrients it needs to perform, we are sabotaging our training program. Not to say we can’t indulge from time to time. However balance is crucial, as well as consuming a diet rich in nutrients, fiber, carbohydrates and healthy fats. Think of how we feed children, often and in small portions. Ideally, eat about five small meals a day. This grazing technique teaches the body that it will be fed often. This also prevents us from becoming ravenous and consuming too many calories at one time. It’s important to be sure our plate of food has lots of colors; this mainly comes from fruits and vegetables. Also important to consume is protein to replenish our bodies from workouts, as well as drinking water to keep our systems hydrated and helping aid digestion.

Chanda Fetter
IM=X Pilates Studio, Owner
IM=X Pilates Master Trainer
NAWBO Board Member

Ask a Pro by Lisa Wilcox

Question: I’ll be traveling for a few weeks this summer. How do I make sure I don’t lose fitness while on the road? –Amanda from San Francisco

Answer: By Lisa Wilcox. Lisa is the Owner of Pro-Motion Fitness in Santa Barbara, California. She has been working in the fitness industry for 25 years and is a certified Pilates instructor and Posture Alignment Specialist. You can contact Lisa at or

It’s summer and with summer comes more travel. Whether its road trips or long plane rides, it’s going to be harder to stay with a workout routine. All it takes is a little motivation to fit in a few exercises with absolutely no equipment. Give these travel exercises a try, whether it’s by car, plane or boat.
Get up! Walk up and down the aisles of the plane. Don’t sit for longer than an hour without getting up.
Move your muscles. One of the easiest exercises to do while traveling is heel raises. Lift and lower your heels 10 times. Do two to three sets. This will really get the blood flowing to your whole body and help prevent blood clots to your legs.
Shoulder blade pinches. Sitting up tall in your seat, squeeze your shoulder blades back and down like you are trying to squeeze a broom stick between your shoulders. Squeeze and release 50 times. This exercise wakes up your shoulders and definitely helps with your posture.
Leg squeezes. Place a plastic water bottle, or pillow between your knees. Sit up tall with both feet directly under your knees, roll your pelvis forward and squeeze your inner thighs together, then slowly lift your heels off the floor as if your toes are on egg shells. This is a fantastic exercise for your pelvis and hips. You will be activating your legs and lower back muscles that improve your posture.

Other ideas during your travel would include taking the walking tours versus the bus tour. Seek out the hotel workout room. Take the stairs. Explore new activities that challenge you physically. In your hotel room, lay a towel down on the floor and do push-ups and sit ups.

If the motivation is there no equipment is necessary, just creativity and dedication! Happy traveling and exercising!

Ask a Pro By Erin A. McGill, MA, NASM CPT, CES, PES

If I’m short of time, should I do weight training or cardio?  – Barbara from San Diego

By Erin A. McGill, MA, NASM CPT, CES, PES. Erin is the Training Manager for National Academy of Sports Medicine.

If you are short on time, you can maximize your minutes in the gym by doing a circuit training workout. Circuit training is a type of resistance (weight) training where you perform sets of exercises one right after another with little to no rest. You will perform one set of each exercise until all exercises have been completed and then you begin your second round.  If you have the time, performing three full cycles of the circuit will be most helpful. An example of a circuit could be 12 – 20 repetitions of each exercise and a total of three circuits.

This type of workout is helpful because it allows you to capture two important benefits. If weight loss is your goal, weight training is very effective because you burn calories while you are performing the exercises but also for the next 24 – 48 hours after the workout. Additionally, performing resistance training will allow you to increase your lean body mass which will result in an increased caloric burn 24 hours per day.

Because circuit training involves performing the sets in rapid succession, one right after another, cardio respiratory benefits exist as well. Working out with no rest in between sets will tax both the cardiovascular and respiratory systems in a fashion that is very similar to traditional cardio training sessions. With that being said, your caloric burn is maximized in the workout.