September 20, 2024

Commercials without a Break by Hope Epton

Exercise has long been linked to reducing the risk of chronic conditions. So if it’s so good for us, why do people simply not have the time to workout? It’s more likely that it is not a priority, because 30 minutes a day doesn’t seem too much to dedicate to your overall health.


So where do you find the time? Simple. If you watch one hour of television, you have on average 20 minutes to workout during commercial breaks. While it’s recommended by the American College of Sports Medicine (ACSM) that you perform at least 150 minutes of moderate-intensity exercise each week, this is certainly a good start.


The average television commercial is 30 seconds long, sometimes it can be a minute, and rarely longer. Having this in mind, you can perform a different exercise for each commercial, or a series of exercises throughout one commercial break.


Here is an example of a Commercial Break-Out. On average, there are about 4-5 commercial breaks in an hour of programming, so each round can be done per break, and repeated if there is time.


This sample workout requires no additional equipment: (Please consult your physician before beginning this or any exercise program.)


Round 1:

Plank for 30 seconds, 10 Pushups, 10 Mountain Climbers, and 10 Burpees


Round 2:

Plank for 30 seconds, Crunch time: 10 Regular, 10 Bicycle, and 10 Reverse Crunches


Round 3:

Plank for 30 seconds, 10 Front Lunges, 10 Squats, and 10 Reverse Lunges


Round 4:

Plank for 30 seconds, 10 Flutterkicks, 10 Vertical Leg Crunches, and 10 Heel Touches


Round 5:

Plank for 30 seconds, 10 Dips, 10 Back Extensions, and 10 Table Tops


Want more of a cardio challenge? Add 10 jumping jacks or jog in place for 30 seconds between each round.


If you have a stability ball, watch your favorite program sitting on the ball instead of the couch. You will burn extra calories and strengthen your core. If you have dumbbells or resistance bands you can incorporate an array of additional exercises into your regime.

Make your health a priority while enjoying your favorite television programs.

This article is written by Hope Epton. ACSM Certified Health Fitness Specialist. Follow Hope on her blog at Or via her facebook page, twitter, or pinterest,







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