January 16, 2025

Go ahead, take a break! By Nicole Burley

Break-time is essential! Taking regular breaks in our day increases general health and wellness and improves work productivity.

For the young-uns among us, Thirty Something was a TV drama during the 80′s and it was about a group of 30-something yuppie-types in Philadelphia. Two of the main characters worked at an ad agency. They would often play nerf basketball in the office in the middle of the day! Nerf basketball! At work! You know, when they were supposed to be ‘working’! Anyone who sets up a basketball hoop in the office understands something really important about how human beings operate:

We need breaks. Breaks matter.

There’s a reason that companies like Google and Zappos are consistently ranked as the best places to work. They seem to understand this fundamental concept about people. We need time to play. We need breathing room at work to reconnect to who we are – because not only does it make us happier in general, but it makes us better at our work.

Here are just a few of the benefits of taking a little breather throughout the course of your day:

Taking a break can spark your creativity by helping you look on your work with fresh eyes.
Regular breaks can actually help you accomplish more, because they help renew your energy and focus.

A 5-minute break gives you an opportunity to get up from your desk to stretch or move your body.

Breaks are a great stress-reducer.

Think about it. We have built breaks into our calendar year in the form of holidays and vacations. We have built breaks into our week in the form of the weekend. And we even have the lunch break built into each day to make sure we take time to eat. We seem to know on some level that it’s important not to be all work and no play.

Find ways to take multiple breaks throughout the course of each day. Breaks could consist of:

A break can be as simple as a single minute spent focusing on your breath.

A break can be a few moments spent staring out the window.

A break can also be 15-minutes of nerf basketball or a mini dance-break in your office!

Finding ways to refresh your energy while you’re at work results in feeling better and thinking better, both of which add up to improved work productivity. How can you give yourself more breaks?

Nicole Burley, M.Ed is a certified Life Coach and Health Coach in NYC. Her motto is, “Health is fun. Diets are not”. Nicole helps frustrated dieters find a happy, healthy weight – no dieting or deprivation allowed! Nicole holds a masters degree in education from DePaul and a certificate in Plant-Based Nutrition from Cornell. She is a graduate of Coach U and a certified member of the International Coach Federation. Contact Nicole via www.NicoleBurley.com or on Facebook.com/NicoleBurleyCoaching and Twitter: @YourCoachNicole


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