February 7, 2025

Increase Motivation to Get Unstuck by Nicole Burley

Does Your Shift Need a Shove?

You swore that this was going to be the year that you dropped 20lbs/changed jobs/started a new career. You really meant it when you said it, too. But somehow, as the days and weeks passed, and as life got in the way, those goals fell by the wayside and nothing has changed.

It’s frustrating when you want things to shift in your life, but you find yourself feeling terribly stuck. The truth is that nothing shifts unless YOU make it shift. Your life requires your participation – and action.

Sometimes, though, if you’ve been stuck for a while, a shift isn’t quite going to cut it. Sometimes, you need a gentle, loving…shove.

3 Ways to Shove Yourself Into Action If You’re Stuck

1. Shout it from the rooftops.

Tell someone. Put it on Facebook. Tweet it. Send out a mass mailing. Whatever feels ‘public’ to you. When you share your goals with other people, you create instant accountability.

2. Choose something else entirely.

If you can’t seem to get started on your goal to stop drinking soda, then perhaps this isn’t the right time for that effort. Rather than force yourself to follow through on something that isn’t meaningful in this moment, why not choose a different goal? Choose something that resonates with who you are and where you are right now.

3. Ask for help!

Enlist a professional. A certified life coach can help you get out of your own way. Sometimes you need someone whose job is to challenge your thinking and encourage your growth. It’s also a GREAT way to stay accountable and banish your excuses.

What are some of your favorite strategies for helping yourself shift gears? Do tell!

Nicole Burley, M.Ed, ACC is a certified Life Coach and Health Coach and creator of the Healthy Habits Coaching Club. www.NicoleBurley.com

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