September 11, 2024

Keep a Log for Workout Success by Juli Shulem

Research shows tracking our workouts results in improved exercise adherence. Since exercise consistency is the goal to gain desired results, begin a workout log to support your efforts. Keeping track of your workout can be very simple, and typically the simpler the system, the more likely a person is to use it. Of course, keeping a log in a smart phone allows for easy access and updating. However, tracking exercise using pen and paper allows for visual reinforcement of progress. Meaning being able to see one entire sheet of paper full of noted workouts often better serves to further reinforce our commitment to exercise. And remember the goal, simple!

Having random papers all over usually indicates that one specific location for data hasn’t been set up. Do one of two things: either design a form on your computer to use regularly in order to keep track of the information (sample below), or draw up a form using ruled paper and then make photo copies. You will want to create columns that list the exercises, reps, weight used, etc. and you can also have an area to make a note on the row for each exercise you have on your list.

For starters acquire either a 3-ring binder in which you keep the paper work. Choose a thin binder as you won’t be inclined to carry around a big heavy binder. An alternative is to go to an office supply store and purchase a report cover or folder that holds several sheets of paper. Put the pages in here for a period of a month and then add new blank sheets and file the used ones in a designated space. This allows keeping a lightweight piece with you while working out. Use a pen/pencil that can clip onto whatever you are using so that you have something to write with at your fingertips.

When creating the form, type in the exercises before printing it out so that you don’t have to waste time writing that in each session. Use pencil when you fill in the remaining areas. Have a space for the date on each sheet, then modify it to meet your needs as your needs change.

For example:
Exercise      Weight       Reps      Notes
Lunges             15           10×3    Added 3lbs from last week/goal 6lbs more by end of mo.
Bicep curl         12           12×2    Try 15lbs next time

Contributed by Juli Shulem (, Efficiency/ ADHD Coach., Efficiency Expert since 1984, and author of the eBook, Order! A Logical Approach to an Organized Way of Life,

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