January 13, 2025

Kick-Off Summer with Encouraging Words that Stick!

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Encouraging Words that Stick!

Kick off your summer by learning from Twitter leaders and fellow fitness enthusiasts as they offer their “the Best Health/Fitness Advice I ever received…” It’s funny how certain words someone shares with you stick. Why do they stick? Because they are true! Treasure the truth and advice that you’ve been given, which have stood the test of time in your life. And better yet pass the advice on to others that are struggling to find a way to add health and fitness into their daily life. Summer time brings with it the ideal opportunity to get healthy, together!

@SmashFit “EAT to get fit. I grew up when it was all about calories and restricting what you eat. Now I know you have to eat the right balance of nutrients to have the body you want. Food is the key to it all.”

@AnnTran_ “Take time to get outdoors and simply walk with nature, enjoying escape from the daily pressures of life.”

@TeamKnightFit “No matter how hard you workout/train, you can never ever out-train a poor diet.”

@CarrieWilkerson “Replace all beverages with water and go to bed 30 minutes earlier.”

@HealthHabits “Treat my body like a science experiment- test, evaluate and re-test.”

@LisaBraithwaite “You don’t have to push to extremes to get a good workout.”

@LeadToday “Eat less, move more!”

@DabneyPorte “Eat mini meals throughout the day to rev up metabolism.”

@tvfitcoach “Fitness improvements should be defined by the journey and positive life experiences you obtain by choosing to engage in exercise, and not by inches and pounds lost.”

@HPSelf “Take responsibility for my own health.”

@MargoDeGange “Modify.”

@themorningfresh “Trust my strength as a climber, and push myself as far as I can.”

@LifeCoachMary “Make every calorie count.”

@FitnessToGo “Always stay a little bit out of your comfort zone. The best results are made when you push your limits.”

@LoudFitness “Eat for performance. If YOU don’t eat to fuel, and recover properly you won’t have 100% success.”

@BobChoat “Focus on health and fitness, and then take consistent action towards it.”

@ZacharyFiorido “Remember that awesome feeling you get when you finish a workout.”

@MamaBritt “If having a hard time getting motivated to workout, hire a trainer or find an accountability partner.”

@CarlaYoung “Wear a pedometer because it serves as a constant reminder to do something every day.”

@Stretchfit “No one ever died in a pool of their own sweat. In other words, don’t be afraid to work hard.”

@MolliePT “Treat each moment as an opportunity to improve your situation, be it fitness (running for the bus), health (taking the stairs), or nutrition (using a free evening to make homemade dinner with leftovers for lunch.)

@bonniepfiester “Don’t eat in one sitting more than you are willing to burn off in one day.”

@RoyaleScuderi “Your body is like a fine-tooled machine, take care of it well, use it frequently and push it to the limit, but not so far that it will break.”

@LoriShemek “Just go do it!”

@endurancejer “The goal is to be the best you possible. The “why” is because you are grateful.”

@Gia “Always keep “spa water” in the refrigerator! (Thinly sliced cucumbers, lemon and oranges.)

@URHealthURChoic “Find an activity that you love! Something you are excited to do. You’ll give more effort and want to be there.”

@YourCoachNicole “Eat food that my body will recognize as FOOD.”

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