January 13, 2025

Leaders, Teachers and Coaches: 2013 Twitter Must-Follow List

Follow these Healthy Living Professionals for coaching, leadership, mentoring and guidance to live your healthiest and most fit! Health Your Way Online proudly presents our 2013 Twitter Professional’s Must Follow List.

THANK YOU ALL for your encouragement, dedication and passion for healthy living!


@SmashFit Heather Frey

@thebikinichef Susan Irby

@MaggieAyre Maggie Ayre

@MoveLiveLearn Amanda Stanec, PhD

@LoRoRD Lori Rosenthal, RD

@CarlaYoung Carla Young

@HelenAgresti Helen Agresti RD

@BobChoat Bob Choat

@marathonmom217 Amy Dedic

@lmaydak Laura M

@slowswimmer Kenny Steil

@chrisfreytag Chris Freytag

@ThriveFit Pamela Hernandez

@30secondmom 30 Second Mom

@AskDocG Deborah Gilboa, MD

@ShapeHerEsteem Shaping Her Esteem

@LifeCoachMary Mary Allen

@NutritionCheck Heather Mangieri RDN

@InspiredRD Alysa Bajenaru, RD

@runwiki Lisa McClellan

@TonedandFit Toned and Fit

@FitnessToGo  Tera Busker

@SarahJChicago Sarah Johnson

@LoriShemek Lori Shemek PhD, CNC

@kerigans Keri Gans

@YourCoachNicole Nicole Burley

@FitExpertJess Jessica Matthews

@StressFreeKids Stress Free Kids

@Smart_Kitchen Kathy Smart

@bemorehealthful Rachael Roehmholdt

@PTGen Gen Levrant






  1. Kathy Smart says:

    Thank you so much!!
    A Very Happy and Healthy New Year to you and the Team!:)

  2. Sarah says:

    What an honor! Thank you so much, and here’s to a Healthy 2014 with Health Your Way Online!

  3. Laura Maydak says:

    A true honor to be included on such a great list. Thank you! Here’s to a happy and healthy new year!

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