February 6, 2025

Sprint Your Way to Fitness by Tera Busker

FINALLY! Winter is over and we are enjoying warm weather, sun and beautiful days. If you spend all day indoors working, why would you want to spend more time inside working out? Take your workout outdoors with one of my favorite workouts – sprint intervals or also known as shotguns!

What is a Sprint/Exercise Interval Workout?

A sprint interval workout or shotgun is a type of workout where you establish a distance that you can sprint and at each end of the distance you perform an exercise. Choose the number of exercises and reps for each exercise you want to do and complete the sprint and exercises for time. Run back and forth from the “start line” to the “finish line” and do an exercise at each “line”. Each time your run the sprint/shotgun, try to improve your best time. Always consult your physician before beginning a workout. Perform exercises at your own risk.

Example Workout:
What you will need: a stop watch and a set of weights or a resistance band.

10 pushups
Sprint 30 yards

10 squats
Sprint 30 yards back to start

10 plank up downs
Sprint 30 yards

10 shoulder presses
Sprint 30 yards back to start

10 reverse lunges each leg
Sprint 30 yards

10 alternating bicep curls
Sprint 30 yards back to start

10 spiderman planks on each side

Rest for 2-3 minutes and repeat 2-5 times.

Tera Busker is an ACE Certified Personal Trainer and owner of Fitness To Go, an exclusive In Home & Private Studio Personal Training Service based out of Roberts, WI. www.fitnesstogo.net

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