July 26, 2024

Group Exercise: Worthwhile? By Sarah Johnson

Should group exercise be part of your fitness plan:

Accountability can be one of the biggest motivators to keeping your exercise routine.  Having someone hold us accountable means another person is expecting us: to show up, to work hard and to not let them down.

You can hold yourself accountable – by making a promise to exercise every weekday morning,or by weighing yourself daily – OR another effective way to stay accountable is to work out with someone else!

Here are just a few ways group fitness classes will hold YOU accountable for your fitness:

Establishes a regular schedule. Group exercise classes and small group training are a great way to establish a regular and safe exercise routine. With an instructor to monitor your form, you can be sure you’re doing each exercise correctly.  Don’t be afraid to ask if you’re not sure you’re performing the movement correctly – the instructor is there to help!

Adds the fun into your workout. Do you like choreography? Dance-based classes are very popular right now.  Not a lot of time? Time will fly in a High Intensity Interval Training class!

Become a class-regular. Once you’ve found a class you enjoy, try to attend regularly.  Introduce yourself to others in the class and the instructor, make new fitness friends – we love learning our members’ names!  Before long, you’ll find that if you have to miss a class, the class will miss you!

That’s accountability – you now have an exercise program to look forward to that’s safe, effective and fun!

Follow Sarah on Twitter @SarahJChicago

Treadmill Workouts: Beneficial or Boring?

Think treadmill workouts are just plain boring? Think again! Treadmill workouts offer a controlled environment ideal for increasing running speed, power and efficiency. Give these drills a try during your next visit to the gym. (Be sure to obtain medical clearance before beginning any exercise.)



The Surge:
(60) Minutes at a conversational pace and surge to a speed that will cause you to talk
choppy. Surge for (3) minutes every (20) minutes.

Benefit: The Surge is an endurance builder that teaches your body to respond when you tell it too,
similar to race situations when surging to pass.

The Fartlek:
Warm up well. Run (45) minutes with 1-2 minute pick-ups at faster than 5k-pace as you
feel like it. Don’t over stride.

Benefit: The Fartlek is a great way to develop speed and turnover.

Step-up Run:
Run (20) minutes at a speed that you can run at a conversational pace. Then run (20)
minutes at a pace that will cause you to speak choppy. Then run (10) minutes at a speed
that it is difficult to talk. Cool down 10 minutes easy.

Benefit: The Step-up Run is not an easy run, but it builds strength and develops finishing power.

This article is written by Kristie Cranford, CPT. A wife, mother, multiple cancer survivor and competitive athlete, Kristie is an ACE Certified Personal Trainer as well as a Certified Running/Triathlon Coach for PRS FIT. Living in Las Vegas, she is 2012 Coolibar sponsored athlete, 2013 Training Peaks Ambassador and Raw Elements Sunscreen Ambassador.  Contact information:
Email: CoachKristieLV@yahoo.com, http://www.coachkristie.com, www.prsfit.com.