April 26, 2024

End-of-Day Stretch

Get Fit Quick Tip:


Ease your sore muscles from sitting all day with this Bend-Forward stretch.

Here’s how to do it: Sit forward in your chair with your feet hip-width apart and flat on the floor. Place a rolled up towel or coat on your lap to act as a buffer from bending too far forward. Tuck your chin to your chest. Inhale and place your hands on your thighs. Exhale and walk your hands down your legs until you feel a gentle stretch. Inhale again. Exhale and slowly return to your seated upright position.


*Always consult your physician before performing exercise.


How to Stretch During Your Day

Get Fit Quick Tip:

Stretch during your day!

Decrease lower body tension and muscle aches that come with sitting in your office chair for hours on end. Here’s how:

Stand up behind your chair. Hold on to the chair for support with your left hand. Bend your right knee and hold your right ankle behind your body with your right hand. Keep your torso upright. Hold for 10-30 seconds, then slowly release. Repeat the same stretch, holding on to the chair with your right hand. Bend your left knee and hold your left ankle with your left hand. Stand up tall and breathe, hold for 10-30 seconds, slowly release.


*Always consult your physician before performing exercise.

Use Reiki’s Healing Principles for Everyday Peace by Marty Fabianova

How to stay calm and productive when there is ‘too much, too fast’ going on in your life? Mikao Usui, who re-discovered Reiki, brought these “life guide” principles back to the world as part of the Reiki healing principles. Explore how they can help you manage daily stress better.

Just for today I will not be angry.

It is hard not to be angry when for instance someone, who barely knows you, casts a fast judgement about you. But you know what? How people act is their responsibility. How you respond to their action is your choice. Try not to take anything personally and remember that letting go of anger frees one’s mind.

Just for today I will not worry.

While anger deals with past events, worry deals with future ones. Either way, we won’t be present to what is happening in our life NOW, if we allow anger or worry to take over. Let’s try not to worry about things we cannot change, and let’s try to substitute worrying for action where we do have the power to change something. Action speaks louder than words or thoughts.


Just for today I will show love and respect to every living thing.

Every living being has its purpose in life and deserves to be respected.  Honour your parents, your teachers and everyone who comes into your life. Even if the encounter is not pleasant, remember that we learn the most from the hardest lessons.

Just for today I will live by the attitude of gratitude.

Even though it might seem like there are no positives in your life right now, try to start your day with listing things for which you are thankful. Your health, family and friends, steady income, roof above your head, food… Or anything else you can think of that not everybody has and people might tend to take for granted. Simple things like thanks, forgiveness, smiles, good words, and gratitude calms the mind and brings more positive things into your life.

Just for today I will do my work honestly.

Try to do everything you do, to the best of your ability. It has been proved that, for instance, food cooked with love has much higher nutritional properties than food cooked absent-mindedly or with negative emotions. Let’s bring some love to everything we do and watch for the results!

This article is written by Marty Fabianova. Marty works as Reiki and Bowen Technique Practitioner in Stoke Newington, London. She is passionate about helping people to tap into the wellness of their body and mind in a natural way. Contact her at www.thebowenway.co.uk or via marty.fabianova@hotmail.co.uk. You can also connect on Facebook via her page The Bowen way – Help your body to help itself or on Twitter @MartyFabianova.


Staying Stress-Free by Juli Shulem

Do you become flustered around the holidays between trying to spend extra time with family and friends, more cooking and baking, as well as attending end-of-year parties. Scheduling and planning skills are in high demand at this time of the year!

Here are 6 strategies for surviving the holidays:

Don’t take on any new commitments. Beginning a new project is generally not a good idea unless you had planned on it and scheduled it weeks or months ago.

Plan your week in advance on Sunday night so you know what you have coming up. If there are several parties you plan to attend, you might be able to group certain tasks together in order to lessen the time it takes to get them all done.

Prepare a gift list on a spread sheet or similar program in order to keep good track of who you have acquired gifts for and who is still on your list. Keep a “gift cabinet” or designate an area where you can regularly keep gifts for others. In order to not forget what you got for whom, place a sticky note on the items for specific individuals.

Schedule a day for wrapping and get it all done at once. That way the mess is made and cleaned up in one session reducing the clutter carrying itself all over and creating a bigger clean up job later on.

Note all the events and activities you will attend over the month of December on your calendar.  Place the paper related to them (invitations, flyers) in a folder entitled “coming up soon” so you can keep the various papers from getting lost around the office or house. You will find it again when you go to the event and need the address/information.

Make a comprehensive list of all the tasks you would like to complete before year’s end. Be mindful however of your desired outcome for the end of the year so that you don’t place too high of an expectation on yourself and fall short of your goals. Sometimes the goal set is not even worthwhile. Perhaps it has been on your list for months and you feel the need to rush to complete it only to realize it has no importance any longer. Prioritize what is important.

Contributed by Juli Shulem (jshulem@gmail.com/805-964-2389), Efficiency/ ADHD Coach. www.julishulem.com, Efficiency Expert since 1984, and author of the eBook, Order! A Logical Approach to an Organized Way of Life, www.getordernow.com