February 6, 2025

When should you QUIT your fitness? By Nicole Bryan

Everyone who’s been a part of the fitness world for a long time has come to a point or challenge where he or she considered quitting or giving up. The challenges just became too much, or what they thought was too much…at the time. But those that did stick with it and push through to find their fitness again, will tell you that during this period was the time when they learned the most and enjoyed the greatest benefits, and improvements to their health and fitness. Sticking with healthy living is worth it! Finding a way to work through the challenge just takes a little perseverance, tenacity and persistence.

Here’s how to do it:

What if you have chronic pain from an old injury or trauma? Firstly, obtain general medical clearance from your primary care doctor. Depending on what part or system of your body is affected, you may be referred to a specialist for clearance to participate in a physical activity. This is an important step, don’t skip it. Secondly, talk to your friends for a referral in the right direction. Thinking outside of the box, so to speak, may be what’s required if you feel you’ve exhausted all of your conventional treatments. Consider options such as chiropractic care, physical therapy treatment, acupuncture, regular massage or aqua exercise. There is answer out there for you; keep searching. You may not be 100% pain-free all the time, but managing the rest of your body will help ease the physical (as well as psychological and emotional) stress of your condition.

What if you’re not feeling well? How to proceed really depends upon how you’re “not feeling well.” If you have body aches, fever or chest cold, you’re best to rest. If you have a mild head cold without a fever, you’re probably okay for mild short-duration exercise.

What if you are constantly sore or you’re hurting after each workout? If you’re constantly so sore that your daily activities are challenging and even painful, there’s a good chance the load of your workout is simply too much. This means injury or burnout is probably looming just around the corner. Change what you’re doing, immediately.

What if you are constantly fatigued, but are sleeping well each night? If you’re finding exhaustion is a part of your regular routine, you may be over-training. Do you take your rest-days? Do you modify your workout load when you haven’t slept well or unexpectedly missed your pre-workout snack? Do you vary your workout intensity from time to time? Do you allow adequate recovery in between your workout sessions? These are all important points to consider. Constant and overwhelming fatigue is not something to brush off or ignore, and is not a part of an appropriate healthy living program.

What if you’re simply overwhelmed and not able to add one more thing into your day? Yes, this happens to every one at times. The key is to combine physical activity and healthy eating into your day; partnered with tasks you’re already doing. For example, swap out your afternoon sugary drink with a glass of pure water. Add a side-salad to your daily lunch at the sandwich shop. Walk around the grocery store a little more, walk your errands when you are able, jump rope while watching the news, store a pair of free-weights under your couch and pull them out while watching late night television.

So, when is it time to say “I give up?” Never. Not ever. Giving up is not the answer. Adjust, modify, or work around the challenge; that is the answer.