July 26, 2024

Everywhere and Anywhere Fitness with FitBlok

There really is no excuse to miss a workout, thanks to FitBlok. The new app is created by those in the fitness business who not only understand first-hand the challenges of keeping up with workouts while traveling or away from your usual exercise routine, but also understand the importance of a properly executed exercise session. The FitBlok professionals will guide you through a workout offering tips on form, technique and everything else you need to complete an effective workout…from absolutely anywhere!

Getting fit really is as easy as 1-2-3:
1. Go to their website,  www.fitblok.com or download their FREE App from the itunes store.
2. Choose your workout.
3. Feel better and look better with an efficient and effective professional-guided exercise session.
Getting started is easy! Begin browsing available exercise sessions immediately. If you like what you see, sign up and create a profile either through Facebook or via your ipad app. You can even invite friends to join you in the workout.

What makes FitBlok different? “Most online workout programs offer a specific trainer, or small handful of trainers from a particular exercise discipline” explains Brett Klika, featured Fitblok Trainer. “With Fitblok, the user can choose from a variety of credible, professional personal trainers from a variety of disciplines including Pilates, yoga, sports performance, dance, kettlebell training, TRX, and much more” Brett adds.

FitBlok also serves as an economical option to keep up with exercise when your usual routine is challenged, as you only pay for the classes in which you participate. “There are no monthly fees” Brett states, and continues “users only pay for ‘classes’ they attend.” At $1.00- $4.00 per class, that’s far less than a day-use pass at a gym, and you’ll save time on the commute to and from the gym, avoid the crowds, and even having to pack a gym bag. What’s more convenient than that? User Mark McGovern has enjoyed FitBlok and says, “it is a great ‘fallback’ if traveling and in a hotel room, or pressed for time in the early morning.”

Check out Brett’s three most popular workouts. There really is something for every interest and every fitness level.
Body Weight Training (The Naked Workout)
Injury Prevention and Recovery (No Pain, Big Gains)
Sports Training (Weekend Warrior)

While the workouts on FitBlok come in a variety of intensities, you can try a FREE 30 minute high intensity sports-based workout by clicking here.

So whether you prefer to work out in the privacy of your own home or you travel often, and would like the accountability, motivation and instruction of a Fitness Professional, this app should be #1 on your list. Brett explains “I travel quite a bit as a professional speaker and fitness consultant. I became involved with the Fitblok platform because I’ve seen a vast global need for access to professional exercise guidance.” Brett continues, “the every-day world doesn’t require much physical activity, so people have to create it. Many don’t know how. Now they have an affordable, accessible resource to help improve their fitness and health.”

Let’s face it, who isn’t busy these days, children, long work hours, we’re all pulled in so many directions- slow down the pace, take care of your health and exhale with FitBlok; your on-the-go fitness solution.

Fitness on the Road by Brett Klika C.S.C.S

You’ve worked hard to establish a workout routine. You have your running routes, your favorite pieces of equipment in the gym, and a consistent program that’s been delivering results! What happens when you have to take this “show” on the road and leave your usual routine? The good news is, “the show can go on!”  You just need some adaptable, fun, and effective exercise strategies that can be done anywhere.

Below are common features found in parks, rest stops, and other outdoor areas that can be used to create a challenging exercise program. As always, consult your physician before beginning any exercise program.

Park Bench

1.    Push-ups
Depending on your level, you can put your hands on the bench (beginner) or your feet (advanced) and perform push-ups.  To make them even more challenging, lift one leg off the ground or bench while you do them.
2.    Step-Downs
Start by standing on the bench with both feet.  Attempt to step down to the ground slowly with one foot, only allowing the heel to touch the ground before standing back up.  Touch the ground as lightly as possible.  Repeat on both legs.

Parking Stall Curbs

1.    Balance squats
Standing on the parking stall curb so your feet are perpendicular to the curb, perform body-weight squats without falling forward or backward.
2.    Calf raises
Standing on the parking stall curb so your feet are perpendicular to the curb and heels are off the curb, raise up to our “tip toes” and return to your start position.
3.    Quick steps
Start by standing on the ground, facing the curb.  Step up with the right foot then the left foot as fast as possible.  Repeat as fast as possible stepping down as well.  Repeat at the highest rate possible.

Put the above exercises together and combine them with running, jogging, swimming, or any other activity to get a fun, diverse, and effective workout on the road!

Make sure to warm-up by jogging, skipping, or moving at a moderate intensity for about 5 minute prior to starting your program.


Brett Klika C.S.C.S., Director of Athletics at Fitness Quest 10 and founder of www.brettklika.com, is a world- renowned human performance specialist, motivational speaker, author, and educator. He uses this knowledge and experience to motivate individuals and audiences around the world through his writing, speaking, DVD’s, and personal correspondence. For more information and video on exercises, programs, and any other information on losing fat and creating the body you have always wanted, check out The Underground Workout Manual – Exercise and Fat Loss in the Real World at www.undergroundworkoutmanual.com.