July 26, 2024

Cinnamon Chickpea Clusters by Shirley Plant

Busy, busy! Rushing here and there! Take a breather by preparing delicious food ahead of time. Check out this on-the-go healthy snack for the whole family!

Cinnamon Chickpea Clusters
•    1 cup Good Bean Chickpea Sweet Cinnamon
•    1/2 cup puffed quinoa
•    1/3 cup raw almonds
•    1/3 cup raw walnut pieces
•    1/2 cup chopped dates
•    1/4 tsp pure vanilla extract
•    1/4 cup water
•    3 tsp agave nectar or honey

1.    Place all ingredients in a bowl and mix well
2.    Line a cookie sheet with wax paper
3.    With wet hands take approximately 1/4 cup of mixture and roll into balls and place on cookie sheet
4.    Refrigerate overnight

Recipe by Shirley Plant- Nutrition Coach and Author of Finally Food I Can Eat
www.deliciousalternatives.com. Follow her on Twitter via @sherrecipes

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