September 11, 2024

Get Motivated- GO PLAY!

Get Fit Quick Tip:


How do you increase workout motivation? Make your fitness FUN! A fun workout means you’ll want to do it, which means you’ll be consistent. A consistent workout means results!

Revisit the play-days of your childhood with these fun workout ideas:

Jump Rope. Jumping rope is a great exercise to challenge your heart, muscles and coordination.

Obstacle Course. Set up an obstacle course that forces you to run, jump, crawl, balance and pull. Obstacle courses are limited only by your imagination.

Climb. Head to your local rock climbing wall and sign up for a lesson. Better yet, invite friends to join you. You’ll be empowered and energized, all while logging a challenging workout.

Hike. Leave your watch in the car and head to the trail. Take in the view while the terrain challenges your mind and your muscles.

Soccer, Basketball, Tennis, Dance. What physical activities did you enjoy playing as a youngster? Adults can play too, GO!



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