July 26, 2024

Big race coming up?

Get Fit Quick Tip:

Stick to the basics when planning for a race!

Nothing new on race day. This applies to food, hydration, clothing, and pacing. If you haven’t tried it in training, don’t do it in racing.

Research ahead of time. Do an online search of restaurants, grocery stores and markets in the area. Make reservations for dinner the night before. Plan out every detail of your breakfast.

Plan morning-logistics. Expecting traffic? Parking troubles? Plan ahead. Know exactly how you’re getting to the starting line down to the route, the mode, the exact departure time, closed roads and traffic control information, and the exact drop off or parking details.


ENERGIZE your Fitness!

Short days and cold weather can make motivation tough. Get ENERGIZED by chatting with others sharing your journey to fitness!

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Every Monday at 5pm(Pacific)/8pm(Eastern) #HealthyWayMag Fitness Chat on Twitter.

It’s easy to join in: Simply log into your Twitter account. Enter #HealthyWayMag to follow the chat feed. Questions for discussion are posed as “Q1″ Question 1, “Q2″ Question 2 and so on. Reply to offer your tips, ideas and experiences by notating your answer as “A1″ to designated your answer to question 1,”A2″ to offer your thoughts on the second question and so on.


Monday December 21, 2015 #HealthyWayMag Fitness Chat is Sponsored by RecoFit Compression Gear.

RecoFit Compression Gear is a go-to for many world class athletes and fitness-enthusiasts alike! Their technical-fit and uniquely designed gear helps you get more oxygen to your muscles, thereby reducing swelling and delaying fatigue. The means better performance and faster recovery! RecoFit is the only compression gear that cuts their fabric in a cross-grain process for effective compression and no-slip positioning! Check out their products such as Calf Compression Sleeves, Shin-Splint Therapy, Full Leg Compression Sleeves, and Arm Coolers to experience the RecoFit difference for yourself. Proudly made in the USA! To learn about product details and upcoming news, follow them on Twitter at @Recofit.