July 26, 2024

Big race coming up?

Get Fit Quick Tip:

Stick to the basics when planning for a race!

Nothing new on race day. This applies to food, hydration, clothing, and pacing. If you haven’t tried it in training, don’t do it in racing.

Research ahead of time. Do an online search of restaurants, grocery stores and markets in the area. Make reservations for dinner the night before. Plan out every detail of your breakfast.

Plan morning-logistics. Expecting traffic? Parking troubles? Plan ahead. Know exactly how you’re getting to the starting line down to the route, the mode, the exact departure time, closed roads and traffic control information, and the exact drop off or parking details.


Running Recovery Essentials! Written by Kristie Cranford

This article is sponsored by RecoFit.
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5 Tips to Running Recovery written by Kristie Cranford

Allowing your body adequate recovery and rest after a hard workout, race or during a training cycle is essential to long-term, sustainable, injury-free running. In fact, sufficient recovery is just as important as the training or building cycle of running.


Strength/Cross Train

All too often runners, just run. They neglect the rest of the body. The rest of the body holds everything up and together and kicks in when the legs get tired. Take scheduled days off from running and strength train the core, arms, back, etc. Yoga, swimming and cycling are excellent cross training activities that take the pounding off the legs and get the blood moving.

Eat Well/Hydrate

Often times there is a lot of focus on hydration and nutrition/fueling prior to and during running, not after. Be sure to hydrate and refuel after running to replenish your body and give it what it needs to rebuild and recover faster.

Recovery Week  

Build in a recovery week during a training cycle. Recovery weeks include less duration and fewer weight/strength workouts  for the legs. Allow the legs to absorb the exercises, rest to recover and therefore get stronger.


Not to be confused with “recovery.” Rest days are the hardest and most beneficial workout there is. The body rebuilds and gets stronger during rest. Without rest over-training will lead to burnout and injury. Sleep is also crucial to recovery; make sure you are getting adequate restful sleep.

Foam Roll

A foam roller is a runner’s best friend. Muscle fascia is connective tissue that provides an environment for the sliding and gliding of muscles. The fascia gets tight and muscles lose range of motion. Rolling aids the fascia from tightening and knotting up.


This article is written by Kristie Cranford, CPT. A wife, mother, multiple cancer survivor and competitive athlete, Kristie is an ACE Certified Personal Trainer as well as a Certified Running/Triathlon Coach for PRS FIT. Living in Las Vegas, she is 2012 Coolibar sponsored athlete, 2013 Training Peaks Ambassador and Raw Elements Sunscreen Ambassador.  Contact information:
Email: CoachKristieLV@yahoo.com, http://coachkristie.com, www.prsfit.com

Marathon: The Insider Scoop Written by Kristie Cranford

This article is sponsored by ELANVEDA. Sore muscles?
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Marathon: The Insider Scoop Written by Kristie Cranford

A marathon is not only a physical feat, but a mental one. The best way to have a great race is not just to train, but to prepare.


Train within your ability. There are a numerous training plans available.  Find one that fits you.  Don’t be afraid to consult with a Coach.  No matter your ability, it never hurts to have a professional help you along the way.

Train at race time. Plan your long runs the same time and same day of the week as your race. Your body has a memory and will learn to run the distance at that time.

Experiment. Try energy gels, sports drinks, try it all. Get it down to a science and find out what works for you.  Train with what sports drink and energy gels will be provided at the aid stations on the race course. If while experimenting you find they do not work for you, plan a way to carry your own.

Train for the course. If it is a hilly course, don’t do all your training on flat surfaces. Even better if you can train on the actual race course. 

18 Mile training runs will drive you batty. Ask anyone. 17 miles, 19 miles, even 22 miles, no problem.  18 will drive you bonkers.  Just accept it, tackle it and run 18.1 if you have to.

Have a dress rehearsal. On a training run wear what you plan to wear in the race, fuel and hydrate like you plan to race day. If something isn’t right, you’ll have time to make changes before race day.

You will go crazy. There will be a time when your training tapers down that you will experience what has been called: Taper Madness, Taper Crazies, or Taper Tantrums.  Whatever you call it, all your nervous pent up energy will make you a little looney and edgy to say the least. Having a good friend to talk to will really help during this time. 

Carb load does not equal a car load of food. While experimenting, you should have figured out your best meal for the night before a long run.  Eat what you know is tried and true the night before the race. You do not want to be searching for a porta potty on the race course like a heat seeking missile.

It’s code. Call it superstition, or an unwritten rule, NEVER wear the race shirt in the race.

Relax. Race day you know what to do. You’ve trained, experimented, prepared. So relax and enjoy the marathon. When you’ve finished put on that race shirt, slap a 26.2 sticker on your car, and wear your medal with pride. You ARE a marathoner.

This article is written by Kristie Cranford, CPT. A wife, mother, cancer survivor and competitive athlete, Kristie is an ACE Certified Personal Trainer as well as a Running/Triathlon Coach for PRSFit Nation. Living in Las Vegas, she is the Chair of Long Distance Running for USATF-Nevada Association, Coolibar sponsored athlete, and Raw Elements Sunscreen Ambassador. Contact information:
Email: CoachKristieLV@yahoo.com, www.prsfit.com, http://coachkristie.com