February 6, 2025

3 Must-Try Workouts! By Jessi Kneeland

The weather’s cooling down, but that doesn’t mean your workout schedule should.

Here are 3 workout trends not to miss this fall.

Following Reebok’s purchase of the Crossfit brand, Crossfit has been steadily gaining visibility and popularity across the US, and it’s only going to get stronger. It appeals to people who want to try extremely challenging workouts in a competitive but supportive environment. It’s very intense, and not everyone will know their own limits, so please don’t try it if you’re new to working out. But if you’ve been exercising for awhile and are looking for a tough challenge and a community of fitness-lovers to push you, Crossfit might be your solution.

Adult Ballet Class
The popularity of ballet-based fitness classes like FlyBarre and The Barre Method has led people right back to the source. Beginner adult ballet classes are exploding so quickly that many studios have had to add extra classes to accommodate. Ballet strengthens and lengthens the body, improves posture, and works on rhythm, balance, and grace. It may not be the most efficient way to burn fat, but it’s fun and it lets you relive childhood fantasies of being a ballet dancer, so why not add a weekly class to your fall fitness lineup?

Destination Bootcamps
This last year has seen a huge increase in “fitness vacations,” and you shouldn’t expect the trend to slow down this fall. Unlike most vacations (where you eat everything in sight and fall off the fitness wagon) you’re practically guaranteed to return from these trips feeling fitter, less stressed, and more motivated. If you’re looking for a beach bootcamp, Holly Rilinger Fitness’s November trip to the West Indies (http://www.hollyrilinger.com/training-camp/destination-training-camp.html) includes outdoor training, yoga, and lots of time to relax and explore the beautiful location. If rugged choose-your-own-adventures are more your style, Red Mountain Resort in St. George, Utah (http://www.redmountainresort.com/) offers custom classes in fitness, nutrition, and stress management, as well as outdoor workouts and adventures.

Jessi Kneeland is a NYC based NASM certified personal trainer. She does most of her training out of Peak Performance (rated of the top 10 gyms in the US by Men’s Health!) and has a reputation for getting both working women and models into tip-top shape. She believes fitness is the key to confidence, and runs her blog Empowering Fitness at http://jessikneeland.wordpress.com/ in the hopes of helping everyone to become more body-positive. You can follow her on twitter at @jessikneeland or drop her an email at jlk399@gmail.com