July 26, 2024

Group Motivation Solution

Get Fit Quick Tip:

Join a Group!

Is your exercise motivation lacking? Join an exercise group! The energy of a group is contagious:

A group will challenge you to try new exercises.

A group will feed your enthusiasm and drive to log a maximum-effort workout.

A group will renew your commitment to exercise because you’ll hear of others reaching goals.

A group will energize your dedication if you engage in friendly competition with other participants.




Motivate with Group Fitness

Get Fit Quick Tip:

Join Group Fitness!

Exercising along side others is motivating! Group fitness may just be the answer to keeping your workout motivation up. Here’s why you should consider group fitness:

Groups are energizing. Even if you’re not enthused to workout, there will someone else who is.

Groups are inspiring. Witnessing some one else push hard and work toward a goal will inspire your own effort.

Groups are learning opportunities. There undoubtedly will be someone in class who is more fit or more skilled than you. Learn from them!

Groups are encouraging. A “good job” or “way to go” from a fellow fitness enthusiast goes a long way when you’re having a tough day.




Build your Fitness this Winter by Nicole Bryan

You’re hearing the murmurings and mumblings…winter is coming.  Take advantage of the “off-season”, and wait out winter by trying group exercise classes. Prepare for spring and outdoor athletics now with fun indoor group exercise. Always consult your physician before beginning exercise.

Indoor cycling classes. Group indoor stationary cycling classes have become main stay at most fitness facilities. For your first class, you’ll be met by the instructor who will offer a proper bike fit. There are varying adjustments on the bikes and it’s important that the bike fits appropriately for an effective workout. You’ll try moves like standing hill climbs, seated climbing and sprints. Indoor cycling classes are useful for those interested in learning proper cycling form, as well as picking up some fun drills to transfer to your riding on the road. You’ll finish with a cool down and a stretch; always a useful reminder of productive stretches to do after every ride.

Suspension training. Suspension workouts involve using body weight as resistance. Offered through classes with an instructor you’ll be guided through a workout involving pushing and pulling movements at various angles. This type of training is a great workout for total body strength. The workout requires to use your muscles how you use them in every day function, in groups and in patterns. It also challenges your posture muscles, as it requires holding your body straight.

Pilates mat classes. Mat classes lead by an instructor offer a super effective floor based workout. This takes an everyday abdominal workout way beyond endless crunches. You’ll learn what everyone means when they refer to the “core,” and more than that…you’ll feel every muscle in the core! Even more important is you’ll learn tricks of the trade to do daily as you’re going about your day to engage and strengthen your muscles. Mat classes are not only a workout, but an education as to how your body works.

Boot camp classes. If your warm weather outdoor hobby or sport involves upper body strength like kayaking or paddle boarding, check out a boot camp style class. Usually a fast paced circuit format class, you won’t even have a chance to look at your watch! Squat down, jump up, sprint forward, side shuffle to your right are just a few of the moves you’ll repeat. What tends to be a high intensity workout, you’ll strengthen not only every muscle in your upper body and lower body, but your heart as well. The camaraderie is what many report as their favorite benefit of boot camp style classes. The creative moves which require every ounce of concentration, along with the constant challenging hustle and bustle keeps motivation high.

Start building your springtime sport and hobby fitness base now by taking advantage of indoor exercise classes. Group fitness classes may be just the way to go; you’ll pick up workout tips, discover new drills applicable to your outdoor spring and summertime hobby, and maybe even meet a new training buddy or two. You’ll enter spring stronger, leaner and way ahead of the game!


*Disclaimer: Result may vary from person to person.


5 Reasons to Try Group Exercise by Crystal Reia

Have you ever tried out group fitness? Many studies show that participating in group exercise will keep you going longer and stronger so you can achieve your fitness goals. Check out some great benefits below and maybe you’ll step out of your comfort zone and try out that class!

1. Commitment/Motivation – Signing up for group classes gives you an appointment time with yourself! You are less likely to miss classes when you sign up with a friend, rather than go it alone. Having the support of others around you, who are there for the same reasons as you are will help keep you motivated to keep on going!

2. Focus – Attending a group class lead by a trainer you trust takes all the guessing work out of the equation for you! A trainer is a leader. He or she will set rules, establish boundries and help you set goals. When you do not have to come up with your own workouts, it allows you to be free to really focus on yourself and allow you to get the most out of your workouts! Pay special attention to form, technique as it will help you… you do not have to be perfect, but giving it your 110% every time, be present in the moment and you will see results if you stick with it.

3. No More Boredom – Group classes switch up routines all the time. You’ll never be bored in group exercise. There are many different classes from, Strength Training, Cardio, Drills, Circuit, Dance, Spin Class… the options are endless! Find a variety of classes you like to do and call a friend and get moving together. The switching up of routines will keep your muscles guessing!

4. Beginners Welcome – No previous experience is required to attend group sessions! Trainers will give you plenty of options to suit every fitness level in the class. You will learn lot’s of great new exercises and will grow stronger every time you go. You do not need to be worried about giving it a try. So lock up any self-anxiety you might have, stand beside someone who has been attending class regularly. You’ll find the regular’s very friendly and willing to help out their fellow classmates!

5. Energy Boost – Energy is “literally” infectious! You can’t help but getting caught up in the energy of your trainer and the others around you in group classes! Believe me, getting there might be half the battle, but once you do, you’ll be glad you did! And the energy you’ll have after class will keep you coming back for more!

By Crystal Reia, Personal Trainer
Owner of Your Health-Your Choice

3 Must-Try Workouts! By Jessi Kneeland

The weather’s cooling down, but that doesn’t mean your workout schedule should.

Here are 3 workout trends not to miss this fall.

Following Reebok’s purchase of the Crossfit brand, Crossfit has been steadily gaining visibility and popularity across the US, and it’s only going to get stronger. It appeals to people who want to try extremely challenging workouts in a competitive but supportive environment. It’s very intense, and not everyone will know their own limits, so please don’t try it if you’re new to working out. But if you’ve been exercising for awhile and are looking for a tough challenge and a community of fitness-lovers to push you, Crossfit might be your solution.

Adult Ballet Class
The popularity of ballet-based fitness classes like FlyBarre and The Barre Method has led people right back to the source. Beginner adult ballet classes are exploding so quickly that many studios have had to add extra classes to accommodate. Ballet strengthens and lengthens the body, improves posture, and works on rhythm, balance, and grace. It may not be the most efficient way to burn fat, but it’s fun and it lets you relive childhood fantasies of being a ballet dancer, so why not add a weekly class to your fall fitness lineup?

Destination Bootcamps
This last year has seen a huge increase in “fitness vacations,” and you shouldn’t expect the trend to slow down this fall. Unlike most vacations (where you eat everything in sight and fall off the fitness wagon) you’re practically guaranteed to return from these trips feeling fitter, less stressed, and more motivated. If you’re looking for a beach bootcamp, Holly Rilinger Fitness’s November trip to the West Indies (http://www.hollyrilinger.com/training-camp/destination-training-camp.html) includes outdoor training, yoga, and lots of time to relax and explore the beautiful location. If rugged choose-your-own-adventures are more your style, Red Mountain Resort in St. George, Utah (http://www.redmountainresort.com/) offers custom classes in fitness, nutrition, and stress management, as well as outdoor workouts and adventures.

Jessi Kneeland is a NYC based NASM certified personal trainer. She does most of her training out of Peak Performance (rated of the top 10 gyms in the US by Men’s Health!) and has a reputation for getting both working women and models into tip-top shape. She believes fitness is the key to confidence, and runs her blog Empowering Fitness at http://jessikneeland.wordpress.com/ in the hopes of helping everyone to become more body-positive. You can follow her on twitter at @jessikneeland or drop her an email at jlk399@gmail.com

Why Group Exercise? By Mollie Millington

Most gyms offer group exercise classes such as yoga, Pilates, indoor cycling, Body Pump, Boxercise, and CrossFit. Most group classes will be included in your membership fee and are offered at all times of the day.

Why should you give group exercise a try?

Group exercise adds variety to your workout. If you hit the treadmill every day after work for 30 minutes, a group exercise class can help you get over a plateau by challenging your body in a new way.  Muscles can be accustomed to always working in the same way. So if you always go for a run, try a yoga class to switch it up a bit. If you regularly lift weights, try Zumba for a fun heart pumping workout.

Having a class at a set time automatically fits it into your schedule. It is easy to say, “I will go to the gym after work” and somehow never make it there because you prepared dinner for the family, helped the kids with homework, and then needed to run errands. But when you know your favorite class is at 6:30pm you can’t put it off until later. You also know when you will be done which helps you plan the rest of your day.

Someone knowledgeable will guide you. You might not always feel confident doing exercises on your own in the weight room. A group exercise instructor will know how to maximize your time in the studio and give your body a fantastic workout. Every class is designed to work muscle groups in a certain way and order after an appropriate warm up. Cooling down and stretching out at the end of a workout is important too and you might overlook that on your own.

Fun! Finally, group fitness classes can be fun. You can try different types until you find one that you love (and doesn’t seem like work.) You can make new friend who enjoy the same things you do too.

If you haven’t yet, give group exercise classes a try. Men are joining in too as they realize cross-training is an effective way to develop fitness faster. Just be sure to arrive early and let your instructor know if it is your first time trying out the class. 

Mollie Millington is a London-based personal trainer who offers in-person and virtual training.  You can find her on Twitter (@PTMollie) and online at www.ptmollie.com. She posts free workouts, product reviews and recipes every week.