April 28, 2024

Natural Metabolism Boosters by Angelena Riggs

Whether you are looking to burn fat or gain lean muscle follow these tips to naturally boost your metabolism.  Stay consistent and you will start to see the results in as little as 2 weeks.

Eat enough of the right foods- Focus on eating whole, nutrient dense food.  Make sure you are eating lean protein, plenty of veggies and fruits.  Steer clear of processed foods that offer no nutrients, they are bad for your waistline and metabolism.

Eat your breakfast- Start off your day right and eat a well rounded breakfast: eggs scrambled with your favorite veggies on a piece of sprouted grain toast and some fresh berries.  This sets you up for a successful day.  Also, down one glass of ice cold water before your first bite.

Eat throughout the day- Make sure you have 3 meals and at least two snacks planned for the day.  Eating at regular intervals, every 3-4 hours, keeps your metabolism burning and will ensure that your body doesn’t break down that hard earned muscle for energy.

Lift weights- Lifting weights helps to build lean muscle.  Lean muscle takes more energy to maintain than fat, and for every pound of lean muscle you build your body will rev up your metabolism to maintain that muscle.  Challenge yourself beyond those 3 and 5 pounds and watch your body change!

Add HIIT to your workouts- High Intensity Interval Training (HIIT) is adding short bursts of high intensity moves, like sprints or jump squats to your low intensity steady state workouts, like weight lifting.  This gets your heart rate up and then forces your body to recover many times during your workout.  The benefits continue even after your workout is over, you burn more fat and calories for up to 24 hours.

Stay hydrated- At a minimum you should be drinking half your body weight in ounces.  For example a 150 pound woman should at least drink 75 ounces daily.  Add don’t forget to drink extra during your workouts!

Angelena is a mom, healthy living blogger at On Fire Fitness Healthy Living (www.OnFireFitnesspt.com), an NASM Certified Personal trainer and Fitness Nutrition Specialist. Her goal is to inspire others to take the steps to living a healthy lifestyle. Visit Angelena on Facebook and Twitter.

Tales from a Winter-Weather Runner by Jason Saltmarsh

Tales from a Winter-Weather Runner

Running in low temperatures is not recommended by mothers. If you’re a cautious person and enjoy the safety, warmth and predictability of the treadmill then read no further. But, if you’re looking for a running experience that defines toughness and catapults you beyond others that sit comfortably in their homes as you stride past, read on.

Running outside this time of year requires something extra in terms of motivation. It can be difficult to stick to your plan any time of the year. Right now is gut-check time. Not many runners are out there on the roads and trails right now. If you see one, you know at least 3 things about them. 1. They’re serious 2. They’re tough 3. They’re uncomfortable.

I ran an 8 mile loop by the ocean today when it was a balmy 10 degrees outside. The wind chill was around -5 to -10 degrees. Here’s how it went:

Mile 1 – I can’t fill my lungs without coughing cold air. Nose starts to sting as I approach 1/2 mile mark. My nose runs faster than I do.

Mile 2 – Why won’t these mittens keep my fingers warm? Feeling in the 2nd and 3rd toes is gone.

Mile 3 – Hands are warm now, sweat beginning to drip from underneath my hat. Toes are still incommunicado.

Mile 4 – Feeling has come back in my toes. My hands are sweaty. I want to curse every truck that passes by and blasts me with fumes and frigid air.

Mile 5 – A nice ocean breeze off the water brings the windchill way down. The sweat has now frozen to the front of my sunglasses. I start to wonder if maybe 6 miles would have been a better idea.

Mile 6 – Pass a walker and a dog. Both of which stop in their tracks and turn to watch me run by. Must be thinking the same thing: “What on earth is he doing?”

Mile 7 – The sweat now drips mercilessly on my cheeks and neck. I pick up the pace just to get back sooner. I pass a cyclist with full face mask and think: 1. He must be serious about his cycling. 2. A full facemask? C’mon…

Mile 8 – Mittens come off a half mile from home. Feeling good now that I’m close. I turn into the driveway and feel the sun on my face and think what a beautiful day this is.

Cheers to all of you that are out their logging miles. Each time you head out you’re building your endurance, your grit, and your confidence. This time of year, the days may be frigid and messy, but they are also quite beautiful.

So if you have appropriate safety and winter-weather gear, don’t let the shorter days and colder temps deter your training. Get out there and log your miles, your race is just around the corner. And who knows, you’ll may even come to enjoy your winter running!

Jason Saltmarsh is an competitive masters runner at distances ranging from 5K to the half marathon. In November 2013, he raced his first 26.2 at the iconic New York City Marathon. Jason’s goal is to share with others the benefits and joys of running, fitness and healthy living. For more information, please visit saltmarshrunning.com

Healthy Weight Loss Tips by Angelena Riggs

One of the questions I get most frequently is…

“Why am I not losing weight?  I am doing everything right!”  There are many factors that go into the process of losing weight, in addition to exercising regularly. There are some things that you may be or not be doing that is affecting your weight loss progress. Remember that every person is different and will react to nutrition and exercise differently.

Here are the top reasons that you may not be losing weight:
1) Sleep.  Sleep is so important and you should aim to get at least 7 hours each night.  Try to wind down about an hour before your head hits the pillow, turn off all your electronic devices and do some reading or light yoga.

2) Stress.  When you are constantly stressed out your body produces the hormone cortisol which leads to belly fat gains, not exactly what you what.  Take some time each day to relax and recharge.  Try to free up your schedule and ask for help from family and friends.

3) You’re not eating enough or you’re eating too much.  It is important to know how many calories you should be consuming when you are trying to lose weight. Consult a nutrition Professional to help determine how many calories you need to reach your goals.

4) You’re eating too many processed “foods.” All calories are not created equal.  Ditch the processed foods for whole, real nutrient dense foods.  Make it a habit to eat these kinds of foods and you will love the way you look and feel!

All good things take time and hard work.  Remember that your weight loss is a journey and you are learning how to live healthy for the rest of your life.  Stay positive and you will get there!

Angelena is a mom, healthy living blogger at On Fire Fitness Healthy Living  (www.OnFireFitnesspt.com), a NASM Certified Personal trainer and Fitness Nutrition Specialist.  Her goal is to inspire others to take the steps to living a healthy lifestyle. Visit Angelena on her blog, and via Facebook (www.facebook.com/Angelenasonfirefitness) and Twitter (www.twitter.com/OnFireFitnesspt)

Exercise Bands for Fitness by Tera Busker

You don’t need a gym full of weights and machines to get a great full body workout. Using resistance bands can challenge your muscles in a whole new way. And the best thing about resistance bands is that you can do a workout with them anywhere.

Here are 3 exercises that will are guaranteed to give you results. The following is for those with a solid fitness base. (Consult your physician before beginning an exercise program. Perform exercises at your own risk.)

Squat Press
Stand in the middle of the band with feet parallel and shoulder-width apart. Hold handles at shoulder height, with palms facing forward and elbows bent. Squat like you are about to sit on a chair, keeping knees behind your toes. Stand back up to the starting position and then press your arms directly over your head. Return hands back to shoulder height and repeat sequence. Repeat for 10-15 reps.

Reverse Lunge with Bicep Curl
Place the center of the band under the arch of your right foot and hold both handles with the palms facing forward. Lunge backwards with your left foot and perform a bicep curl. Return to start position and repeat for 10-15 reps.  Switch legs and repeat.

Crunch with Lat Pulldown
Loop the band around a stable object, like a railing. Lie on your back, gripping the band’s handles with arms extended over head. Raise your legs and bend your knees so your shins are parallel to the floor. Crunch your upper body forward while drawing your arms toward your knees. Keep the elbows locked and straight during this movement and maintain a relaxed and neutral position in the neck – do not bring the chin to the chest. Roll back to starting position. Repeat 20 times.

Tera Busker is an ACE Certified Personal Trainer and owner of Fitness To Go, an exclusive In Home & Private Studio Personal Training Service based out of Roberts, WI. www.fitnesstogo.net

Fast Fitness: Get Results from your Exercise by Gen Levrant

No time this holiday season? Here’s what you can do for exercise in TEN MINUTES!

Check out this YouTube Video for a demonstration of the workout. (Always consult a physician before beginning a workout. Perform exercises at your own risk.)

Even though, for most of us the Holiday Season means a well-deserved couple weeks break, exercising may STILL end up taking a back seat.

What with that extra free time soon getting filled with seeing relatives, organising trips, entertaining little ones, watching TV, buying and cooking large quantities of food (not to mention eating it and drinking more than usual) before we know it, we’re back to work starting the New Year with some newly acquired holiday flab.

Thousands of gyms and health clubs DEPEND on this behaviour so come January, we jump on the New Year resolution “get fit lose weight” bandwagon cliché, more often than not broken in a matter of weeks.

So how can we avoid being a New Year cliché for another year running? Luckily the solution is pretty simple: look at your calendar and PLAN your time.

The “most wonderful time of the year” can, unfortunately for many also be the most stressful. Planning reduces the chance of getting “caught out.” Yes, sometimes unexpected things happen, which means we need to be flexible with changes, but knowing roughly what to expect each day affords a luxury that can reduce a great deal of stress.

The other most effective stress-buster? Yep, short bursts of intense exercise. Not only will this make you feel amazing, but it’ll allow the fog in your head to clear, giving you greater ability to stay centred if things end up being more stressful than you were expecting.

Gen Levrant is an Advanced Personal Trainer and weight-loss specialist. She runs a private functional training studio in Southampton UK helping people get safe and permanent results. For more info, email gen@fasterpt.com. Follow her on Twitter @PTGen or via Facebook.

5 Easy Steps to Becoming a Runner by Jason Saltmarsh

My Story
Four years ago I was overweight, had trouble sleeping, made poor diet choices, worked long hours, and was on the precipice of a mid-life crisis. I decided that I wanted to be here to see my grandchildren and great-grandchildren. I wanted to be active and set a good example for my family. So, I decided to run.

Today, I’m fifty pounds lighter, I’m a competitive master’s runner and I feel healthier than ever. This November, I’ll be running in the New York City Marathon.

Step 1 – Have a Plan
My running actually looked a lot like walking to those who saw me struggle down the road during the first few months. However, the thing that helped me get on track was having a plan AND sticking to it. I could look at my calendar and plan accordingly for every workout. The beginning is the most challenging time, because you are forming new habits and breaking old ones.

Creating a calendar is essential to staying on track. Protect your workout time. Don’t compromise. This is important for you. I would recommend putting that calendar in a place where your family and others can see it and support you. It keeps you motivated and accountable.

Step 2 – Set a Goal
My first goal was a local 5K race. I decided when I began training that I would complete a 5K race within three months. Time should be of no concern.

Finishing should be the goal the first time you race or run a new distance. Find local races by searching online or talking to others in the running community that you may already know. Choosing a local race has a few advantages. First, you can easily make it to your race without a lot of logistical planning and expense. Second, it is easy to have your family or friends there to support you. And third, you will hear about the race in the local media outlets and be reminded of your goal as you train.

Step 3 – Eat Well
I chose a few easy steps to get my diet under control. I stopped eating as many bad things, and ate more good things. I stopped going out for lunch, and brought my own to work. I focused on less sugar and cut out surgary drinks altogether.

Challenge yourself: Try eating two servings of vegetables with dinner. Try eliminating sugary desserts for 4 weeks. Try eliminating alcohol for 4 weeks. Try not to eat anything that comes in a box with heating instructions for 4 weeks. These little measures will result in huge health and weight-loss benefits.

Step 4 – Sleep Well
I find that eight hours of sleep each night keeps me in good condition both mentally and physically. Your body needs time to repair and adjust to the stress of a new training regimen so that it can grow stronger.

Be sure to reap the benefits of your hard work by letting your body rest. You may want to give yourself a curfew for a few weeks and see how it goes. If you run in the early morning hours, you’ll probably miss some of your favorite nighttime TV shows. That’s what the DVR is for!

Step 5 – Stay Flexible
Life is unpredictable. Not everyone responds to training the same way. You’ll have good days and not so good days. That’s OK. Listen to your body and rest when something hurts. The individual workouts are not as important as the overall training effort.

There are communities of runners (both online and off) that support, encourage, motivate and challenge each other to reach their goals. Local running clubs can usually be found either online or by visiting running specialty shops. Online, you can turn to your social networks such as Twitter, Facebook, Google+ and the blogging community for more information and resources.

Stay focused. You can do this.

By Jason Saltmarsh. www.SaltmarshRunning.com – Run for your life!
Twitter @SaltyRuns

To those who have motivated our healthy living: Thank You!

Has someone in particular inspired or motivated your fitness? Offer him/her a Thank You! A few words of encouragement, an email of enthusiasm or a simply a text offering a Good Luck goes a long way toward motivating one another. As athletes we are instantly a community of friends. We all understand the effort and dedication required to live healthy and fit.

So, contact someone today who has inspired you, motivated you, or provided encouragement on your healthy living journey, and offer these two simple words of gratitude: Thank You.


THANK YOU to our Summertime Motivational-Monday Live Fitness Chat Sponsors! If you’re looking for ways to motivate your fitness, check them out.

PrAna. If you’re on the go often and believe in living an active lifestyle, you should know about PrAna! Their slogan “clothing for people who live life fully, play long, and travel well” sums up their motivation behind their clothing designs. They offer men’s clothing and women’s clothing touting functional apparel for the unconventional spirit. Designed for healthy living and offering durable apparel be sure to include prAna in your next health living adventure. Follow them on Twitter to see what’s new. www.prAna.com

Flip2BFit. Peak your kids interest to be active through the innovative games of Flip2BFit. Ideal for the whole family to play on a weekend, for a group activity at a birthday party, or for teachers to have on hand as a rainy day go-to. Their games encourage self-esteem all realized through the spin of a wheel and the flip of a card! Order yours today for hours of family fun time via www.Flip2BFit.com and check them out on Twitter.

RunnerBox. RunnerBox offers you the opportunity to sample top fitness, running and triathlon products just like the Pro’s (without having to train like one.) Each month you’ll receive a mini shoe-box full of products chosen just for you; you’ll find nutrition, gear, gadgets, just to name a few. Choose a subscription or 1-time purchase to gift yourself or favorite athlete. At www.therunnerbox.com, there’s no better way to find YOUR perfect running, triathlon and fitness products. Follow them on Twitter for a preview of upcoming products and discounts.

RunHappyRaces. Discover the ease and inspiration of virtual races through RunHappyRaces. All proceeds from Run HAPPY Races events go to the Leukemia & Lymphoma Society through their Team In Training program. HAPPY stands for “Run Happy. Have a Purpose!” and this is exactly what you’ll experience in their events. So, what’s the benefit of a virtual race? Complete the race distance before the final day, anywhere and at any time you choose- that’s it! Enjoy connecting with fellow athletes online without the travel costs and 3 am shuttles to race starts. Go to www.runhappyraces.com for event information and follow them on Twitter for all race info and updates.

Rock My Run. Looking for a motivational boost during your workout? Meet RockMyRun! They offer music mixes specifically designed with YOU, the athlete, in mind. Offering over 15 difference genres from which to choose, you can also select desired duration and beats per minute for your run and gym workout. RockMyRun has designed their mixes to keep you going when your motivation is challenged. As your training partner, they’ll get you through and onto logging your next personal best. Follow them on Twitter to learn about all their new and upcoming mixes. Check out www.rockmyrun.com – where your next favorite music mix awaits.

Exercise Tips for New Moms by Tatum Rebelle

5 Essential Exercise Tips for New Moms

Get back to the basics:
Before resuming your exercise program post-delivery, always seek medical clearance from your doctor! It seems like there is always a new fitness trend promising quick and easy results. Do not fall for the marketing gimmicks! Stick to the fundamentals that have been proven to work.

For example, by exercising larger muscle groups you will burn more calories. Doing intervals is a great way to add intensity for even faster results. Walking each day is great exercise for both the mind and body.

Work smarter not harder:
Finding time to exercise as a new mom can be tough! Your daily workouts can be included in the activities that you’re already doing by learning exercises that include your baby.

Squats are tough on your thighs, and soothing for your baby. They can be done as you hold him or her against your chest and benefit you both. Exercises like pushups, plank, cat-cow, and bird-dog can be performed with your baby is lying underneath while giving them kisses and smiles. It’s a fun way to enjoy time together while also doing something good for you.

Invest in inexpensive equipment for your home like a stability ball and resistance band. That way there is no excuse not workout when you can’t get to the gym.

Walk before you run:
Build slowly back to your pre-pregnancy fitness routine. Do not simply jump right back in to what you were doing before.

It is necessary to repair the deeper ab muscles that have been stretched first. Do not start with crunches. You can begin to rehab your abs with deep breathing exercises, plank, bridge, and pelvic tilt.

If you were a runner then start with walking and jogging before returning to running. If you lifted heavy weights, start lighter and do high repetitions.

Simply going back to your old routine will do your body a disservice if you end up injured and can’t do anything at all.

Don’t compare:
Be patient and nice to yourself. Don’t compare your body or weight loss to celebrities. It is not fair to measure yourself next to someone who probably has a full-time trainer and chef, and whose profession possibly requires them to be a size 2.

Remember that it took 9 months to put the weight on, and to drop it overnight is not healthy or realistic. Steady, consistent exercise and weight loss is the best way to decrease fat and keep it off permanently.

Do them! I can’t stress this enough. Keeping your pelvic muscles strong is often overlooked, but so important.

Tatum Rebelle is a pregnancy and new mom fitness and nutrition expert. She founded of Total Mommy Fitness in 2005 after seeing an unnecessary tread of women opting out of exercise once the became pregnant and had young children. Find more  at www.totalmommyfitness.com and twitter @tatumrebelle.

How-to Love Your Exercise by Mary Miriani

As a trainer, I encounter my share of people who say they hate to exercise, but know they have to do it.   I usually respond by telling them that they just have not learned to love their exercise yet.  Here are three ways to love your exercise:

Choose an exercise that you like and is appropriate for your current fitness level.

So many people focus only on burning calories.  (“I hate to run, but running burns the most calories!”)  That is a recipe for disaster, because you end up hating exercise and not doing it.  Pick something you like to do, so you can stick with it over the long run.  Equally important, make sure you are doing something that is right for your fitness level.  If you spent the last 20 years sitting, it is not possible to jump right into vigorous activity without injury.  It is better to be slow and steady than quick and quit.

Vary your exercise routine.

The best exercise is the one you will do often.  Do whatever activity makes you feel good inside and out!  Have a couple of activities to choose from.  As they say, “Variety is the spice of life!”

Settle in and enjoy the process.

It is good to have goals, but loving exercise is all about loving to move your body.  Focus on enjoying what you are doing instead of “I have to do this to reach my goal.”  You will reach your goal simply because you will love moving.  A long journey doesn’t seem long when the scenery is pleasant!

If you keep these simple things in mind, soon you will love moving and be surprised at how fun exercise can be!

Mary Miriani earned a BA in Exercise Science after she learned to love exercise at age 40 and stopped worrying so much about weight loss.  (Yes, she lost weight and has kept it off over 12 years!).  She is certified by the American College of Sports Medicine as a Health/Fitness Specialist and trains clients in Naperville, Illinois.

Thinking about Another Diet? Think Again! By Gretchen Scalpi

Thinking about Another Diet? Think Again!

For those of you who have made multiple attempts at weight loss, following the latest diet craze is hard to resist.  After all, even though other diets have failed, you may think the latest new diet might finally be “the one that works”.  Remember The Cookie Diet, The Grapefruit Diet, The Cabbage Soup Diet or The HCG diet?  One diet even recommended eating cotton balls before meals!  These crazy ideas can be hazardous to your health.  Do you know anyone who went on a crazy diet, lost weight and kept it off?

Over the years I have met so many people looking for the elusive diet plan that’s going to work for them.  Out of desperation they will try just about anything.  Well, here’s something you ought to know:  Diets are setup to fail!  It’s not the person who fails at dieting, it’s the diet that is a total failure.  Most of these plans are high on promises, but low on sensibility or long-term sustainability.

If you are checking out the latest, greatest diet, here’s a checklist of things to ask before you start yet another plan:

* Does it promise a quick, easy solution or fast weight loss?
* Is it less than 1,200 calories a day?
* Does it have too many rules about what you can and cannot eat?
* Does it eliminate entire food groups?
* Does it have a rigid plan that does not include your food preferences?
* Does it neglect guidelines for how to make healthy lifestyle changes?
* Does it rely on testimonials to show how effective it is?
* Does it focus on the sale of a product, such as special food or exercise equipment, as the sole way to achieve success?

If you came up with an answer of yes for one or more of these questions, you have just found another fad (or very restrictive) diet that’s going to fail you again.  Today there are so many more diet books, diet plans, and diet supplements to lure people into a false hope for quick and easy weight loss.

As unappealing and unexciting as this may sound, the truth of the matter is that there are no quick or easy ways to lose weight.  It takes effort, it takes patience, and most of all it involves making healthy lifestyle changes that are achieved over a period of time!  If you want lasting results, consider working one-on-one with a professional like a Registered Dietitian.

Gretchen Scalpi is a Registered Dietitian, Certified Diabetes Educator and Certified Wellcoach®. Instead trying another fad diet plan purchase the book Gretchen created for you “The Quick Start Guide To Healthy Eating” at http://www.nutritionxpert.com/the-quick-start-guide.  The companion presentation “Virtual Grocery Store Tour” is available at http://www.nutritionxpert.com/a-virtual-grocery-store-tour/