February 6, 2025

Your Body, Exercise and the Gym by Brett Klika, C.S.C.S.

Are you busy?  Do work, kids, and other life commitment prevent you from getting to the gym? You’re not alone. The good news is, man (and woman) didn’t have gyms and their sacred equipment for thousands of years and they managed to get in great shape.

We are surrounded with thousands of opportunities to exercise and move whether we are at home, at a park, or anywhere else life may take us.  Using only the most premium piece of exercise equipment ever created (our body-weight) we can get stronger, more fit, and energize our life.

Here are some whole-body exercises you can use right at home to create a leaner and happier you! Click on the exercise and you’ll find a YouTube video demonstrating each exercise.

1.  The Crab Crawl
This exercise is great for the triceps, shoulders, upper back, glutes, hamstrings, and lower back.  Try doing three sets of three movements in each direction.

2.  Around the World Push-Ups
This exercise helps strengthen the muscles of the chest, shoulders, triceps, and core.  Try doing a total of 10 push-ups.

3.  The Hungry Tiger
If you want strong hips, shoulders, triceps, and core, all while getting an aerobic workout the Hungry Tiger is an exercise you can do anywhere!  Try to complete three rotations clockwise around an open space, then three rotations counter clockwise.

4.  Get Ups
Getting up of the ground sounds like the most basic of human movements.  However, as your flexibility, strength, and mobility are challenged in this unique coordination intensive exercise you’ll burn calories and have a great time doing it. Try doing 10 each leg or 20 alternating.

5.  1-Legged Airplane
Want to challenge your balance while you build strong, lean, flexible hips and thighs?  1-Legged Airplanes can do the trick with no equipment needed!

To put together a fat burning workout using all five exercises right in your living room either do the recommended reps or time each exercise for 30-40 seconds with 10 seconds rest in between
Do the entire circuit 4 times.

Yes, you can get fit wherever you are!

Brett Klika C.S.C.S., author of “The Underground Workout Manual- Exercise and Fat Loss in the Real World” (www.undergroundworkoutmanual.com) is a world- renowned human performance specialist, motivational speaker, author, and educator. He uses this knowledge and experience to motivate individuals and audiences around the world through his writing, speaking, DVD’s, and free blog, www.brettklika.com.