July 26, 2024

How to Reduce Anxiety and Stress by Coach Juli

Anxiety falls into two basic categories, that which is manageable and considered normal in our lives, and that which hinders normal daily functioning. How do you know which category your anxiety falls into?

Anxiety is a natural reaction to real stresses, as a normal level of it can propel you to prepare for things you need to deal with and spur your energy level to handle issues in the moment. That form of anxiety can be motivating.

If you find yourself crippled and unable to function, then you will most likely need professional help. Since I am not a doctor, I will provide some ideas on how to deal with the more common normal anxiety.

Here’s how you can manage anxiety in 3 steps:

Plan your week so you can be prepared. If you know what is coming up in the next few days and you have a good working plan of how you are going to accomplish those items which may be anxiety producing, you will be proactive versus reactive.

Strive to avoid negativity. Be positive in how you see things as much as you possibly can. Sure, some situations aren’t ideal, but you can change how you think about them and approach them by adopting a positive attitude.

Decompress. Being stressed out and letting anxiety get the best of you can make everything worse. Try something that is calming such as yoga, meditation, or simply breathing deeply for a few minutes. Some clients find going out for a fifteen minute workout helps them to relax and reduce anxiety. Find what works for you and keep that in your “decompression toolbox” for the next time anxiety strikes.

Contributed by Coach Juli, CPC: ADHD Productivity Coach. Efficiency Expert since 1984, and author of the eBook, Order! A Logical Approach to an Organized Way of Life, www.getordernow.com. Contact Coach Juli at jshulem@gmail.com, via phone 805-964-2389  or www.coachjuli.com.

7 Traffic Stress-Busters

Does driving have you stressed and tense? Your muscles will benefit from easy stretching once you reach your destination. Try the following upper body stretches to relieve stress muscle tension caused by driving long distance. The following exercises may be done standing or seated. Make sure you’re breathing comfortably through each stretch. For additional stress reduction, pair each move with an inhale and exhale. Stretch to mild tension, not pain. Always consult your physician before beginning any exercise.


1. Lace your fingers behind your body. Slowly extend your elbows, and pull your shoulders down and back. Pull your shoulder blades together.

2. Reach both arms straight up overhead. Keeping your weight centered, slowly reach to your right, then your left.

3. Lace your fingers behind your head and pull your shoulders down and back. Pull your elbows wide.

4. Pull your shoulders up toward your ears. Pull your shoulders down and back.

5. Pull your shoulders down, tilt your head to your right side letting your ear fall toward your shoulder. Repeat tilting your head toward your left shoulder.

6. Pull your shoulders down, rotate your chin toward your right shoulder, then your left.

7. Pull your shoulders down. Keeping your upper back straight, drop your chin to your chest.

Repeat stretches as needed.