April 26, 2024

Meet your new training partner, RockMyRun!

Looking for an exercise partner? Thanks to RockMyRun you don’t have to look any further than your computer! Since 2012 RockMyRun has been insuring awesome workouts of all kinds through their creative, eclectic and motivating music mixes.

“RockMyRun is different from other music applications because we provide music that is specifically tailored to help runners and other active people better perform and better enjoy their activities” says Founder and Chief Rocker Adam Riggs-Zeigen. “We’ve done hundreds of hours of research with runners to better understand how music impacts their runs and took that knowledge to DJ’s from around the world who publish mixes to our system that best serve the needs of runners” Adam shares.

RockMyRun’s competitive edge lies in the user’s ability to choose their mixes based on their specific criteria. “We allow runners to filter and sort by criteria that’s relevant to them, like BPM, length, clean vs. explicit lyrics, as well as read comments and votes from other runners, making it easy to find great running music” Adam explains. Although designed initially for runners, RockMyRun has enjoyed additional popularity among athletes and fitness enthusiasts everywhere from motivating gym workouts to exercise classes to a wide variety of sports.

RockMyRun offers two categories of memberships: standard and premium. “You can access a lot of RockMyRun for free! Mixes up to 45 minutes in length can be accessed 100% for free from the app. Access to premium mixes ranges anywhere from $4.99 per month to $35.99 per year” explains Adam.

Adam not only talks the talk, but walks the walk. He shares his story, “I spent 10-plus years as a traveling DJ – playing large nightclubs, corporate events, house parties, wedding etc.  When I started training for my first half-marathon about 6 years ago, I decided to put my DJ skills to work and create a mix rather than a playlist.” He continues on “the results were amazing! I found myself more energized, more motivated and it really helped the training fly by.”

Want to run a 2 hour Half-Marathon? Use RockMyRun’s ‘The 2 Hour Half-Marathon‘ as your training partner and pacer with their music mix specifically designed with a consistent beat to get you to the finish line. Or check out their ‘Disco-Dash‘ Mix for a steady beat of 130 per minute, an ideal pace for a mid-week run of 30 minutes. If you want to find your favorite rock songs all in one 30 minutes mix for your gym workout, check out ‘Rock-it Fuel’ and you’ll be cranking out more solid reps than ever before. ‘Dose of Energy’ is another mix that will keep you going strong for 60 minutes as you’ll become energized by House and Pop tunes. With over 15 genres of music represented, you’ll find a mix for every music-interest and every type of workout.

Fan and RockMyRun user, Katy Widrick, a runner and triathlete, explains “I was so excited to find it, since I’m one of those people who not only can’t run without music, but whose workouts are made better by a great beat.” One of Katy’s favorite aspects of RockMyRun is “I love that some of the mixes are free to download, because it lets people get to know the style and flavor before buying. But in general, I think the best aspect is the quality of the mixes — they include great music, really well-done mixes, consistent beats.” Nic Akins, a fellow RockMyRun enthusiast agrees, saying,“it’s a great way to keep you focused and energetic.” Nic continues, “the descriptions are really good in helping you decide what mix will work best for what you want in a workout. Knowing and understanding the BPM (beats per minute) is very helpful.”

Look for more innovation from this cutting edge business. “We’re even more excited about the prospects of building in additional technology into our application and creating truly amazing experiences for runners, cyclists, weight lifters, fitness instructors and active people everywhere” Adam explains.

Feel free to drop Adam an email via adam@rockmyrun.com. Be sure to join their Facebook and Twitter communities for all updates and new mix info! And check out their blog: http://blog.rockmyrun.com/

Choose RockMyRun as your workout partner; you’ll get motivated, get energy and get better workout results with your high-quality, fun, and consistent exercise sessions. No matter what genre you prefer, you’ll find it. From country to classic to reggae to seasonal music, YOUR ideal music mix awaits!

Pushups and Pull-ups: Worthwhile Exercises? By Derek Peruo, CSCS.

There are so many options when it comes to fitness. You can attend classes, lift weights, use resistance machines or go running, just to name a few. With all these choices, how do you pick the best, most beneficial exercise?

At times like this, it’s a good idea to return to the basics. And nothing is more basic than body weight exercises!

Body weight exercises are some of the most beneficial exercises you can do. Ask a gymnast if you don’t believe me. Gymnasts spend their entire workout pulling, pushing, and lifting their body weight against gravity, and they are some of the most fit athletes around.

Incorporating body weight exercises like pushups and pull-ups into your routine will help you get stronger, faster and leaner in a very short amount of time, regardless of your current fitness level.

Here are my top 3 reasons why pushups and pull-ups are so beneficial:

They’re Portable
Very little equipment is need to do pushups and pull-ups. All you need is the ground and a secure bar. This makes them amazingly portable. You can do them in the park, at your hotel, or anywhere else. Such portability means you never worry about missing a workout because you lack the proper equipment.

They’re Adjustable
With hundreds of variations, pushups and pull-ups can be made super easy or extremely hard depending on your needs. As you become stronger and more fit, you can adjust these exercises accordingly so you never plateau.

They’re Efficient
No one likes spending hours in the gym training each muscle individually. Pushups and pull-ups allow you to condense your workouts by hitting all the muscle groups simultaneously, reducing the time it takes for you to complete your workout.

Proper technique for pushups and pull-ups are very important to prevent injury, and I recommend consulting a certified fitness professional for guidance. But once you learn the techniques, you’ll know it for a lifetime and will feel empowered to exercise no matter where you are.

Derek Peruo, CSCS, is considered “one of the rising stars in the fitness industry,” and specializes in training high-stress clients. Derek writes and consults for magazines like Men’s Health and Men’s Fitness. For more information, check out  www.RenaissanceFitnessInc.com.

“I don’t have time!” By Nicole Burley

I-Don’t-Have-Time-For-Lunch Excuse Busters!

“I’m too busy to stop for lunch!”

“I don’t have time to eat something healthy.”

“Life gets so crazy, I just forget to eat!”

Skipping meals is not healthy! If you have ever uttered any of these words, I’m here to beg and plead with you to make a change.

I promise you – one of the most important things you can do for your health, your moods, your energy levels – and your waistline – is to eat meals on a regular schedule.

I know what you’re thinking, “but I don’t have a regular schedule!”  Your body doesn’t care! Your body really likes a predictable routine – even if YOU don’t, or even if your life is not set up that way.

Here are some mega-simple strategies for making sure that you are never left in the lurch – or without lunch!

1. Lunch doesn’t have to be a full, sit-down affair with 3 courses. If you are constantly on-the-go, lunch can consist of a handful of nuts, a healthy snack bar, or a piece of fruit. The goal is to simply put SOMETHING in your body so that you have some fuel and nourishment every few hours.

2. A teensy bit of planning can go a long way. Could you find 10-minutes once a week to stash healthy snacks in your office, in your car, and in your bag? This way, you’ll never be left without an option.

3. If you have time to go to the bathroom, you have time to eat something. Think about it. If it was urgent, you would make the time to use the facilities! I encourage you to consider it just as urgent that you fuel your body throughout the day. 5-minutes is all it takes!

Nicole Burley, M.Ed is a certified Life Coach and Health Coach with a private practice in NYC. She is the creator of the Healthy Habits Coaching Club – a warm and upbeat online membership community designed to help you stay healthy, stay motivated – and quit dieting. For more information visit www.NicoleBurley.com and www.NicoleBurley.com/Healthy-Habits-Coaching-Club


Decrease Stress with Increased Organization by Coach Juli

How many hours do you waste each week trying to find papers and information like manuals and receipts? Decrease your stress by implementing these expert must-do filing systems for keeping the home-office organized.

It is essential to have an organized way to keep the papers you must retain. Even with having much of what you need on your computer, there are invariably papers needed and they should be filed away properly. There are files that you should have for your personal papers as well as for your household, so here are my recommendations:

1.    Have a suitable filing cabinet. It makes little sense to have various crates and caddies holding your papers, which can tend to make it difficult to file and retrieve papers easily and quickly. Most filing cabinets have either two or four drawers, are vertical with about 25” deep drawers, and can hold a lot of papers.  Get what will allow you to put all your papers away with a little room to grow.

2.    Files should be put into hanging files with tabs that denote what each contains. If you simply shove your papers into manila folders and then put those into a drawer in alphabetical order, you haven’t made a logical system. This concept only ends up getting papers put away, but are not very accessible later on.

3.    Use categories. There are various categories of record-keeping that are standard, and many of these could end up being in your computer, versus hard-copy, but the same general rule of organization applies. Here is a list of the most common ones (for a complete description check out www.getordernow.com for my eBook on this):

Computer Info.
Data Entry

Make categories that make sense for your needs and adjust accordingly as your business and life changes.

***Coach Juli is a Professional Certified Coach with a specialty in Productivity specifically those with ADHD. She works with individuals at any stage of life who find themselves stuck and wish assistance and skills to better organize their lives both in the workplace and at home. For more information and tips how to decrease stress and increase efficiency go to www.coachjuli.com

Too Much of a Good Thing? By Gretchen Scalpi, RD

Too Much of a Good Thing:  Check Those Portions

Every week I meet at least a few new clients who are having trouble losing weight, despite making healthy food choices. When it comes to those food choices, you can get too much of a good thing.

Being able to recognize what makes a normal portion is essential if want you to maintain your health and your weight. Some people are just eating too much, or at least, enough food to keep their weight right where it is… not budging at all!

It really is about how much you eat of any food.

One quick and easy way to determine portion size is to use what is known as the “plate method.”

This method has received a lot of attention recently and it is one of my favorite ways to show clients how to zero in on those portions.

My Plate is the new guide for healthy eating. To use the plate method:

Start by dividing your plate in half.  Fill half of the plate with vegetables or fruit. Divide the remainder of your plate into two quarters.

One quarter of the plate is used for a protein food (meat, fish, beans, etc) and the other quarter is used for a whole grain or starchy food (potato or rice.)

Visualizing the plate in this way makes it easy to learn about healthy portion sizes, especially for those who don’t want to measure their food.

One thing you must consider, however, is how big are your plates? It is not unusual for standard size dinner plates to come in sizes of 10 inches or more. A nine inch plate used to be the standard. Unfortunately, if you start with a larger plate, the tendency will be to fill it up. Portioned food on a large plate looks like you aren’t getting enough food! So if you have large plates, think about scaling down to a 9 inch size.

Besides using the plate method, weigh or measure your food portions from time to time. Big portions are everywhere, and we get used to seeing too much food on the plate no matter where we go. It’s easy to lose sight of reasonable portions. I recommend getting a food scale or using measuring cups every few months to “revisit” portion control.

Here are some basic guidelines for correct portion sizes:

*Protein foods: (such as lean meat, fish or poultry): 3-4 ounces
*Vegetables: 1 cup raw or 1/2 cup cooked (try to eat at least 4-5 portions daily!)
*Fresh fruit: 1 piece is one serving. Berries or Melon: 1 cup.
*Juices or canned fruit: 1/2 cup.
*Starchy foods or whole grains: 1 portion is usually 1/2 cup or 1 oz. if a bread
*Non-fat milk or yogurt: 1 cup
*Fats: (oil, butter, mayonnaise): 1 tsp.

Maintaining reasonable food portions, and “checking in” on the amount you put on your plate from time to time is one of the most effective ways to get back on track with weight loss. If you eat healthy but your weight is stuck, check to see whether you are getting too much of a good thing!

Gretchen Scalpi is a Registered Dietitian and Certified Diabetes Educator. She is the author of the books “The Quick Start Guide To Healthy Eating”, “The Everything Guide to Managing and Reversing Pre-Diabetes”, “The Everything Diabetes Cookbook, 2nd ed.” and “Pre-Diabetes Your Second Chance At Health”.  Purchase her book “Quick Start Recipes For Healthy Meals” for .99 cents via Amazon.

3 Tips for Healthy BBQ by Lori Rosenthal, MS, RD, CDN

It’s barbecue season! Want to partake in this American summer staple, but worried about the effect on your body? Don’t fret. Barbecue can be both healthy and delicious. Just remember these three tips!

Choose Lean, Fresh Meat:
It’s a common misconception that meat needs to be fatty to taste great grilled. Lean meats such as skinless poultry (i.e. chicken and turkey), pork tenderloin and fish can be just as tasty as their fatty counterparts. Red meat is higher in fat, but that does not mean a barbecue season without burgers and steaks. Stick to leaner cuts such as round, flank, sirloin or lean ground and trim away visible fat.

When it comes to bacon, hot dogs and other processed meats, beware. Most processed meats are high in sodium, saturated fat and preservatives. Sodium nitrate, the preservative that keeps meats such as hot dogs pink, has been found to increase risk of heart disease. Studies have also found that high intake of processed meat can increase risk of colon cancer by about 20%.  Fresh meat doesn’t contain any of these harmful substances, making it a much healthier option.

Maintain Balance:
Fruits and vegetables are low in calories, high in nutrients and should make up half your plate. So, don’t let meat steal the spotlight. Give produce its time to shine.

Veggies hot off the grill are delicious enough to stand on their own, but can also be used to jazz up a salad or sandwich. Vegetable sides such as green bean and cucumber salads are healthy, refreshing and easy to prepare.

Kabobs are another great way to incorporate fresh summer produce. Adding fruits or vegetables between the cubes of meat cuts calories and enhances flavor. Having trouble getting your little one to eat their veggies? Let them create their own kabob combo. Studies find that kids are more likely to try new foods that they helped prepare.

Store bought condiments are often laden with sodium and sugar. Accompany meat with fresh guacamole, salsa or pico de gallo instead. They are easy to make and elevate the flavor of any dish. In a time crunch? Add fresh fruit, such as watermelon or mango to your favorite store bought salsa or pico de gallo to liven it up. Fresh summer fruits are sweet, juicy and vitamin packed. Grilled pineapple, peach and pear make excellent desserts. Serve them alone or as a topping.

Be Clean:
Barbecue safe, clean and foodborne illness free! Raw meat and its juices contain harmful bacteria. Each type of meat has a specific minimum internal cooking temperature that must be reached to ensure safety. Invest in a meat thermometer and before firing up the grill, check out this Safe Minimum Cooking Temperatures chart from FoodSafety.gov. Be sure not to use the same platters or utensils for raw and cooked meat to avoid recontamination. Got lots of leftovers? Toss any dishes that have been out for more than two hours (one hour on hot days). Rule of Thumb: When in doubt, throw it out!

Research shows that exposing meat to open flames produces carcinogens, cancer causing compounds. This does not mean to forgo the grill, but there are some precautions to take. The National Cancer Institute (NCI) recommends precooking meat in a microwave to decreased cook time on the grill. When fat melts and drips into the fire, it creates harmful aromatic carcinogens, which end up on our food. Choosing lean meat, removing skin from poultry and trimming visible fat decreases this phenomenon. Overcooking meat also produces carcinogens, which a study suggests significantly increases risk of pancreatic cancer. Once the minimum internal temperature has been reached, remove the meat from the heat. To prevent both overcooking and charring, cook meat over a low flame. If accidental charring does occur be sure to scrape it off before eating.

Lori Rosenthal, MS, RD, CDN
Bariatric Dietitian
Twitter: LoRoRD

Everywhere and Anywhere Fitness with FitBlok

There really is no excuse to miss a workout, thanks to FitBlok. The new app is created by those in the fitness business who not only understand first-hand the challenges of keeping up with workouts while traveling or away from your usual exercise routine, but also understand the importance of a properly executed exercise session. The FitBlok professionals will guide you through a workout offering tips on form, technique and everything else you need to complete an effective workout…from absolutely anywhere!

Getting fit really is as easy as 1-2-3:
1. Go to their website,  www.fitblok.com or download their FREE App from the itunes store.
2. Choose your workout.
3. Feel better and look better with an efficient and effective professional-guided exercise session.
Getting started is easy! Begin browsing available exercise sessions immediately. If you like what you see, sign up and create a profile either through Facebook or via your ipad app. You can even invite friends to join you in the workout.

What makes FitBlok different? “Most online workout programs offer a specific trainer, or small handful of trainers from a particular exercise discipline” explains Brett Klika, featured Fitblok Trainer. “With Fitblok, the user can choose from a variety of credible, professional personal trainers from a variety of disciplines including Pilates, yoga, sports performance, dance, kettlebell training, TRX, and much more” Brett adds.

FitBlok also serves as an economical option to keep up with exercise when your usual routine is challenged, as you only pay for the classes in which you participate. “There are no monthly fees” Brett states, and continues “users only pay for ‘classes’ they attend.” At $1.00- $4.00 per class, that’s far less than a day-use pass at a gym, and you’ll save time on the commute to and from the gym, avoid the crowds, and even having to pack a gym bag. What’s more convenient than that? User Mark McGovern has enjoyed FitBlok and says, “it is a great ‘fallback’ if traveling and in a hotel room, or pressed for time in the early morning.”

Check out Brett’s three most popular workouts. There really is something for every interest and every fitness level.
Body Weight Training (The Naked Workout)
Injury Prevention and Recovery (No Pain, Big Gains)
Sports Training (Weekend Warrior)

While the workouts on FitBlok come in a variety of intensities, you can try a FREE 30 minute high intensity sports-based workout by clicking here.

So whether you prefer to work out in the privacy of your own home or you travel often, and would like the accountability, motivation and instruction of a Fitness Professional, this app should be #1 on your list. Brett explains “I travel quite a bit as a professional speaker and fitness consultant. I became involved with the Fitblok platform because I’ve seen a vast global need for access to professional exercise guidance.” Brett continues, “the every-day world doesn’t require much physical activity, so people have to create it. Many don’t know how. Now they have an affordable, accessible resource to help improve their fitness and health.”

Let’s face it, who isn’t busy these days, children, long work hours, we’re all pulled in so many directions- slow down the pace, take care of your health and exhale with FitBlok; your on-the-go fitness solution.

Top Exercise Question Answered! By Tera Busker

Planks Vs. Crunches

Which is better?

In the battle between which ab exercise is better, the plank wins hands down! Not only are planks more effective, they are safer and work multiple muscles in one move.

20 vs. 6

The main reason the plank is superior to the crunch, is that it works more muscles. Planks not only strengthen the core, they also work up to 20 other muscles which include the shoulders, arms, chest, back, legs and glutes. Planks also engage the a very important muscle, the transverse abdominis, which is like your “internal girdle” and holds your core tight. When done correctly, crunches only solicit 6 muscles including the hip flexors, rectus abdominis and obliques.

Brace Vs. Bend

Planks strengthen the muscles that brace the core, crunches strengthen the muscles to bend the core.  In order to have a strong, healthy core, you need to have all of the muscles in that area strong. Crunches only focus on the muscles on the front of the body that contract the body forward. Planks target the muscles of the core that stabilize, rotate, support and flex the spine.

Safe Vs. Safer

Even if you perform the “perfect crunch” (hands behind the head, elbows out to the side,  neutral neck and spine, crunching from the core, no pulling on the neck), there is still a chance of injury. Crunching puts pressure on the discs in the spine and neck. Abs, which are only a part of core muscles, are meant to stabilize your body and keep your spine straight.  Crunches involve the exact opposite movement, whereby you flex your spine and “crunch” at your back’s weakest point.  This puts more strain on your lower back and your posture suffers. Planks train your core to keep your spine in a long, lean position.

Both exercises can be safe and effective if done correctly and they also can be a great addition in a workout program. You have a lot of muscles that make up the core region and if your goal is to get a strong, long, healthy core, why not pick the exercise that works the most muscles in one move?

Tera Busker is an ACE Certified Personal Trainer and owner of Fitness To Go, an exclusive In Home & Private Studio Personal Training Service based out of Roberts, WI. www.fitnesstogo.net

Summer Sports and Activities for Children by Maggie Ayre

How Hard Should You Push Your Kids to Participate in Summer Sports/Physical Activity?

Ask yourself this question…. If you left your child to their own devices what would they choose to do with their summer holiday?

Some children would take themselves out every day to the skate park, to the beach, on a bicycle ride or arrange to meet their friends to go swimming.  These kids don’t need to be encouraged to take part in other activities unless you’re concerned that they are spending too much time by themselves or with a group of friends you do not approve of.

Other children would get out of bed late and collapse in front of the TV or computer screen for hours and days on end.  These children could do with some encouragement to be more active! I’m not a big fan of the term “push” when it comes to dealing with our children.  It may work with very young children who are happy for you to make choices for them but should be avoided with older children and teens.  In my experience it tends to back fire leading to resentment, ill feeling and a general bad atmosphere. Instead I would encourage you to have a two-way conversation with your child with the aim of finding an activity, or several activities, they would be happy spending the summer doing. Make it clear to them that you expect them to be active and get plenty of fresh air.  How they do that is then up to them.

Kids summer activities tend to fall into three main categories:
1.    Organised sports.  These are great for making new friends and learning, or perfecting, new skills.  They are normally organised through a private company, youth club etc with adults on had to instruct, coach and manage the sessions.  You will find a huge variety of organised summer clubs in your area.
2.    Activities.  These tend to be less structured and organised by groups of friends.  The activities available will depend on what is available locally and could range from meeting up for a jog, cycle or swim or a day out at the beach or in the countryside.
3.    Family days out.  Younger children in particular love a family bicycle ride or picnic in the countryside but they are also a great way to reengage with older children and teens.  Family activities are also the perfect opportunity to show your kids what a great role model you are.

Maggie Ayre is the UKs leading Fitness Coach for Teen Girls. As well as one-to-one and small group nutrition and fitness work with teens she has developed the 3G Program designed to be run at schools as part of the PE curriculum. She also offers mentoring for PE departments on how to re-engage teen girls with PE and has recently published her third book; “Nutrition for Exam Success – A Parent’s Guide” which is now available as a Kindle and paperback at Amazon.

Fresh Herbs: Great for the Body! By Lori Rosenthal, MS, RD, CDN

Fresh Herbs: Great for the Body and the Taste Buds

Fresh herbs contribute mouth-watering flavor to dishes without adding salt. But their usefulness doesn’t stop in the kitchen. Since ancient times, herbal remedies have been used to treat all sorts of ailments. Herbs contain antioxidants, substances with disease fighting properties. Antioxidants protect our bodies from cell damage caused by free radicals, which contribute to heart disease and cancer. In addition, certain herbs may soothe muscle spasms, reduce inflammation and fight infections.

With so many potential benefits, why wouldn’t we want to incorporate them into our diet. Start by adding fresh herbs to your favorite recipes. From salads to entrees, adding fresh herbs can make an ordinary dish extraordinary. Experiment with fresh herbs in homemade marinades and rubs. Basic marinades are comprised of herbs, spices, condiments, oils and an acid such as citrus fruit juice, vinegar or wine. Rubs can either be wet or dry and are a great way to infuse meat, poultry or fish with flavor. Try various combos of fresh herbs. Create flavors that excite the taste buds, but don’t overpower the other ingredients. An added bonus, homemade marinades and rubs do not contain the high levels of sodium, sugar and preservatives found in packaged products.

Use fresh herbs when making dressings, dips and sauces as well. Pesto is one of my all time favorites. This is my personal pesto recipe, so feel free to adjust it to your taste. Combine the ingredients in a blender or food processor and blend until it reaches a paste consistency. Freeze some in an ice cube tray for later use (freezes better without the parmesan). Pop out a cube, heat it up and add it to any dish for a quick, preservative free meal.

Basic Pesto
2 cups fresh basil
1/2 cup parsley
2-3 cloves of garlic
1 handful of pine nuts
1/2 cup olive oil
1/2 cup grated parmesan

This Italian salsa verde recipe was a staple in my house growing up. It pairs well with meat, poultry, fish or vegetables. Use it as a dipping sauce or condiment. I suggest trying it with salmon.

Salsa Verde
(Adapted from Bon Apetite)
1 1/2  cups chopped parsley
3/4 cup extra virgin olive oil
1 cup chopped scallion tops (AKA: The green part)
1/4 cup drained and rinsed capers
1/4 cup fresh lemon juice
1 1/2 Tbs minced garlic
1 1/2 tsp chopped fresh thyme
1 1/2 tsp chopped fresh oregano
1 tsp chopped fresh rosemary
1 tsp chopped fresh sage

Whether home grown or store bought, fresh herbs are not to be missed. Start taking your dining experience to the next level today. Your taste buds and body will thank you.

Lori Rosenthal, MS, RD, CDN
Bariatric Dietitian
Department of Surgery
Montefiore Medical Center
Follow Lori on Twitter via @LoRoRD