May 9, 2024

How-to fit in a healthy lunch by Lori Rosenthal, R.D.

How-to fit in a healthy lunch:

We’ve all done it.

We start the day with the best, healthiest intentions, but then life happens. Next thing we know it’s 5 o’clock, we are starving and popping the first thing we see into our mouths.

Here are some tips to help eat a healthy lunch even when the whole world is crashing in around you.

Have a Plan: Planning is the key to success in life and it is no different when it comes to eating healthy. Take a look at the upcoming week and see what you have planned – work, appointments, social commitments, etc. Next, choose a lunch for each day (and the rest of your meals while your at it). If you know a specific day will be hectic, pick something quick, easy and portable.

Shop Savvy: If you don’t own it you can’t eat it. This goes for both healthy and unhealthy foods. If we say we are going to have a turkey sandwich for lunch, but don’t own any bread or turkey. Guess what? We aren’t having a turkey sandwich for lunch. Write down every item needed to make the week happen, eat something and go grocery shopping. Don’t forget to read the nutrition labels while making your choices.

Be Prepared: It’s impossible to predict everything life has in store for us. Sick kids, flat tires, emergency meetings, etc. As I said before, life happens. After grocery shopping, take some time to meal prep or even cook dishes in advance. The more we have prepared, the easier it is to stick to our plan.

-Wash and chop fruits and vegetables.
-Make a large pot of sauce or soup
-Cook some brown rice, whole wheat pasta or quinoa for future use
-Grill a couple chicken cutlets
-Throw a few bottles of water in the freezer to use as ice packs

Don’t Forget to Eat: Ever bring lunch to work, but forget to eat it? Set a reminder for yourself. We set alerts and alarms for all sorts of things. Why not set one to remind you to eat. It may sound ridiculous, but it works.

Skipping meals only leads to a slower metabolism and poor choices later. On the other hand, eating a high calorie, high fat lunch will leave you feeling tired and less productive. Set yourself up for success by eating healthy throughout the day.

Lori Rosenthal, MS, RD, CDN
Bariatric Dietitian
Twitter: LoRoRD

Carry healthy snacks with you! By Lori Rosenthal, RD

Feeling hungry, but dinner is hours away? Have a snack.

Snacks keep our blood sugars even, which prevents energy crashes and moodiness. They also help us stay in control. When we get to the point of “starving,” healthy options tend to lose to whatever is most convenient. We also wind up eating way too much, way too fast when we do have our next meal.

I’m not saying to eat a candy bar if you feel hungry between meals (this isn’t a Snickers commercial). A healthy snack should ideally include protein and fiber. Keeping healthy snacks available is a great way to prevent falling victim to the office candy bowl or vending machine.

Healthy snack options include:

1 Tablespoon of peanut butter & a fruit or celery sticks
2 Tablespoons of hummus & vegetables or fiber crackers
1/2 cup of low fat cottage cheese and berries
Low-fat string cheese
1 ounce of unsalted nuts or seeds (mix them with a little high fiber cereal for added fiber and volume)
1/2 cup of edamame
Hard boiled egg
Granola bar (look for those that are low in sugar and high in protein and fiber)
Light popcorn
1 serving of baked potato, kale or beet chips

Bottom line: Snacks are not just for fun. Snacks are meant to hold us over until our next meal, but that doesn’t mean they can’t be nutritious, delicious and satisfying.

Lori Rosenthal, MS, RD, CDN
Bariatric Dietitian
Twitter: LoRoRD

Catch the Spirit of your Fitness

Catch the Spirit of your Fitness!

School is back is session and school spirit is at its peak! Can you say the same for your fitness?

Remember your high school pep rally to gear up for the big game? Put that volume of energy and enthusiasm into your workout! Find your fitness spirit, workout support and exercise community on Twitter with #HealthyWayMag Fitness Chat!

Join #HealthyWayMag Fitness Chat every Monday on Twitter at 5pm(Pacific)/8pm(Eastern)

Thank You to September Fitness Chat Sponsors:

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