April 27, 2024

Health and Fitness Blogs to Follow…continued

Behold, the third in our series…Health and Fitness Blogs to Follow!

The blog New York Views & Nike Shoes found its voice in the Fall of 2013 with Meaghan Ellis. Meaghan explains how her blog came to be, “when I moved to New York, I found myself taking so many pictures of my new city and telling friends and family about all the cool new workout places I was trying, so I decided to put it all down on paper (or, a computer in this case.)”

Meaghan posts about 5 days each week and describes her blogging approach as a “normal persons approach to running.” Check out one of her favorite posts to date, her half marathon race recap from December. She writes about living active and trying new workouts around the big city, New York City.

So who should check out New York Views & Nike Shoes? Meaghan sums it up, “anybody who is even mildly interested in running will be able to relate to my blog. I am not a fast runner, so you’ll read about the trials and tribulations of a slow, but dedicated distance runner.” So whether you’re a fan of fitness or simply a fan of New York City, you’ll find workout-focused posts, inspiring pictures and healthy living motivation to love on New York Views & Nike Shoes!

Want to receive automatic updates of Meaghan’s blog? Sign up here!

Pumpkin Oat Protein Muffins

Pumpkin Oat Protein Muffins
Serves 15

Calories: 160 kCal
Fat: 2.6g
Carbs: 28g
Protein: 7g


2 cups oat flour
1 can pumpkin purée (not pumpkin pie filling!)
6 tbsp honey
2 cups unsweetened applesauce
2 tsp pumpkin pie spice
2 tsp baking soda
1/2 cup rolled oats (do not use instant oats)
1/2 cup vanilla protein powder (I use soy, but whey or other plant based would work)
2 tbsp semi-sweet chocolate chunks

1) Heat oven to 350 degrees. Coat muffin tins with light spray oil or muffin wrappers. I used coconut oil spray, and it worked nicely.
2) Mix all ingredients except chocolate in a bowl until well blended. Batter will be very thick.
3) Add 1/3 cup of batter to each muffin cup. Should fill 15 cups. Add 2 chocolate chunks to the top of each muffin, and bake for 20-25 minutes or until browned and toothpick comes out clean.
4) Serve warm and refrigerate leftovers when cooled.

Recipe by Cyanne Demchak. Cyanne is a Philadelphia-based blogger, marathoner, and at-home cook. In between long days of conference calls and business travel, she shares her love affair with running, recipes and thoughts on healthy living on RunStretchGo.com. She can also be found on Twitter (@cldem), on and Pinterest (RunStretchGo).

Is your Fitness Waiting for Spring? By Tera Busker

Staying active in the winter can be daunting. Depending on where you live, it can mean bundling up, getting in a cold car, driving to the gym only to get sweaty and repeat the process back out in the cold. Well, like the old saying goes…”If you can’t beat ‘em, join ‘em.” Winter is a reality that we can’t escape. It comes every year and there is no way around that. So instead of fighting the cold and snow, find a way to enjoy it, pass the time and build fitness for Spring.


Find a winter sport. You can find countless places dedicated to snow sports like skiing, skating or snowboarding and you can always find a trail that allows cross country skiing, snowshoeing or hiking. Not only will you get to get outside and enjoy the beautiful views, but you will be getting your heart rate up and getting a great workout.

Join an indoor sports league. Many community ed programs or local gyms have clubs or pickup games like basketball or volleyball that you can join in for free. You’ll be less likely to skip a workout, when a team is counting on you.

Have a goal. Set a fitness or health related goal that you want to reach by Spring. Sign up for a running, walking, biking or swimming event like a 5K or triathlon or enroll in a charity event. Having a long term goal that you are excited about will keep you motivated to workout, eat right and reach your goals.

Make your home your gym! If you just can’t face Old Man Winter or if you get snowed in, have a workout that you can do at home.

Tera Busker is an ACE Certified Personal Trainer and owner of Fitness To Go, an exclusive In Home & Private Studio Personal Training Service based out of Roberts, WI. www.fitnesstogo.net

Health and Fitness Blogs to Follow- our series continues…

Health and Fitness Blogs to Follow

Our Friday series continues with this Blog highlight. Another option for a blog to follow that is sure to motivate your fitness journey…

As a lifelong writer it only seemed natural when the idea of Caffeine? Yes, Please! first entered the mind of Jeneen Olive back in 2009. Originally, she thought she would “journal the early days of motherhood” as Jeneen explains. However, she recalls “being a new mom didn’t provide much time to sit down and put my thoughts to digital paper.” Although her original intention behind the focus of her blog has shifted, her love of writing remains. When asked about the motivation behind how her blog subject came into existence, she responds “in 2012 I began running and I found that the miles allowed by creative side to reawaken.”

In her blog, Caffeine? Yes, Please! Jeneen shares personal experiences of running and fitness through logging her thoughts from competing in a 5K to her first marathon. She still considers herself a beginning runner and so she writes to help motivate those first time runners. Additionally, seasoned athletes will relate to her stories of trials and tribulations of logging miles and workouts.

So, if you’re in search of inspiration and a little humor to add to your fitness world, follow her as she posts two to three times each week. Check out one of her favorite posts thus far, entitled “A Trip Around the Sun”.

Aqua Fitness: Not just a summer workout! By Becky Flanigan

Why Aqua Aerobics Is a Great Workout…any time of the year!

If you have access to an indoor pool, aqua aerobics can provide a great workout at any time during the year. There are a lot of reasons to make a water workout a part of the weekly exercise routine. So instead of automatically categorizing this workout as summer only, consider it as a year round option!


A low impact workout. For people like runners who have an injury, or just want to cross-train to give the joints a break, aqua aerobics can provide the answer. You can get in the same workout you would on land, but with a lot less strain on your body.

Super cardio. Have you ever tried to push through the water to try a kick boxing move? You begin to appreciate the impact of water resistance in a workout. It takes a lot of effort to work out in water, which brings the heart rate up and gets the blood pumping. For a super cardio workout – try aqua jogging.

It’s so fun, you’ll keep doing it. Many people get tired of the cardio machines at the gym – it can be pretty boring, so sometimes people just don’t keep to it. By contrast, an aqua aerobics class offers a wide range of exercises. The exercises can have similar benefits as the treadmill or the weight room, and the whole experience is so pleasant, it encourages people to keep coming back.

Talk about variety. With aqua aerobics classes, there’s a lot of wonderful alternatives that give a great workout. The advantage there is that with most of your body underwater, it doesn’t feel as awkward and you don’t risk falling. For relaxation, try aqua yoga or tai chi – relaxing exercise routines with the soothing component of water added in.

There’s no need to wait for summer – just try aqua aerobics to see if it works for you. You’ll be pleasantly surprised at how much you enjoy the experience.

Becky Flanigan is a freelance writer for InTheSwim.com. In her spare time, she loves to go hiking and enjoy nature, and she is now taking oil painting classes to capture the images she has seen on her hikes.

Need a new dinner recipe?

Need a new, healthy, EASY, go-to dinner recipe? Give this healthy, simple Curry Chicken recipe a try.


Curry Chicken



1 lb organic boneless skinless chicken breast, cut into bite size pieces
1 tbsp olive oil
1 onion, diced
2 cloves garlic, diced
2 tbsp curry powder
¾ cup carrots, diced
1 cup frozen peas
2 cup chicken stock
1 cup coconut milk ( from a can)

Ready to eat in 3 easy steps:

Step 1: Heat oil in an oven proof pot. Brown chicken on all sides.

Step 2: Add in onions, garlic, curry, carrots and saute for a few minutes. Add in chicken stock, bring to a boil then let simmer for 20 minutes.

Step 3: Add in coconut milk, salt pepper, peas. Let simmer for 15 minutes and serve!

Recipe by Shirley Plant- Nutrition Coach and Author of Finally Food I Can Eat
www.deliciousalternatives.com. Follow her on Twitter via @sherrecipes

Health & Fitness Blogs to Follow

Introducing…Health & Fitness Blogs to Follow

This is the first in our weekly series of Health & Fitness Blogs to follow. So don’t be shy, check them out each week and see if they’re a fit for your motivation, inspiration and healthy living. Connect with fellow athletes and fitness enthusiasts, and you’ll never feel alone again in your journey to health and fitness.

Created in August of 2012, www.gorunjess.com was launched by Jessica Humphrey. “I created by blog initially as a means to document my journey to running my first marathon” explains Jessica. “I planned to run the Rite Aid Cleveland Marathon to honor the one year anniversary of my father’s passing. He died in May of 2012 and I wanted to do something for my own health in order to celebrate his life” she adds.

Since finishing her first marathon in May of 2013, Jessica now regularly shares her ongoing journey to balance healthy living, work and family. Posting twice a week on average, Jessica writes about everything from running, yoga, to strength training and healthy eating. She even posts on the topic of triathlon training!

“My blog is written from the perspective of an active mother of two with a full-time career” shares Jessica. She inspires those who are finding a healthy lifestyle as an adult, parent, and career-minded person, Check out one of her favorites, the heart-felt post that followed her marathon finish in 2012.

To add a little fitness motivation and healthy living inspiration into your week, consider subscribing to Jessica’s automatic updates.

Kids and Vegetables: A New Strategy by Kristen Yarker

Get Your Kids to Eat More Vegetables: One Simple (and Often Overlooked) Strategy

Do you want to know one simple, effective strategy that many busy parents miss when trying to get their kids to eat more vegetables?

Many kids, especially picky eaters, don’t like to eat vegetables. But we know that kids need the nutrients from vegetables for their healthy growth and development. As a result, parents exhaust themselves negotiating how many bites must be eaten. Or, they stay up late pureeing vegetables to hide in other foods. While these strategies may get a few more bites of vegetables into kids, it turns meals into battles and covert ops. And, it doesn’t teach kids to choose to eat veggies. However, there is a non-sneaky way to get kids to try more and eat more vegetables.

The often-overlooked resource that many parents miss is…snacks.

You’re likely already providing at least two snacks for your child each day. But often, snacks are times when favorite foods (i.e. foods other than vegetables) are provided.

Traditionally, vegetables are served at meals (particularly dinner.) Instead, treat all meals and snacks as equals. Include vegetables at as many snacks as possible. The more times that you present a food, the more likely your child will eat it. Studies show that you need to present a food more than 10 times before a child will eat it, but it varies from food-to-food and child-to-child. By increasing the number of times a day that your child sees vegetables, he/she will become more accustomed to seeing them, and will eat more.

Kristen Yarker is known as The Dietitian Who Transforms Picky Eaters into Food Confident Kids. From introducing solids through the picky eating years, she helps Moms and Dads be confident that they’re giving their kids good nutrition today… and instilling a life-long LOVE of healthy eating. Get scientific evidence-based answers to real questions from real parents (recipes too!) by signing up for her 101 Healthy Snack Ideas at: vitaminkconsulting.com

Natural Metabolism Boosters by Angelena Riggs

Whether you are looking to burn fat or gain lean muscle follow these tips to naturally boost your metabolism.  Stay consistent and you will start to see the results in as little as 2 weeks.

Eat enough of the right foods- Focus on eating whole, nutrient dense food.  Make sure you are eating lean protein, plenty of veggies and fruits.  Steer clear of processed foods that offer no nutrients, they are bad for your waistline and metabolism.

Eat your breakfast- Start off your day right and eat a well rounded breakfast: eggs scrambled with your favorite veggies on a piece of sprouted grain toast and some fresh berries.  This sets you up for a successful day.  Also, down one glass of ice cold water before your first bite.

Eat throughout the day- Make sure you have 3 meals and at least two snacks planned for the day.  Eating at regular intervals, every 3-4 hours, keeps your metabolism burning and will ensure that your body doesn’t break down that hard earned muscle for energy.

Lift weights- Lifting weights helps to build lean muscle.  Lean muscle takes more energy to maintain than fat, and for every pound of lean muscle you build your body will rev up your metabolism to maintain that muscle.  Challenge yourself beyond those 3 and 5 pounds and watch your body change!

Add HIIT to your workouts- High Intensity Interval Training (HIIT) is adding short bursts of high intensity moves, like sprints or jump squats to your low intensity steady state workouts, like weight lifting.  This gets your heart rate up and then forces your body to recover many times during your workout.  The benefits continue even after your workout is over, you burn more fat and calories for up to 24 hours.

Stay hydrated- At a minimum you should be drinking half your body weight in ounces.  For example a 150 pound woman should at least drink 75 ounces daily.  Add don’t forget to drink extra during your workouts!

Angelena is a mom, healthy living blogger at On Fire Fitness Healthy Living (www.OnFireFitnesspt.com), an NASM Certified Personal trainer and Fitness Nutrition Specialist. Her goal is to inspire others to take the steps to living a healthy lifestyle. Visit Angelena on Facebook and Twitter.

Be Stress-Free by Amanda Miarecki

5 Ways to Live a Stress-Free Life by Amanda Miarecki

If your goal is to de-stress, play more, and feel great then these 5 tips will do wonders for your mind, body, and spirit.



1.     Hang with Happy People
Haven’t you heard? Happiness is contagious! Glass-half-full types of people tend to be nice to everyone around them. Just being around positive people can increase your chances of being happier and more carefree.  So ditch the stressed out, cynical types and surround yourself with friends who have a sunnier disposition.

2.     Speak Your Mind
You absolutely MUST open up. Don’t let your problems, worries, or concerns fester inside of you. Make sure you are communicating your needs to your partner, boss, friends, and family. Understanding your own emotions and reactions to stressful situations and dealing with them head on will make your life so much easier.
3.     Eat For Energy
When your diet is poor, it’s much more likely that you’ll feel lack of energy and interest – which can amplify daily stressors. Eat a good breakfast that contains protein to get you through a tough morning. Scrambled eggs, whole-wheat toast with peanut butter, and fruit is the perfect combination. Keep yourself healthy and happy with small snacks throughout the day. Try tea, dark chocolate, veggies, trail mix, yogurt, or string cheese.

4.     Move Daily
Fitness isn’t just about your body, it’s about your mind and spirit as well! Exercise releases endorphins, which gives you a natural high. This natural high helps to relieve any stress you’re feeling and allows your body to relax. Next time you’re feeling stressed, go for a walk instead of grabbing the wine.

5.     Get Some Rest
Have you ever noticed that you are crabby on the days you are overtired? Quality sleep is one of the more underrated ways to deal with stress. Create a nightly routine and a set bedtime and stick with it. Your body will appreciate the schedule and be better prepared for the day.

Amanda is a Boulder-based Health Coach, fitness enthusiast, avid trail-runner, and aspiring physician with a passion for integrative health. Her goal is to motivate women to live inspiring and healthy lives and create a revolution in how people think about their health. Her passion is encouraging others to take care of their bodies with exercise, healthy behaviors, and nutritious foods. Get inspired to live fit and connect with Amanda on her blog, and follow her on Twitter.