July 26, 2024

Health and Fitness Blogs to Follow- next up

Our fourth installment of our Health and Fitness Blogs to Follow series. Take a look and consider adding it to your go-to healthy lifestyle motivation list:

“If I can do it, you can do it” says blogger and runner Chris Stetler. Chris is the founder of blog Never Trade What You Want The Most For What You Want Right Now. Now in its sixth year, you’ll find posts on healthy living topics across the board. “I would like to think I am an example of someone who doesn’t fit the running mold- I’m not fast, I’m not thin, I’m not going to come in the top three rather I’m worried I’ll come in last. But I go out and try” explains Chris. She writes about all things related to running, fitness, healthy eating and posts about three to five times each week.

Chris began her blog as a way to document her health and fitness goals. She especially enjoys the interaction from her readers. “They give me a new perspective on things, ideas on how to improve, or just showing me someone cares” shares Chris. Her blog has expanded to include race reports, weekly happenings, and workouts, just to name a few. People of all ages and fitness levels will relate and find support in her posts.

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How to NOT Sabotage your Healthy Living Efforts by Bob Choat

Are You Sabotaging Yourself When it Comes to Exercising?

So, you joined a gym or discovered some new fitness routine, right?  Maybe you will do something for a week, a month or even longer and then… BAM!  You suddenly stop or start slacking off.  Even those that have gone for a longer period of time may start engaging in behavior that sabotages their fitness training.  If you are doing the same thing, you are not alone.

Each person has a self-concept of him or herself.  That concept or self-image starts from early childhood.  How you see yourself leads to the kind of actions you will take.  As you move through the years, your self-image will develop even further.  Many times, though, some people tend to get stuck with that perception of who they are from the past.  That translates into the kind of work they will engage in and what they do in all aspects of their life.

People that have a very high concept tend to take more risks and do more things that is “worthy” of that self perception.  The person with a low self-concept will do things to match that.  They don’t believe they are worthy, even if they start to reach a certain level of success.  In fact, many have a fear of success.  That includes getting fit and looking good.  So what happens, they will do things to sabotage their efforts.  They may start to procrastinate in working out.  They will make excuses of why they can’t do this or that.

Our self-image is based on our beliefs and beliefs can be changed.  Here are a few pointers that should help you overcome your self-sabotage and create a new image:

•    Keep a journal of your thoughts and emotions just before you take certain actions.  This will help identify your beliefs and behaviors.  Make sure to include those thoughts and emotions that lead you to working out and those that lead you to making excuses.  Sometimes there are certain triggers that activate the behavior.  When you understand this, then you can remove the trigger.

•    Change your self-image by looking at all the good qualities you possess.  If you’ve won an award of any kind, remind yourself that you did.  If you have trouble with being praised, start to let praise come in.  Keep a scrapbook or binder that showcases your accomplishments.

•    Change your physiology to change your attitude about you.  Stand with your feet shoulder width apart and put your fists on your hips, kind of like a superhero would do.  And even add a smile, with your head slightly raised and cocked to the side.

•    Tell yourself that you deserve all the really good things in life.  That includes being healthy and fit.  Make it emotionally intense when you do, and again, with a smile.

•    Take continuous action, each and every day.  Surround yourself with supportive people.  Discard those that are not.

Practice each of these pointers and incorporate them into your life.  You will eventually see a new you, one that is confident, powerful and deserving of success in fitness and beyond.

This article is written by Bob Choat. As America’s #1 Mind-Body Transformation Expert and author of ‘Mind Your Own Fitness’ Bob is dedicated to help transform the mind-body fitness of the nation and beyond. He can be contacted via email: bobchoat@gmail.com and via his blog: www.bobchoat.com

Leading by Example: Twitter Must-Follow List!

What makes a good leader? What makes an effective mentor? What quality does a brilliant teacher or coach possess? Maybe it’s one who has lived a variety of experiences or overcome tremendous setbacks and challenges. Or perhaps it’s one who has traveled the path you’re wishing to travel. Or maybe it’s one who can see clearly where you’ve been and where you want to go. It could be someone who provides honest feedback and constructive criticism, all with an encouraging tone.

Whatever qualities you value most in a coach, you’ll find them in these Twitter leaders. Their words will inspire you, challenge you, encourage you and motivate you to try harder, dream bigger and believe in YOU. They are leaders, mentors and coaches inspiring healthy living.

Heath Your Way Online is proud to present our 2012 Twitter Must Follow List. On behalf of all fitness enthusiasts, THANK YOU for your words of wisdom and encouragement.

Heather Frey @SmashFit

Joy Bauer @joybauer

Bob Choat @BobChoat

Lori Shemek PhD, CNC @LoriShemek

Tera Busker @FitnessToGo

Susan Irby @thebikinichef

Hope Epton, ACSM HFS @SportyMomme

Maggie Ayre @MaggieAyre

Coach Kristie @KristieCranford

Keri Gans @kerigans

Nicole Burley @YourCoachNicole

MotivateHopeStrength @MotivateHope

Bethenny Frankel @Bethenny

Tanja Djelevic @LoudFitness

Team Runner For Life@TeamRunner4Life

Jerry Armstrong @endurancejer

Sarah Stanley @sarahstanley

Dr. Jennifer Ashton @DrJAshton

Alysa Bajenaru, RD @InspiredRD

Suzi Smart @BigPictureYYC

Amy C. Christensen @expandoutdoors

Jeannie @JeannieMGilbert

Jody Goldenfield @truth2beingfit

Kathy Smart @Smart_Kitchen

Rachael Roehmholdt @bemorehealthful

Mollie Millington @PtMollie

Royale Scuderi @RoyaleScuderi

Gen Levrant @PTGen

Sarah Bowen Shea @SBSOnTheRun

Gina & Steve @TheMostEpicTrip

MOMeo Magazine.com @MOMeo

Zachary Fiorido @ZacharyFiorido

Heather Mangieri @NutritionCheck

Charlene Ragsdale @CRagsdale

Deborah Lowther @KidsGummyMum

#runchat @therunchat

Harold L. Shaw @VetRunnah

Bart Yasso @BartYasso

Melanie Greenberg @DrMelanieG

Julie @PTrunningMomof4

Stress Free Kids @StressFreeKids

P Mark Taylor @Wise_Running

Working Mother @_workingmother_

Jessica Matthew @FitExpertJess

URHealth-URChoice @URHealthURChoic

Tanya Memme @Tanya_Memme

Stick to it in 2013! Written by Brett Klika

GO GREEN AND GET FIT! This article is sponsored by AC4 Fitness. AC4Fitness is a neighborhood style health club specializing in strength training and cardio-equipment along with 24/7 access for members. That’s right, as an AC4 Fitness member you receive your own key allowing you to workout at any time that is best for you! And as featured in the LA Times, AC4 Fitness is a showcase for cardio-equipment that produces rather than uses electrical energy. Every time you exercise on an Elliptical your human power is fed into the electrical grid. Taking care of the environment while taking care of yourself just seems like a smart thing to do. And as a membership option you may also enjoy HydroMassage, Tanning, and Wi-Fi—all in a non-competitive, and clean environment with No Sales People. If you’re looking for an alternative health club that is: Simple – Affordable – Comfortable – Convenient – AND A LITTLE GREEN, give AC4 Fitness a look.You won’t be disappointed. Check out our modest membership fees and “paperless” enrollment process at www.AC4Fitness.com or visit us at 52 N Fairview Ave., Goleta, CA.

Stick to it in 2013!
Written by Brett Klika C.S.C.S.

Good resolutions are simply checks that people draw on a bank where they have no account.  ~Oscar Wilde

Ahh, The NewYear’s resolution. It’s often a little white lie we tell ourselves to paint a picture of hope, change, and a flat stomach for the year to come. It’s not that we’re dishonest. It’s not that we don’t really WANT change, we just don’t know how to stick to a program.

The above dilemma is why more than 50% of people who begin a workout plan in the New Year find their way back to the couch within six months.  The notion of “working out every day” looks good on paper in December but as the reality of time, energy, and motivation set in, the idea loses its sizzle by summer.

Do you find yourself in this same predicament year after year with diet and exercise? If so, let’s make a change in 2013.

Here are 5 tips to help you stick to your program in 2013.

Instead of just writing your resolution, write why you are making that resolution.
If there is a strong enough “why” we can make anything happen. If there was a $100 in the middle of a busy freeway, would you run out to get it? Probably not. What if a loved one was trapped in the middle of that freeway? It would probably change your motivation.  Your “why” for behavior got stronger!

If exercise is your plan, why? What will exercise do for you physically, mentally, and emotionally? What are the ramifications if you don’t succeed?

Find activities you enjoy.
Regardless of what the media marketing machine tells you, there is no “one” best way for everyone to exercise. Odds are, there are activities you enjoy doing more than others.  Do activities you enjoy (or dread less) and do them frequently. Don’t set yourself up for failure by resolving to do something you hate doing.

Get an “accountabilabuddy.”
Research has shown that you are more than twice as likely to exercise if you do the program with someone else. Why? Accountability!  It’s a lot harder to sleep through that alarm when you know a friend is waiting for you at the gym.

If you’re having a tough time finding a friend to commit, a personal trainer is a probably the most effective option there is for building accountability and expertise into a program.

Set realistic and specific goals.
Goals are easy to write. They are much more difficult to fulfill. Instead of saying you want to “lose 60 pounds by not eating any junk food and exercising every day”, you may want to be more specific and realistic. While 60 pounds may be your big goal, you can start with 10. If you currently don’t exercise at all, aim for 2 days per week and 30 minute workouts. If your diet is poor, make some subtle adjustments like “no sugary drinks Monday through Friday.”

These goals are more attainable and will deliver you increments of success. You can always build on them!

Exercise at the same time every day.
If you wait to “find the time” to exercise, it’s not going to happen. You need to make the time and build in a portion of your day reserved for exercise. For most people, first thing in the morning is the time of day they can control. Even those who claim to “not be morning people” eventually come to enjoy the uninterrupted solace of morning.

If it’s not the morning, create a time such as your lunch break, or on the way home from work, where you can commit to getting fit!

Exercise these tips as you’re committing to health and fitness in 2013!

This article is written by Brett Klika. Brett Klika C.S.C.S., author of “The Underground Workout Manual- Exercise and Fat Loss in the Real World” (www.undergroundworkoutmanual.com) is a world renowned human performance specialist, motivational speaker, author, and educator. In his 15 year career, Brett has accrued more than 20,000 hours of training with youth, athletes, executives, and everyday people. He uses this knowledge and experience to motivate individuals and audiences around the world through his writing, speaking, DVD’s, and free blog. To try the Underground Workout Manual for FREE and check out his blog, visit www.brettklika.com.