May 4, 2024

Is a home workout a good choice for you? By Gillian Stephen

Have you let your workouts slide because of your various commitments. Is your gym membership getting stale? Have you considered working out at home, as you may not always have time to go to the gym or to studio classes?

By working out at home, you can combine longer sessions when you have more time, with shorter sessions when time is tight. For example you should be able to find a 10 – 15 minute slot to workout, ideally 3 times a week.

As it is a short session you will want to maximize on your time, so that you can achieve similar benefits to a longer exercise session. One way to do this is to raise the intensity of your workouts. Research has found that bursts of high intensity training, followed by timed periods of less intense activities or rest, can burn more fat and increase your fitness level in a quicker time frame than steady state exercise. Another name for this type of training is HIIT, High Intensity Interval training.

You can mold your workout to your schedule and you don’t need a lot of equipment, just a mat/towel and your own body weight. At the same time if you have some dumbbells, a kettlebell, etc there’s no reason why you cannot incorporate them into your workout. Adding weights to your workout will also help to raise the intensity, as will compound exercises where you utilize more than one muscle group. For example, performing a squat with a shoulder press.

The ideal type of workout should include cardio exercises to keep your cardiovascular system strong and working efficiently, with resistance exercises to help build muscle, strengthen your bones and encourage a greater rate of fat burn. Exercises that will work the entire body should be chosen where possible, to encourage a balance in the development of muscles. Exercise the larger muscles first for example your quads, back and shoulders before the smaller muscles like, biceps and triceps, this will help to prevent you tiring too quickly.

Some of the following exercises are ideal to put into this type of workout as they get your heart rate up and keep those feet moving; squat jumps, mountain climbers, burpees and jumping jacks. (As always, please consult your physician before beginning exercise.) The following exercises also require effort; push ups, lunges, squats and planks. So for your shorter home workouts, pick some of the exercises stated above.

A workout may look like this for example: For a 10 minute workout choose 5 exercises, do them intensely for 50 secs followed by a 10 sec rest for 2 sets. Always make sure that you warm up beforehand and cool down properly.

How do you find time to fit in your workouts? Would you now consider working out at home? How can you fit HIIT into your schedule? Thanks for commenting.

Gillian Stephen is a Fitness and Nutrition coach and also a mother of two, a 2 year old and a 4 year old that keep her very busy. She supports individuals by helping them put together a strategy for weight loss. She incorporates making better food choices and fitting exercise into your busy schedule, so you lose the weight and keep it off, a lifestyle change. Follow Gillian on Twitter @Gillan_Stephen, and via her website

Fast Fitness: Get Results from your Exercise by Gen Levrant

No time this holiday season? Here’s what you can do for exercise in TEN MINUTES!

Check out this YouTube Video for a demonstration of the workout. (Always consult a physician before beginning a workout. Perform exercises at your own risk.)

Even though, for most of us the Holiday Season means a well-deserved couple weeks break, exercising may STILL end up taking a back seat.

What with that extra free time soon getting filled with seeing relatives, organising trips, entertaining little ones, watching TV, buying and cooking large quantities of food (not to mention eating it and drinking more than usual) before we know it, we’re back to work starting the New Year with some newly acquired holiday flab.

Thousands of gyms and health clubs DEPEND on this behaviour so come January, we jump on the New Year resolution “get fit lose weight” bandwagon cliché, more often than not broken in a matter of weeks.

So how can we avoid being a New Year cliché for another year running? Luckily the solution is pretty simple: look at your calendar and PLAN your time.

The “most wonderful time of the year” can, unfortunately for many also be the most stressful. Planning reduces the chance of getting “caught out.” Yes, sometimes unexpected things happen, which means we need to be flexible with changes, but knowing roughly what to expect each day affords a luxury that can reduce a great deal of stress.

The other most effective stress-buster? Yep, short bursts of intense exercise. Not only will this make you feel amazing, but it’ll allow the fog in your head to clear, giving you greater ability to stay centred if things end up being more stressful than you were expecting.

Gen Levrant is an Advanced Personal Trainer and weight-loss specialist. She runs a private functional training studio in Southampton UK helping people get safe and permanent results. For more info, email Follow her on Twitter @PTGen or via Facebook.

3 Tricks to a Time Efficient Workout by Gen Levrant

Not having enough time has become one of the biggest excuses, for not being able to fit in a workout. As a trainer, one of my jobs in recent years has been helping my clients manage their time and work/life balance better so they see it actually IS possible to fit in quick effective workouts! And we all know the endless positive side effects of these…Yet on the other hand, so many who DO find the time end up not actually making the most

Whether you have a personal trainer or not, what are the workouts you do on your own like? Are they as time efficient as they could be?

Here are 3 ways to guarantee a time efficient and effective workout:

1. Schedule your workouts. Look at your weekly routine to decide the most realistic time with the least chance of distraction or disturbance. Once you have determined this, treat your workouts as essential meetings with someone whom you cannot afford to cancel. If you value your health, mind and wellbeing then you will have no trouble viewing and scheduling them this way!

2. Set a timer. Say to yourself for this period of 20, 30 or 40 minutes, I am going to train with no distractions. Then set an alarm. If you are using your phone or iPad, put them in flight mode. If you have young children, perhaps try this during nap or school time.

3. Change the variables. Meaning your rest time, number of reps/sets, exercises or order – every workout you do should be slightly different. In doing so, you’ll trick your body into working harder as it will not have a chance to get used to what you are doing!

If you attend a gym or health club, think how many people you see dawdling, reading magazines, chatting to their friends…or perhaps not even setting foot in the gym and going straight to the coffee lounge!

Don’t get me wrong, it’s great to socialise but we all want results from our workouts, right? So if you have a tight schedule, try these tips to always have time for a workout! Happy training and have fun!

Gen Levrant is an Advanced Personal Trainer and weight-loss specialist. She runs a private functional training studio in Southampton UK helping people to get safe and permanent results. For further info on how Gen can help you email her via or visit Follow her on Twitter @PTGen, and find her on Facebook

Does Running Build Life Skills? By Jason Saltmarsh

Being a runner is not always just about logging miles and monitoring our pace. Being a runner builds life skills that translate into our work world, family world and social world. Here are just a few reasons why being a runner builds character and other life-skills:


Stress Relief – This one seems obvious. What better way to let go of the stress you absorb throughout the day than a run?

Common Ground – Our family talks about running, shoes, racing schedules, diet, PRs, and other running topics. We all contribute to the conversation and we all are invested in the subject. How many other sports allow for the entire family to participate in the same event and be on the same team?

Shared Challenges – Who doesn’t appreciate the agony of side stitches, blisters, and running hills? When things don’t go so well we seem to know the right words to say, because we’ve been there too.

Shared Joy – Age group awards, personal bests, great runs, new trails, and successful races are shared accomplishments to be enjoyed and celebrated by all.

Environmental Awareness – We take care of the world we occupy. To run on the roads makes one appreciate safe drivers and responsible pet owners. It makes you think about your role in keeping the environment safe and clean for yourself and others.

Healthy Living – When you’re healthy, you’re usually happy. Running helps keep all of us healthier so that we can avoid the pitfalls of poor health.

Goal Setting – Long term goal setting contributes to a focused and positive attitude. Runners have to see the bigger picture and appreciate that hard work produces results.

Discipline – Perseverance takes lots of personal discipline. This carries over into other aspects of life including school and work.

Humility – There is always somebody running faster or further than you. Runners know this and remain some of the most unpretentious people I know.

Self Confidence – When you train hard and you feel good about yourself it shows. Hold your head high and run with your back straight and your eyes forward.

Jason Saltmarsh is an competitive masters runner at distances ranging from 5K to the half marathon. In November 2013, he will race his first 26.2 at the iconic New York City Marathon. Jason’s goal is to share with others the benefits and joys of running, fitness and healthy living. For more information, please visit

Must Do Moves at the Gym by Sarah Johnson

If you have limited time, space or comfort level at your gym, there is one machine to stick by during your entire workout – and you can strengthen your whole body in just a short amount of time. The cable machine is one of the most versatile pieces of equipment in the gym – with its various attachments, you can strengthen your upper body, lower body, core and even get some cardio work in without trekking all over the facility. Below are a few of my favorite combination exercises you can do using just one side of the cable machine and only two attachments. Moving quickly from one exercise to the next will keep your heart rate elevated and keep rest time to a minimum – you’ll be in and out in 30 minutes or less! (Consult your physician before beginning exercise.)

Need help adjusting the cable height or removing attachments? Gym staff will be happy to help!

Using Single Handle:

Lunge & Row: Place handle at abdomen level. Facing machine, stagger feet into lunge position and grab handle with arm opposite front leg. When lunging down, pull handle back, reaching elbow to wall behind you. Stand and release. Repeat with other arm and leg.

Core Twist & Step Away: Place handle at abdomen level. Facing perpendicular to machine, grasp handle with both hands, keeping arms straight. Step away from machine with leg further from cable, while turning the upper body using your arms. Carefully return leg and arms to starting position. Repeat with other side.

Using Straight Bar:

Press Down & Squat: Place bar above shoulder height. Standing shoulder-width apart, knees slightly bent, grasp bar with straight arms and bring down to shoulder height. Keeping your back straight and abdominals engaged, press the bar straight down to your thighs, as you sit back into your hips. Slowly return to a standing position and return the arms to shoulder height.

This article is written by Sarah Johnson. Follow Sarah on Twitter via @SarahJChicago

Core Moves: Easy as 1-2-3 by Chanda Fetter

We’re all busy, busy, busy, so here are three great go-to exercises to strengthen your core. 

No more excuses, strengthening your core is a necessity!  It allows us to stand taller, have a stronger spine with less low back and neck discomfort.

Plank  – This is one of the all time best core exercises.  The idea is to contract your core muscles while holding a prone neutral position.  Planks can be done on your elbows, hands.  A general modification to keep your knees on the floor, just make sure your weight shifts into the abdominals as opposed to hips or shoulders.  You will want to tighten your abdominals and make sure to keep your legs sipped together as one.  Other variations include side planks, dynamic rotation or even adding a pike.

Sitting V with Trunk Rotation – Grab yourself a 5-10 pound medicine ball, bag of potatoes or even fruit.  Sit up tall with your feet on the floor, knees bent and hinge back from the hips to engage your abdominals.  If possible wedge your feet under something for added stability.  Be sure you don’t hinge back too far as you don’t want to over recruit your hip flexor muscles, nor do you want to load your lower back.  Stay at a safe angle that allows maximum recruitment of your abdominal wall.  Take your weight and rotate side to side making sure to stay evenly planted on your tail.  While you are performing this exercise be sure to tighten your abs and breathe deep.  Know that this exercise can be performed with just your body weight as well for less intensity by simply crossing your arms on your chest.   Perform until you find fatigue in your abdominals then rest for a few breathes and repeat 3x.

Superman/woman – Lie on your stomach with your arms extended overhead and legs reaching long out of your waist.  Lift opposite arm and leg while lifting chest slightly off the ground.  As your limbs lift, your chest lifts, and they go down, your chest lowers back down.  Once you get the hang of that try lifting all four limbs off the floor and hold for 15-30 seconds.  General reminders are to lengthen out of your spine and inhale, then exhale and lift your chest off the ground to find a position just beyond neutral.  You’ll want to be sure you pull the shoulder blades down your back so you’re not taking weight into your neck and shoulders.  Keep your gluts relaxed and feel the muscles along the sides of your spine tighten and you extend your back.

Chanda Fetter
IMX Pilates Studio & Fitness Center, Owner
IMX Pilates Master Trainer

Everywhere and Anywhere Fitness with FitBlok

There really is no excuse to miss a workout, thanks to FitBlok. The new app is created by those in the fitness business who not only understand first-hand the challenges of keeping up with workouts while traveling or away from your usual exercise routine, but also understand the importance of a properly executed exercise session. The FitBlok professionals will guide you through a workout offering tips on form, technique and everything else you need to complete an effective workout…from absolutely anywhere!

Getting fit really is as easy as 1-2-3:
1. Go to their website, or download their FREE App from the itunes store.
2. Choose your workout.
3. Feel better and look better with an efficient and effective professional-guided exercise session.
Getting started is easy! Begin browsing available exercise sessions immediately. If you like what you see, sign up and create a profile either through Facebook or via your ipad app. You can even invite friends to join you in the workout.

What makes FitBlok different? “Most online workout programs offer a specific trainer, or small handful of trainers from a particular exercise discipline” explains Brett Klika, featured Fitblok Trainer. “With Fitblok, the user can choose from a variety of credible, professional personal trainers from a variety of disciplines including Pilates, yoga, sports performance, dance, kettlebell training, TRX, and much more” Brett adds.

FitBlok also serves as an economical option to keep up with exercise when your usual routine is challenged, as you only pay for the classes in which you participate. “There are no monthly fees” Brett states, and continues “users only pay for ‘classes’ they attend.” At $1.00- $4.00 per class, that’s far less than a day-use pass at a gym, and you’ll save time on the commute to and from the gym, avoid the crowds, and even having to pack a gym bag. What’s more convenient than that? User Mark McGovern has enjoyed FitBlok and says, “it is a great ‘fallback’ if traveling and in a hotel room, or pressed for time in the early morning.”

Check out Brett’s three most popular workouts. There really is something for every interest and every fitness level.
Body Weight Training (The Naked Workout)
Injury Prevention and Recovery (No Pain, Big Gains)
Sports Training (Weekend Warrior)

While the workouts on FitBlok come in a variety of intensities, you can try a FREE 30 minute high intensity sports-based workout by clicking here.

So whether you prefer to work out in the privacy of your own home or you travel often, and would like the accountability, motivation and instruction of a Fitness Professional, this app should be #1 on your list. Brett explains “I travel quite a bit as a professional speaker and fitness consultant. I became involved with the Fitblok platform because I’ve seen a vast global need for access to professional exercise guidance.” Brett continues, “the every-day world doesn’t require much physical activity, so people have to create it. Many don’t know how. Now they have an affordable, accessible resource to help improve their fitness and health.”

Let’s face it, who isn’t busy these days, children, long work hours, we’re all pulled in so many directions- slow down the pace, take care of your health and exhale with FitBlok; your on-the-go fitness solution.

Planks Explained by Gen Levrant

Make your planks functional: 5 variations to try

I could go on for pages about why and how a standard plank will not give you a flat stomach. Holding your abdominal muscles isometrically for as long as you can is not functional. Fortunately, there are ways to tweak the plank to make it functional. For a muscle to produce a powerful contraction, it first needs to lengthen. This does not happen in the plank, so here are five variations to ensure it does. (Please consult with a fitness professional if you are pregnant, new to exercise or unsure of proper and safe technique. And as always, seek medical clearance from you doctor prior to beginning any exercises.)

Knee to chest: start in a standard plank position: elbows bent, forearms resting on the floor and abdominal muscles braced. Use your abs to pull one knee towards your chest, bending it at a right angle and exhaling. Repeat with other knee for 10-20 reps.

Tilting hips: start in a press up position. Keeping your feet together, tilt your right hip to the side as if trying to point it to the ceiling. The same side elbow will bend a little. Go back to the start and repeat with the other hip for a total of 10-20 reps

Reverse plank: start on all fours facing the ceiling with your elbows straight, knees bent and bottom off floor. Reach to  the ceiling with one hand, raising your pelvis to the ceiling and engaging your gluts. Dip your elbow and repeat for 10-15 reps before switching arms.

Up & under: start in a press up position, open one arm up as far as it goes. Bring it down under the body, reaching as far as you can before replacing it back at the start. Repeat with the other arm for 20 reps (10 each arm.)

Foot crossovers: start in standard plank. Cross one foot over the other to touch the floor outside of it, and bring back to the start. Repeat for 30 secs before switching legs.

Take a look at all moves demonstrated on YouTube.

These will hit your abdominals in three planes of motion, which is how we are designed to move. They can be added on to one of your existing workout routines or performed alone.

Gen Levrant is an Advanced Personal Trainer and fat-loss specialist operating out of a private functional training studio in Southampton UK. For fitness tips, updates and further info: email Gen via Follow her on Twitter @PTGen, or via YouTube Channel

Should You Consider Exercising at Home? By Crystal Reia

Is working out at home for you? With lots of benefits, it just may be the right choice for your healthy living plan. Here’s a few benefits and challenges to consider:

Benefit: No travel time! Get your workout done with little or no equipment at all! You do not require a large space to get in a great workout. There are so many wonderful and challenging full-body exercises you can do right in the comfort of your own living room. For minimal expense and the most bang for your buck, I suggest a few pairs of dumbbells, a stability ball and a yoga mat! Easy peasy!

Challenge: You may not know where to start at home? What exercises should I do to get the best workout? There are many exercise DVD’s available and free videos on YouTube and the internet to help get you started. There are many personal trainers who will also come to your home! It is such a great service and convenient. A personal trainer will take the guess work out of the equation and teach you wonderful workouts you can do at home.

Benefit: Privacy. Many people feel shy or overwhelmed at the gym. They would rather workout in the privacy of their own home. They may not like crowds or just may feel hesitant to try new exercises that they do not know in front of others for fear of doing it wrong or looking silly.

Challenge: It can be easy to get distracted and forgo a workout at home. The TV, couch, children, spouse can all be distractions. We tend to put our family first of course! A great way to get around this is to either do your workout when they are not home, or involve them in your activity! There are so many options. Take your family biking, walking, hiking; get them off the couch! WiiFit can be a fun way to get moving and get children involved, if you find they are too sedentary, or join a sport together! Your community has so much to offer in the way of fun sports! Ultimate Frisbee, Dodgeball, Baseball, Volleyball… so many to choose from! Think outside the box!

Benefit: No Monthly Fee/Less Expensive. As mentioned above, you do not need a bunch of fancy equipment to get a great workout. There exists an endless number of full-body no-equipment moves you can do. Even heavy cans of food can be substituted for weights at home. A chair can be substituted for a bench etc.

Challenge: Motivation. Some people find it hard to go it alone or get up the motivation at home for their next workout. Asking a friend or family member to join you can help and is free! If your friend is coming over for a workout, you will be less likely to skip it! Hiring a personal trainer to keep you accountable and on track can also help. It might be a little more money to hire somebody to come in, however it is worth it if you are the type of person who needs a trainer knocking at your door to ensure you get in your workout.

By: Crystal Reia, Personal Trainer
Owner of Your Health-Your Choice

Working out at the Gym: Is it for you? By Crystal Reia

Working out at a gym or at home? How do you know what’s the best and most effective venue for you?

Here are three major pro’s and con’s of working out a gym, as well as expert tips to get your best workout and pitfalls to avoid.

1. Pro: Group Exercise.

If you are outgoing and love group exercise, the gym might be right for you. Most gyms have a variety of group exercise classes you can choose from that will challenge you and keep your muscles guessing! Bring a friend and try out a class together! It is a fact that most people who participate in group exercise stick it out longer than going it alone.


Pitfall to avoid: Sometimes, classes can fill up quickly and be too crowded. So you may have to go early to ensure you have a spot. It is also harder for the instructor to stay on top of everyone’s form/technique in a larger class. So ensure you listen really well to what he or she has to say when it comes to performing the moves safely and correctly.


2. Pro: Variety.

There are plenty of machines and equipment at your disposal to incorporate into a variety of workouts. Be sure to learn how to use equipment correctly by enlisting the help of a personal trainers there who can show you if you feel overwhelmed. Don’t be afraid to ask questions! They are there to help!


Con: Again, sometimes gyms can be overcrowded, especially before or after regular 9-5 work hours. It can be hard to get on the machine you want, or use the equipment you want in a timely fashion. Instead of waiting for a machine, keep moving and ensure you are flexible enough to pick another exercise instead to keep your heart rate up and your muscles moving.


3. Pro: Focus.

Going to the gym usually offers less distraction to get your workout done. You are going there for the purpose of attending a class or doing a workout on your own.


Challenge: Getting to the gym can be half the battle. It’s easy to make excuses and choose to sit at home on the couch! However, this is bad for the pocketbook! You are now paying monthly for a service you are not using! Joining with a friend can help, as they may make you more accountable. However on the flip side if you have a lot of friends at the gym, it can turn into more of a social hour and you spend more time talking than actually working out. Picking a class can help you avoid this.


By: Crystal Reia, Personal Trainer

Owner of Your Health-Your Choice