May 4, 2024

POWER UP your workout motivation!

POWER UP your workout motivation!

Join #HealthyWayMag Fitness Chat tomorrow, Monday January 26, 2015 at 5pm(Pacific)/8pm(Eastern) on Twitter.

How does it work? Simply log into Twitter, enter #HealthyWayMag to join in the conversation as we chat all things fitness. Follow along with questions, offer your answers, chat with others and GET MOTIVATED!

Tomorrow, January 26th Fitness Chat is Sponsored by MilestonePod!
No more guessing when to replace your running shoes. MilestonePod is the easiest way to track miles on your shoes. Follow them on Twitter @MilestonePod.

All About Legs by Tera Busker

All About Legs

Give your legs a boost! Here’s how to do it:

(Consult your physician before beginning exercise.)



20 Alternating Reverse Lunges
20 Squats
10 Burpees
1 Minute Jumping Jacks
20 Alternating Side Lunges
20 Mountain Climbers
10 Burpees
1 Minute Wall Squat

Rest for 1-2 minutes.
Repeat circuit 2-4 times.

Tera Busker is an ACE Certified Personal Trainer and owner of Fitness To Go, an exclusive In Home & Private Studio Personal Training Service based out of Roberts, WI.

Express Holiday Workout by Tera Busker

Getting fit doesn’t always happen in the gym. You can workout at home! Do each exercise back to back, only resting during the designated rest interval. Exercises are for intermediate exercisers, without injury. Perform exercises at your own risk.

Squat Jumps: 20 seconds work, 10 seconds rest.

Pushups: 20 seconds work, 10 seconds rest.

Skater Lunges: 20 seconds work, 10 seconds rest.

Burpees: 20 seconds work, 10 seconds rest.

Mountain Climbers: 20 seconds work, 10 seconds rest.

Perform up to 4 rounds each.

Tera Busker is an ACE Certified Personal Trainer and owner of Fitness To Go, an exclusive In Home & Private Studio Personal Training Service based out of Roberts, WI.

Stay Moving on the Road by Brett Klika, C.S.C.S.

For those of us who strive to stay active when traveling, we can find ourselves in suboptimal exercise scenarios in regards to safety, time, and facilities.

Whether you use fitness as your fuel to perform or are merely trying to stay consistent on a program to improve your health, there are a few “hacks” I’ve found along the way that have helped me stay consistent (and safe), even in the most unpredictable situations.

1.    Workout pajamas
When you’re on the road, your schedule is often very concentrated and time is of the essence. I’ve made it a practice to go to bed in my workout clothes and set the alarm to give me an extra 30 minutes in the morning. When the alarm goes off, I pop out of bed and throw on my shoes.  I start slow, and build up to 20-30 minutes of sweat-inducing splendor either outside, in the gym, or even in my hotel room.

2.    Pack- hacks!
Becoming a master of packing for travel allows you to travel light while still having everything you need to stay active.  I now only need a school- sized backpack for trips up to 5 days with dress, casual, and workout clothes, in addition to all electronics.

a.    Thin, quick-drying workout shirts and shorts don’t take up much packing room and you only need 1 pair of each.  When you’re done working out, shower in them (with soap), then wring them out and hang them up. They’ll be dry by the time you come home in the evening.

b.    Get some minimalist shoes.  If you’re a distance runner and you plan to do mileage on the road, you may want to find another option depending on your needs.  However, these packable shoes take up very little space, can be crammed anywhere, and work great for basic workouts. They are often designed to be worn without socks, so there’s another bulky item you can forgo.

3.    Plan
A little planning goes along way for the active traveler.  Hotel websites have their gym information.  I know some people who go as far as to pick their hotel based on the workout facility!

If you like getting out and about, spend 5 minutes on a Google search of the area for suggested running paths, safety information, and landmarks that may constitute cool areas to workout.  Beaches, trails, parks, and sometimes monuments are cool areas to break a sweat.

If you are short on time and need to exercise right in your hotel room, try this short, no equipment routine.

Humans are perpetual motion machines. Our mind, body, and soul work best when exercise is part of our day, even when we travel.  Use the 3 hacks above so strange lands, bad weather, or packs of wild animals never stand in the way of creating your best, most energetic self.

Brett Klika, author of the Underground Workout Manual- Fat Loss Results for Busy Adults ( is an award winning personal trainer, author, and international motivational speaker.  He inspires men, women, and children around the world to create a culture of wellness in their home and live the best version of their life.

Contact Brett with questions or comments at

Catch the Spirit of your Fitness

Catch the Spirit of your Fitness!

School is back is session and school spirit is at its peak! Can you say the same for your fitness?

Remember your high school pep rally to gear up for the big game? Put that volume of energy and enthusiasm into your workout! Find your fitness spirit, workout support and exercise community on Twitter with #HealthyWayMag Fitness Chat!

Join #HealthyWayMag Fitness Chat every Monday on Twitter at 5pm(Pacific)/8pm(Eastern)

Thank You to September Fitness Chat Sponsors:

RecoFit. Discover the RecoFit Compression Gear difference for yourself! Their technical-fit and uniquely designed gear helps you get more oxygen to your muscles, reduce swelling and delay fatigue. RecoFit is the only compression gear that cuts their fabric in a cross-grain process; this means effective compression and no-slip positioning! Founded by an athlete, tested on athletes, made in the USA and made for everyone! Contact your compression gear experts via Twitter at @Recofit.

Handana. Handana is an innovative sweatband worn on your hand. They offer a variety of colors and sizes to fit every athlete and every workout outfit! The high performance soft fabric wraps around like a fingerless glove to make wiping easy-you don’t even know it is there until you need it. Find Handana representing at the upcoming Rock N Roll St. Louis Half Marathon Oct. 18th and Rock N Roll Denver Half Marathon Oct. 18th. Follow them on Twitter at @myhandana.

ENERGYbits®. This high protein, low calorie snack gives unlimited energy as it is 100% organic spirulina algae. Spirulina contains as much gram for gram of calcium as milk, as well as containing 5 times more iron than spinach. Easy to carry and convenient to consume before or even during your workout. It’s stomach-friendly and it’s packed with nutrients which means awesome energy for you. Follow them via @ENERGYbits.

Quickpack First Aid. Do you consider first aid during outdoor workouts? You should! And now it’s easy than ever to be prepared and safe. Quickpack First Aid personal kids are ideal for all outdoor fitness enthusiasts as they are 4 inches by 6 inches and weigh only 1.5 ounces. The pack fits easily into your hydration pack or cycling jersey. With your safety covered, you can now focus on your getting an awesome workout. Follow them on Twitter via @Quickpack1.


Gym Common Sense by Nicole Bryan

Are you a liability to fellow exercisers?

Shoulders back! Abs in! Chin up! Hips back! You hear constantly about proper body mechanics during your workouts. You can read about the proper progression of a squat and about how to make sure you’re doing this correctly and that effectively. However, if you’re a danger to yourself or others in your workout area, proper spinal alignment is a mute point.

Are you guilty? Using equipment incorrectly is a waste of time and energy. The danger and threat of injury (sometimes serious injury) should be obvious, but yet walk into almost any fitness center and you’ll see it. Don’t be caught doing these serious misjudgments.

Not using collars on plate and bar racks. So you’re doing an overhead shoulder press and your right arm gives out. Over goes the bar with the plates sliding off, and you are pulled sideways in tow. Anyone else in the vicinity may lose a toe or foot!  Use the weight collars provided and lock up the weight. If they aren’t visible on the floor or stacked on top of a weight tree, ask the staff.

Lifting heavy without a spotter. Accidents happen. Sometimes you’ll reach fatigue faster than we expected. If you get stuck, the spotter is there to help. Line up a spotter before the sets begins. You’ll save your body from an unexpected slip, and your ego from having to shriek for help.

Uncontrolled free weights. Bouncing the free weights around uses momentum, not muscle. It increases your chance of injury and defeats the purpose of your workout. Ever been standing next to someone facing the mirror and without warning they swing the dumbbell up and out to the side of their body? It’s unsafe for you with the possibility of getting knocked in the head and ineffective for them as their deltoids are screaming in agony!

Being unaware of your space. For example, you pick up a kettlebell and begin your exercise, without noticing the person who is stretching on the floor a few feet to your right. She has her eyes closed to focus on her stretch and now you’re swinging the kettlebell over her. If your grip should slip, or if she gets up quickly she could be seriously injured. Simply asking a fellow exerciser to share space will eliminate any confusion.

Not knowing how certain equipment should be used. For example, using a bosu ball flat side up when it’s clearly marked on the base of the piece that it is not intended for using that way. Another common example is using a stability disk that’s inflated to the max when you’ve never done balance work before. Loading up with dumbbells, the first few reps may go off without a hitch, but what happens when your friend walks by and distracts you. Over you go, landing on whomever is nearby.

Be proud you’re doing something healthy, but let’s face it sometimes space is tight during peak exercise hours. When you’re sharing workout space, be safe and smart. Pay attention to nearby working-outers; if you see them cringe and reach for their cell phone to prepare to dial emergency for you as you’re heading toward a certain piece of equipment, better ask for some assistance.

Indoor Fitness Circuit by Tera Busker

If you like to exercise in the open-air, then your “gym” time is totally dependent on the weather. Getting outdoors and taking in the sun on a beautiful day can make your workout enjoyable, but when the weather goes south, running in the rain while dodging puddles in squishy shoes is no fun. So what do you do when a rainy day forces you to forgo your alfresco sweat session and you don’t have the option to go to a gym?

Take your workout inside and use the best piece of equipment you have – your own body! Here is a fast and effective indoor workout that you can do without any fancy equipment. Perform the following exercises at your own risk. Please consult your doctor before beginning an exercise program.

Indoor Circuit

Beginners: Complete each exercise for 30 seconds and rest for 30 seconds before moving on to the next exercise
Intermediate: Complete each exercise for 40 seconds and rest for 20 seconds before moving on to the next exercise
Advanced: Complete each exercise for 50 seconds and rest for 10 seconds before moving on to the next exercise

Squats (Advanced: Jump Squats)
Jumping Jacks
Alternating Reverse Lunges (Advanced: Jump Lunges)
Inchworm (Advanced: Add pushup)
Mountain Climbers
Alternating Side Lunges (Advanced: Skater Lunges)
Rest for 2 minutes. Repeat circuit 2 more times.

Tera Busker is an ACE Certified Personal Trainer and owner of Fitness To Go, an exclusive In Home & Private Studio Personal Training Service based out of Roberts, WI.

Is a Warm-Up Essential? By Brett Klika, C.S.C.S

How Should I Warm Up?

When you’re looking to maximize results and minimize your risk of injury from an exercise program, beginning each workout with a proper warm-up is key. Warm-up activities are those that prepare the body (and brain!) for what they are going to experience in a workout or exercise program.

An effective warm up usually progresses from low to moderate intensity exercises that involve the muscles, joints, and ranges of motion that will be used during exercise.

According to the American Council on Exercise, a proper warm-up:
• Increases core temperature, which can create better elasticity in muscles and a more efficient metabolism.
• Improves muscles’ ability to contract quickly and forcefully because the brain gets an opportunity to “practice” movement before it is required at a high intensity.
• Delivers more oxygen to working muscles due to increased circulation.
• Improves joint range of motion allowing for greater flexibility and mobility.

In regards to preparation, a warm-up is responsible from safely and effectively transitioning your physiology.  Imagine if your peaceful evening slumber was interrupted by crashing symbols and someone demanding you immediately start doing complex math problems.  How well would you do?  Without a proper warm-up prior to exercise, this is exactly what we are doing to our body.

A great deal of research suggests we part ways with the inactive, stationary, pre-exercise stretching routines many of us grew up doing in favor of a more active, movement- based approach.  Forcing muscles to stretch before blood flow, muscle temperature, and coordination has been temporarily increased may actually INCREASE the likelihood you will get injured from an exercise program.

Most experts recommend at least 5-10 minutes of an active warm-up that combines both general and specific exercises. Spending a few minutes performing a general warm-up consisting of jumping jacks, light jogging, shuffling, skipping, and other upper and lower body movements functions to get blood and oxygen to the muscles while increasing core temperature. It also wakes up the brain and gets it ready to perform.

Brett Klika, CEO of SPIDERfit Kids ( is an award winning personal trainer, author, and international motivational speaker inspiring men, women, and children around the world to create a culture of wellness in their home and live the best version of their life.  To contact Brett with questions or comments at

Jump on in!

Jump on in… to your fitness, that is! Your healthiest self awaits.

Join us every Monday at 5pm(Pacific)/8pm(Eastern) to start your week healthy and motivated. You’ll find workout ideas and healthy living inspiration with others who share your fitness journey.

Where: Find us on Twitter via #HealthyWayMag
When: Every Monday 5pm(Pacific)/8pm(Eastern)

Thank You to our Summer Fitness Chat Sponsors! Check them out to learn how they can help make your fitness better.

Sunscreen Bands. This new product allows you to be smarter in the sun. Through their patented color changing technology, their UV Sunscreen Bands will remind you to reapply sunscreen. No more worries, only sun protection through a fun and user-friendly method. Follow them on Twitter via @SunscreenBands for more product info.

Shaping Her Esteem. Shaping Her Esteem (SHE) promotes the participation of girls in physical activity to increase their health and wellness. They share nutrition tips, motivational videos and facilitate boot camps for young girls. Shaping Her Esteem is looking for girls between 8-16 who would love to write about her experiences in sport/dance, and to share positive experiences in physical activity! Follow them on Twitter for more info @ShapeHerEsteem.

ENERGYbits®. This high protein, low calorie snack gives unlimited energy as it is 100% organic spirulina algae. Spirulina contains as much gram for gram of calcium as milk, as well as containing 5 times more iron than spinach. Be sure to follow them on Twitter @ENERGYbits for more information.

SIX:02. The ultimate women’s fitness destination offering apparel, footwear, and accessories from top brands. You’ll find a wide selection for women who love to exercise, embrace personal challenges and strive to achieve their goals. A #SIX02Moment is when women are inspired to accomplish a goal, make the most of their workout or reach for new ambitions. Follow them on Twitter @SIX02 for all product information.

How to Choose a Running Shoe by Jason Saltmarsh

Be good to your feet! Choosing the right running shoe is one of the most important decisions a runner must make. The wrong shoes can lead to injury, discomfort, or end your running career before it begins. However, choosing the right shoe will keep your feet happy, support your unique running mechanics, and make the miles fly by.

How to Choose the Right Running Shoe for YOUR feet.

1. Foot Type and Gait Analysis
We all have unique physical attributes. The first step to finding the right pair of running shoes is to determine your individual needs. Do you have flat feet or high arches? Do you pronate or supinate? Are you a heel-striker? These are difficult questions, especially for beginners. Fortunately, there are experts available (at no cost) to analyze your specific needs and point you in the right direction. Find your local running specialty store and pay them a visit.

2. Don’t Believe the Hype
Be careful not to get caught up in the marketing hype that shoe companies use to sell their products. Every year there are claims to be the new innovative product, however you’ll want to go with something that has been tested and validated.

3. Comfort Over Style
Once you know the type of shoe you need, the fun begins. Try on as many shoes as you can. When you find a shoe that feels good, you’ll know it right away. Your running shoes should provide plenty of wiggle room for your toes while remaining snug around your heel. Hopefully, you find a shoe that looks as good as it feels.

4. Run Before Buying
Run in your shoes before purchasing them. Most specialty stores will allow you to take a quick run in their shoes before you buy them. If you purchase online, look for companies that will allow you to return them after taking them out of the box for a run. The run test should be done at your regular running pace to determine fit and feel.

Jason Saltmarsh is a competitive masters runner at distances ranging from 5K to the half marathon. In November 2013, he raced his first 26.2 at the iconic New York City Marathon. Jason’s goal is to share with others the benefits and joys of running, fitness and healthy living. For more information, please visit