April 26, 2024

Core and Leg Strength in 1 Exercise

Get Fit Quick Tip:

Donkey Kick Exercise for Core and Leg Strength

Build total leg and core strength with this floor exercise. Begin on your hands and knees. Keep your back aligned, torso stable and belly button up tight. Lock your shoulders down into your body. Lift your right leg up off the floor, and bend your knee. Push your heel up toward the ceiling about 6 inches, then lower. Do 10-15 reps, then release. Repeat lifting and lowering your left leg.


*Consult your physician before performing exercise.

Challenge Your Core

Get Fit Quick Tip:

Reverse Plank for Core!

Begin seated on the floor. Place both hands flat on the ground just under your shoulders. Place both feet flat just forward of your knees. Lift up your hips. Hold for 10 seconds. Pull your shoulders down into your body, squeeze your glutes and pull your belly butting in toward your spine.


*Consult your physician before performing exercise.

What fitness example do you set?

Get Fit Quick Tip:

Encourage fitness by setting a healthy example!

Youngsters hear and see everything. Even when you think they aren’t paying attention, they are! If you pull on your jeans and grimace. If you complain how much you ate and now you “feel so fat”. If you are on the tennis court and whine how bad you are, can’t do anything right, or are so out of shape, you are setting an example. They look up to you, they think you are strong and capable. You’re the grown ups, after all. Set a strong, balanced, and empowered example of healthy living and smart fitness choices by using positive words and taking positive actions.



Strengthen your Core!

Get Fit Quick Tip:

Strengthen your Core!

A strong core or center is important for all activities of daily living. We often carry items with only one hand, which means your core has to be strong to counter-balance your body. This is an example of functional fitness. You should strengthen your body to be able to perform its functions more easily and more effectively. Here’s a functional exercise to strengthen your core:

Begin lying on your back. Place both arms flat on the floor along side your body. Lift both legs up off the ground and move them in a bicycling motion for a count of 10. The key is to keep your torso and hips from rocking or shifting weight from side to side. Breathe as you go and focus on keeping your shoulders down flat on the floor.


*Consult your physician before performing exercise.

Focus your motivation

Get Fit Quick Tip:

Focus your motivation FORWARD!

Focus your motivation to keep moving forward. Your thoughts and words matter, so keep both positive and use words like “I am…” .  Make a decision right now to focus on what is possible for your fitness. Here’s how to start:

Commit daily to your goal.

Speak your goal aloud often.

Take at least one action step toward your goal each day.

Practice gratitude for each successful step accomplished toward your goal.

Instead of focusing on what you’re unable to do, focus on what you’re able to do! How can you keep moving forward?



Isometric Abs!

Get Fit Quick Tip:

Ab-Hold Exercise!

Isometric exercise means your muscles are holding a position tight, without movement. Try an Isometric Ab-Hold exercise to strengthen your core. Begin seated. Place both arms along the side of your body for support. Next slowly lean back until you feel your abs engage. Next, lift both legs up off the floor. Breathe normally. Hold for a count of 10 seconds, then release.


*Consult your physician before performing exercise.