May 7, 2024

How’s your Mental Fitness?

Fit Mind:

Keep thoughts positive!

You are what you think you are! Strong, powerful, capable? Weak, tired, defeated? Mental fitness is part of a healthy lifestyle. Mental, emotional and psychological fitness is what keeps you focused, determined and moving along the path to accomplish your goals, especially when times are tough. Adopt a workout mantra to repeat while exercising to keep self-talk positive. I am strong. I am powerful. I am capable. Repeating your mantra when workouts are tough or focus is lacking will serve as a moving meditation, powering you forward and through. You will become what you believe, think, say and do. Keep it positive!

Do You Need to Dial Up Your Fitness Effort?

Fit Mind:

Effort= Results!

Put in the effort to your fitness, and you will be rewarded with results. Fitness takes consistency, commitment and dedication. Here’s how to get started:


1. Get up early.

2. Stay up late.

3. Pack your gym and work bags the night before.

4. Plan pre and post workout snacks ahead of time.

5. Ask for help.

6. Instead of lunch, go workout.

7. Set 30 day goals.

8.  Set mini goals for each workout.

9. Ride, run or walk to work.

10. Walk your errands, carry your bags and don’t sit down.


Find a Fitness Mentor

Fit Mind:

Find a Fitness Mentor

Having a mentor is helpful for all walks of life, and fitness is no different. Do you know someone who has a solid fitness routine, a compatible fitness philosophy and is someone you respect and admire? Ask him or her to be your fitness mentor. All this means is if you have questions, need support or encouragement, or are looking for a resource, you can ask him or her. Everyone was a beginner at some point, and most people are more than happy to offer a hand to others also on their fitness journey.

Your Fitness Team

Get Fit Quick Tip:

Form your Fitness Team

Getting fit takes effort, support and accountability. Form a fitness team by asking others to join you in your healthy living journey. Set a time to meet once a month, or even once a week. Share your top 3 fitness goals, as well as your specific plan how you’ll accomplish each. Ask for regular support of accountability via emails, texts or phone calls. As you work toward your goals together, you’ll be able to share your successes and problem-solve to overcome any obstacles that may come up. Having your team to report progress to will increase adherence and consistency, as well as keep motivation high. Your motivation will soar through encouraging your team members to keep going, stick with it and never give up on their fitness goals. Consider your fitness team as a healthy living mastermind group getting together for the common purpose of creating a healthy mind, body and heart. Who will you invite to join your fitness team?


Your Fitness: Keep moving forward!

Get Fit Quick Tip:

Keep moving forward!

Moving forward, no matter how slowly, is better than standing still. Keep putting one foot in front of the other. Keep moving forward. If can’t do 5 more reps, do 1 more rep. If you can’t do 10 more minutes of cardio, do 2 more minutes. Find a way,  an opportunity, a will, a motivation to muster up some grit and keep moving your fitness forward.

Focus your motivation

Get Fit Quick Tip:

Focus your motivation FORWARD!

Focus your motivation to keep moving forward. Your thoughts and words matter, so keep both positive and use words like “I am…” .  Make a decision right now to focus on what is possible for your fitness. Here’s how to start:

Commit daily to your goal.

Speak your goal aloud often.

Take at least one action step toward your goal each day.

Practice gratitude for each successful step accomplished toward your goal.

Instead of focusing on what you’re unable to do, focus on what you’re able to do! How can you keep moving forward?



Healthy Choices Add Up

Get Fit Quick Tip:

Healthy Choices Add Up

Not tomorrow, today! What can you do RIGHT NOW to CHOOSE healthy?

Drink a glass of water.

Take 5 deep breaths.

Stand up.

Walk down the hallway.

Reset your posture: Pull your shoulders up to your ears, and then pull your shoulders down and back.

Eat veggies.

Say no to sugary snacks and beverages.

Call, email or text someone who makes you happy.

Watch a funny video on YouTube that makes you laugh.

Download a fitness or food tracking app.

Stand up for yourself.

Clean your desk.

Sit up straight.

Help someone else.

Pet your dog or cat.







Get Strong!

Get Fit Quick Tip:

Get Strong!

Lifting weights yields benefits far beyond strong muscles. Pushing your body hard during a workout will inspire and motivate all areas of your life. GO WORKOUT!

Reaching goals in the gym, motivates you to reach goals in your daily life. You’ll dream big!

Feeling strong is empowering. You’ll be inspired!

Having a strong body builds body confidence and self esteem. You’ll feel good.

Pushing through a tough workout will strengthen your mind. Ideas and solutions will come to mind.

Committing to finish a workout reminds you how strong and capable you are! You can do anything you set your mind to.


Take Responsibility for Your Fitness!

Get Fit Quick Tip:

Take responsibility for your health and fitness!

YOU are in charge of your workout! If you want to feel better, look better and function better, log consistent workouts. You can have more energy. You don’t have to live in pain. You don’t have to settle for poor posture. You can have strong muscles. Take responsibility RIGHT NOW by:

Get up earlier and log a home workout via YouTube, DVD or App.

Exercise at lunch.

Walk as much as you can during your day.

Sit less, take more breaks during your day.

If you don’t enjoy your workout, or at least part of it, try a new type of exercise. Keep trying new exercise until you find what works for you.

Join a community sports league or exercise class.

Train for an event like running or triathlon.

Schedule workouts with friends, instead of happy hours and meals.

Download a stretching app and do it every night after work.

Commit to a daily practice of deep breathing and meditation.






Little Bits of Fitness

Get Fit Quick Tip:

Lots of little bits of fitness add up to big health benefits.

You may not have a full 30 minute or an hour to devote to fitness, that’s understandable sometimes. So, do you have 5 minutes? 10 minutes here are there? Did an appointment or meeting cancel? Fitness is cumulative, so every little bit adds up to a stronger heart, lungs and muscles. Look around you during the day, do you notice ways to be active, more active? Take the stairs, park farther away from where you’re going, do balance exercises while standing in line, walk while waiting for an appointment, do range of motion when waiting, practice deep breathing, bike your errands, kick the soccer ball with your kids, romp with your dog. Every minute during the day of incorporating physical activity adds to your level of fitness. Keep moving!